Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Mods Listing (Save and load mods config)
Sevennah May 25 @ 5:13am 
I'm still using it, seems fine :hardhat: @angel.amauryaa :steamthumbsup:
angel.amauryaa May 19 @ 2:40pm 
Is This still working?
ovvldc Nov 8, 2022 @ 1:50am 
Load Order Tool requires me to use set up DotNet on a Mac and jump through hoops. This is simpler thing to use...
schmuckythecat Oct 25, 2022 @ 4:54am 
Anybody still trying to use this should move to Load Order Tool. This hasn't been updated in 6 years. It's dead.
leach22ri Oct 4, 2022 @ 9:00am 
Could you please add a "hide deactivated" option?
ForesterSOF Sep 18, 2022 @ 11:43am 
It works fine with the new update.
Votolom Jul 27, 2022 @ 9:51am 
Show list "slow" should be called "instant game crash"!!
kreaturen Jul 27, 2022 @ 5:38am 
@sunny_ I don't think it works anymore, or at least is extremely unreliable. I've stopped using it and have spent a lot of time making steam "one-click" collections for various styles in stead. It's a shame, it was a really neat mod.
sunny_76 Jul 26, 2022 @ 11:19am 
I dont know how this works somebody pls help i save it and i cant view list?
its joever Jun 29, 2022 @ 9:38pm 
so i tried load order mod but to no avail. the game gets buggier and i cant even open the .exe file to set up my stuff. LOM sounded like a nice mod to have from the comments i read here but its basically useless for me so im sticking with this one.
StayHungryStayFoolish May 15, 2022 @ 2:04pm 
@MarkJohnson please run LoadOrderTool.exe. Check its menus, reset the order of mods, exit and run the game after.
MarkJohnson May 15, 2022 @ 1:00pm 
@StayHungryStayFoolish Load Order Mod (LOM) isn't helping any, so far. In fact, it seems more problematic and takes longer. Also, I notice Load Order Mod requires the Patch Loader to run, but it keeps saying it needs to disable it, when I "Enable ALL" workshop, and then it says to restart game. and it is still slow. Maybe a stop watch can tell the difference? But I can't.

Maybe I'll look over LOM mod some more and see if I can find better features.
cdrbello May 9, 2022 @ 4:59am 
@KDimag: I am having a similar, if not the same issue.
Starting the game gives me no mods at all in content manager. Shut down and start again (with no changes made at all) gives me all the mods, but all are deactivated. Activate Mods Listing (and selecting the desired save for applying at game restart, if necessary), shut down and start again gives the selection of mods/assets you wanted to play with.
After shutting down the game, the whole process will start again unfortunatly.

This started to happen like a week ago or so and so far I have no clue what has changed.
StayHungryStayFoolish Apr 24, 2022 @ 2:12am 
@MarkJohnson I recommend you to use LOM. You can read more about it in the Airports DLC compatible modlist.
MarkJohnson Apr 24, 2022 @ 1:57am 
I have a question. How can I save just a mod list without assets at all? I find when I help other users, they have 100+ mods and several thousands assets. It would be so nice just to load mods only as they are the primary problems of the workshop.
KDimag Apr 3, 2022 @ 2:27pm 
Is the Save/Load function not working for anyone else? I apologize if this has already been brought up but I was not able to find anything.
StayHungryStayFoolish Mar 8, 2022 @ 2:57pm 
Mods Listing is decent, but a bit old mod. If you are on Windows you need to use Loading Order Mod and its LoadOrderTool.exe. This will change your feeling and thinking about mods and assets. Install and use it to avoid most of the issues, loading errors, and failed updates. You can create MOD/ASSET profiles for each of your cities!
Raven1977 Feb 23, 2022 @ 4:52am 
this mod just cleared my entire mod collection. I lost everything. How is this possible?
Stalker Feb 22, 2022 @ 9:59am 
I love this mod. I use it to swap between map editor and testing all the time. Thanks CF. One minor gripe though.
Can you please move the Delete button farther to the right, away from the drop-down box? I've already deleted a list or two and alllllllmost deleted many more times.
StayHungryStayFoolish Jan 25, 2022 @ 2:44pm 
@happysmash27 OK, it is for windows. Sorry.
happysmash27 Jan 25, 2022 @ 1:07pm 
In addition, trying to view the list has been stuck loading at 100% of one thread CPU usage for over 20 minutes now. I think at this point it would be faster to just count all the mods manually.
happysmash27 Jan 25, 2022 @ 1:06pm 
Why loading order alpha and not beta? And I see it mention an exe, which makes it look like it might not work for me. Is it compatible with Linux?
StayHungryStayFoolish Jan 25, 2022 @ 12:57pm 
happysmash27 Use instead Loading Order ALPHA. It is included in my modlist.
happysmash27 Jan 25, 2022 @ 12:54pm 
The copy button does not seem to do anything. Does this store a .txt file or something as an alternative?
DHUMSHAN Jan 14, 2022 @ 10:39pm 
Does this mod list the assets in the Addons folder on your PC? The assets that are downloaded from other sources than Steam can be pasted there.
StayHungryStayFoolish Jan 14, 2022 @ 12:43pm 
Use LOM and its LoadingToolOrder.exe. You will have a better view [] and control of your mods and assets.
StayHungryStayFoolish Jan 8, 2022 @ 8:19am 
@AggressiveGimp I would recommend to you the recent LoadOrderTool.exe (part of Load Order Mod). This mod and many more you can find in my modlist. Read the user instructions and I would answer your direct questions, too.
AggressiveGimp Jan 8, 2022 @ 8:15am 
Just to confirm my understanding -
I saved a config for my current setup. I am now able to unsubscribe from all my current mods to build a new pack for another city. Presumably I just load the saved config whenever I want to go back to the old one again?
williamsglyn1 Dec 29, 2021 @ 12:10pm 
Cheers mate
StayHungryStayFoolish Dec 28, 2021 @ 2:25pm 
@williamsglyn1 use LOM! (Load Order Mod)

The LoadOrderTool.exe is a powerful mod and asset handler. You can find the latest LOM in my modlist.
williamsglyn1 Dec 28, 2021 @ 12:05pm 
If a mod or asset is missing how do I find it and delete it so it doesn’t show up as missing or duplicated?
StayHungryStayFoolish Dec 5, 2021 @ 2:15pm 
I confirm: Mods Listing is not listing "himself", so if you see save or copy to the clipboard the mods, you will not see Mod Listing mod included.
StayHungryStayFoolish Nov 30, 2021 @ 4:18am 
Great mod.

"If you have a lot of mods (30+)" ...
By this mod I have a list of 186 mods, including the 3 inbuilt ones.
I have listed them, but I did not find Mods listing mod in the list.
So it is not listing itself? So I have 187 mods?
November Sep 16, 2021 @ 11:37am 
Where are the mod files stored? Nothing happens after I apply the list, nothing is added to the asset list and the game doesn't work
Oh Biscuits Bandit Sep 15, 2021 @ 1:54am 
Is there a way to transfer the saved configurations from one machine to another?
MetroMapFinalRender.svg Jul 13, 2021 @ 8:15pm 
Is there any way where I can report bugs? I'm getting a "No source files found: ModsList [Mods - Internal]"
Summer_ Jun 26, 2021 @ 10:26pm 
Used this mod; worked perfectly fine until recently, whatever changes I made to the asset & mod lists in the content manager wouldn't last. Well I'm not even sure it has something to do with this mod; but this is probably the only mod modifying the lists in the content manager I guess.
Capt Cube Jun 7, 2021 @ 5:32pm 
options greyed out
Peregrinus.Ether May 21, 2021 @ 9:53am 
where can i find this list en mi steamm library?
LemonsterOG May 20, 2021 @ 10:48pm 
@asterisk11231 -- I was just asking if Loading Order Mod was working on MacOS yet. That was all. As for your bias against Mac, that's on you. I have no idea why you went into all that. Thanks anyway.
codewitch May 20, 2021 @ 9:21pm 

Before Loading Order Mod was released, I painstakingly setup my own version of the following:

(Who I thought was also Avanya, but that was Allystray's, and I knew something was off so I tried repeating more letters)... I was recently working with Quays, so I got confused


Allystray's Active Play mods ->
Aubergine18's How I kicked my subscription addiction ->

You HAVE to unsubscribes mods completely with this mod still, so you're better working with the tools already provided.

Originally I came up on "How I load my mods to get better loading times" but I seem to have groked that, apparently, as the title.
codewitch May 20, 2021 @ 8:57pm 
@LemonsterOG - They call it a walled garden for a reason.

Then use Avayana's Harmony 2 load optimization guide, using collections

End of story is: you can't alter the game configuration state within the game. Disabled mods are still loaded. This mod will always lack some completeness to profile switching.

Unless you want to pay $299/year plus 30% cut to get into Apple's dev program, of course. The source code is available to you if you want to port it, and some "incompatible" mods have already been ported to Linux by way of a pre-compiled (with gcc/clang) mono library byte code.

I think it's a little unreasonable to expect to be able to game on a Mac. The machines are built for work. They ship with processors and, more importantly, dedicated GPUs, more suited to simulation, 3D animation, and even crypto hash rate than say, Direct3D/Vulcan/OpenGL draw times.
LemonsterOG May 20, 2021 @ 7:46am 
@asterisk11231 -- Does it work on MacOS yet?
codewitch May 19, 2021 @ 3:24pm 
Use load order mod now. Much better profile system.
CS12212021 May 19, 2021 @ 7:24am 
When setting up a list do have to disable all mods first then click on the ones I want to be on the that list and do that every time I want a new list? Or I'm missing something that I need to do that will make it easier!
macluk Mar 26, 2021 @ 1:11am 
Right - to get the proper list of your mods (this mod doesn't do a great job, always missing something, or adding), you may need to follow these steps:

If it happens that you still have a discrepancy between what mods (and their number) you have in the game and the list created by this mod (I'm just testing it myself and I'm not happy, always missing something), use a different method - a bit more manual but not too much:
use this guide first to create your mod list on the workshop:

Once you have a list, at the bottom there's an option how many to display on one page - click 30; then click and drag from top to bottom of each page , copy and paste basically;
It will take more details in but don't worry about that one. Paste all of it in excel or notepad.
macluk Mar 26, 2021 @ 12:47am 
The only thing that will break your game is missing network :) it is an asset too but of a different sorts. Networks are roads, tracks, power lines - create for them a seperate collection list here on workshop, try to save them on your hard drive separately so you know where they are.
There is a new mod dealing with such missing things now. Again, I wouldn't count on it doing the job for you - anything can fail.
macluk Mar 26, 2021 @ 12:47am 
@AKscene - I wouldn't count on this mod :)
While mods being removed is absolutely rare, assets are being removed from workshop a lot more often - that doesn't brake your game but the only list of your assets that you downloaded and either started using or not in your current game , is done by Screen Loading mod - each time you start and then leave the game it creates 2 reports.
Make a copy of your assets (don't make it local for this game, otherwise they will be loaded twice in your game - just save it anywhere where you have plenty of space) regularly, a new copy in a new folder to compare with the old one (to see what's missing) and then overwrite).
codewitch Mar 25, 2021 @ 4:56pm 
The game doesn't reload memory - like mods - after startup. This mod can crash trying to change a certain # of things. Even with at least one restart you'd still need to unsubscribe mods to truly disable them ("enabled" still loads it into memory - not all mods will run themselves but it's completely optional), so even then it's pointless
Ellysmere Haven Mar 24, 2021 @ 9:05pm 
@icbogue That happens too if you manually disable/enable mods/assets. I don't think it's the mods fault. Maybe the creator can do something about this but I'm not sure.