Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Merkelapper: 1.11.0-f3-compatible
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1.782 MB
24. nov. 2017 kl. 0.19
8. des. 2018 kl. 14.42
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I 1 samling av Ronyx69
Don't make your assets too bright.
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UPDATE JULY 2023: This mod is old, Nyoko and algernon made a new mod which includes Relight's features and more called Lumina:


Rebalanced and customizable lighting and tonemapping.
Also includes 7 different LUTs.

Adjustments: brightness, gamma, contrast, overall temperature/tint, sun temperature/tint, sky temperature/tint, moon temperature/tint, moon light, twilight tint, sky tonemapping(side effect: reduced fog).

UPDATE (Apr 30, 2018)
Includes (failed) fix for shadow acne - dynamic shadow bias. (Thanks to saki7)
(Side effect - sometimes shadows look detached.)
updated again to add "force low shadow bias" setting which will fix the detached shadows but again introduce acne, really tired of fighting this game but you have to make a choice between detached shadows or shadow acne...

Added disable shadow smoothing toggle. (Thanks to TPB)

Hotkey: Shift + Alt + L

Balanced for global light 5.0 and ambient light 1.0 settings in ultimate eyecandy. (exactly middle of sliders)
Default can look dark, so just turn it up lol why do I need to explain that like 100 times.

Note that the map theme can affect the look of the lighting because it contains sky tint and rayleigh scattering.

Shadows must be set to max using Shadow Strength Adjuster otherwise it will look like the sun is leaking through objects. If you want to reduce shadow strength, use ultimate eyecandy to reduce global light intensity and increase ambient light intensity, this is the proper way to make shadows less visible.

Definite conflict: (DISABLE/UNSUBSCRIBE)
Softer Shadows

Potential problems: (CHECK SETTINGS)
Daylight Classic (classic sunlight color/intensity and classic fog color must be disabled)

LUTs setting is useless because who would use vanilla LUTs anyway.
Color is useless as it will be overridden by Relight.
Intensity and position is useless because you can set that using Eyecandy.
Classic fog effect is for cubemap replacer. (may need older daylight classic version)
Classic fog color does some weird stuff idk.

Thank you to:
Simon Royer for the UI / saving and preset system, help with raycasting for shadow bias formula
saki7 (sksk) for showing how to change shadow bias
TPB for showing how to disable shadow smoothing

Harmony instance: com.ronyx.relight.biaspatch

Source Code:

Simtropolis (Assets/Mods)[]
Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help)[]

Asset Requests[]

Donate (Ronyx)[]
Donate (Simon)[]
Populære diskusjoner Vis alle (3)
15. apr. 2023 kl. 12.11
Relight could be OK, but its dependencies are a bit obsolete
8. juli 2023 kl. 21.15
Direct replacement for Relight
6. okt. 2018 kl. 10.15
Settings of Mods for Light and Color
351 kommentarer
Karim Nesi 19. apr. kl. 6.35 
I don't understand where the keyboard shortcut is, it's not the one indicated in the information, or it doesn't work for me...:steamsad:
bakepotatou 15. sep. 2023 kl. 12.52 
Works fine alongside Daylight Classic and Fog Controller.
camilleridavid 28. aug. 2023 kl. 6.17 
There is an error of missing dlls. Game Version: 1.17.1-f4
Snewo-NL 18. aug. 2023 kl. 10.51 
You really don't need Daylight classic mod. Just use Relight/Lumina + Render It + Theme Mixer 2.5 along with some map themes.
Nyoko 27. juli 2023 kl. 19.04 
Okay. I’ll have your input in mind thanks for the feedback
vic.foras 27. juli 2023 kl. 17.37 
I expressed myself badly, I meant that lumina is not 100% useful because of the interference of Render It, not that it causes the deactivation of some mod. But Eyecandy X together with Relight Original works perfectly, the way I personally find it better and easier.
Nyoko 27. juli 2023 kl. 17.06 
Everything is up to personal preference
Nyoko 27. juli 2023 kl. 17.06 
But I see your point, yes
Nyoko 27. juli 2023 kl. 17.03 
Lumina doesn’t disable any other mods, Lumina will just disable itself
vic.foras 27. juli 2023 kl. 16.53 

I fully understand that the latest mods are better, more efficient and more reliable and secure than the original Relight . But all these others lack only one thing: simplicity. This one is simple to use. Since I only use Render It for sharpening textures, I see no problem using this one. Just don't change anything other than the textures in Render It and the two mods can coexist in peace. Unfortunately Render It makes things very difficult, every time I change a setting I have to open the context menu and change another one and with the drop in fps that the modified cities imposes on us, I get more bald than I already am, losing patience.