Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Containing item: "Komainu Mask"
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Showing 1-9 of 37 entries
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Halloween 2013
Collection by RED /(Weber)\
A collection of items for Night of the Living 3/Halloween 2013. Of course more will be added!
Best of the Best
Collection by Local Outta Towner
These items are things that should be added before the next crate, YEAH TALKING TO YOU NEXT CRATE. Look at all these badass hats and weapons that you're TOO GOOD for a bask upon the collection that respects the works of art these items are. Anyways enjoy....
Zable's Halloween Heads-up
Collection by Zable
Compilation of the recent Halloween workshop items that i think are of good enough quality to be considered placement in the actual game... Most of these are due to the recent "Night of the living update" event being held by
Kannon Kollections (TF2)
Collection by Zable
Kannon Kollections is a collection of workshop items i have found that i think fit into the lore and universe of the game in question, or in the valve universe in general. I will be adding to these collections as time goes on, Suggestions and criticisms we
I Understood That Reference - Collection v2
Collection by josc #FixTF2
FEEL THE POWER OF REFERENCE! A small collection with references to pop culture, memes, games, etc. • I Understood That Reference - Collection v1 • I Understood That Reference - Collection v3
Gaius's Demoknight Collection
Collection by Old King Gaius Netheryne
Aye, i'm Gaius. This is a collection for about all the Demoknight related items i can gladly find in the workshop. If ye want to add any beaut of a weapon ya can come across, Comment down below! I'm also the Leader of the Iron Demoknights. A clan group for
You Forgot Them! 01
Collection by josc #FixTF2
I became very interested in exploring the community workshop and wanted to examine each item. Valve's decision to not include certain items in the game could be considered unwise. I have come across many good and creative items that, in my opinion, could b
Halloween 2013 Submitions
Collection by The Barton of Stories
my fav holloween items 2013
Collection by ZeroKite
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