Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Containing item: "The Sack Man"
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Showing 1-12 of 12 entries
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Square's Halloween House of Horrors (2019)
Collection by Square
A collection of my Halloween items created for TF2, some made for 2019 others from previous years. Check back regularly as i'll be uploading and adding items to this collection as I go. Enjoy!
Workshop of Horrors 2016
Collection by void~
Happy Halloween! Gaze upon the thrilling works of the Team Fortress 2 contributing community in this year's Workshop of Horrors! Visit the Workshop of Horrors here! ___________________________ Items were added if they fit the criteria of using the Workshop
Badwater Bogeyman
Collection by Zoey
TF2 file or somethin
Collection by Samurai Black
ghvuerytcrfxtwuyrftrefgwyretfg Banana again
Halloween Items and maps that should be in Team Fortress 2
Collection by El Pingaso-Inator 69#Papi Chulo
Just a collection of items and maps that I would like to see in the next Scream Fortress update. Please go support the creators of these items and maps.
Workshop cosmetics that Valve should pay more attention to
Collection by Atraimia
In the past Valve has made quite some questionable choices when it comes to adding new cosmetic items to TF2. A great number of these cosmetics neither follow the art-style of the game nor do they reflect the personalities of the mercs. Coming from a perso
Cosmetics that should be in TF2
Collection by Tim
Hats that looking amazing, and should be added to the game at some point.
Favourite Pyro Items
Collection by 256Mini
"Hudda mudda huh!"
Team Gore-tress - Horror Cosmetics
Collection by Night-Waker
Gore and horror themed Halloween cosmetic items that I think are neat
Jermany's mega workshop list
Collection by jermany says trans rights
A collection of workshop creations, old and new! Remember to vote!
Collection by KIMI BAHO
cool stuff
Collection by dars3sons
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