Serious Sam 3: BFE

Serious Sam 3: BFE

Christmas Survival - Syberian New Year
UrbanDeHuman  [author] Dec 8, 2016 @ 4:17am 
Do you actually know that these 2 hours of cleaning enemies from Canyon are completely passable and were passed before dozens of times? That is why putting a huge ammount of enemies IS important if you really want to make the map where any player will sooner or later 100% die, because, as you said, that's the point of survival.

I'm not saying that you can kill witch only when she already shakes you - no. Read Netricsa first, then you'll get it. About enemies flying across the map - that is something on your end, because I didn't meet something like that ever.

Serious Sam 3 fucked up on that "dark enemies" thing, because Croteam deleted that option where you can make a custom ambient light for the enemy to make him a lot visible.
Ultimate Kamahl Dec 7, 2016 @ 11:53am 
Tested it more and I changed my mind, it is not a good map.
Reptiloids spawn in EVERY 20 sec x2. And that witch! You said it yourself, you can't kill it
as soon as it spawns! So I need to wait for it to grap me and I die and then I can kill it?!
Know that there is 2 secs time to kill her, and map is so dark you can't even see her.

Then there is that thing if you don't kill enemies, no more will spawn after certain amounts so why even kill em when EVERY enemies is 1215752192 (that is real amount and only kleers)
Don't you know how many enemies 1000 is? It is infinite amount, so with 100 000 times less enemies map would still have infinite amount of enemies and not a bugged enemycount on stats. Killing 7600 enemies in canyon takes around 2 hours on coop, so calculate your map.
Also khnums and bios move randomly (teleporting, flying around) on obstacles, causing instant kill

So I just wait for an update before I freak out trying this map.
UrbanDeHuman  [author] Dec 6, 2016 @ 1:06pm 
I know that in survival the player mush sertainly die, but why won't you do the survival entertaining? The point is, in Siberian New Year you still have to make tactics in order to continue living while having fun doing it, and that's what SS3 Survival really lacks of. Respawning heals are a part of fun as well, because you won't suffer from wrong timing picking up 25+ health or 10+ armor - you just go on a little dace with gnaars and kamikazes, then you can return to that place to keep yourself intact.

And yeah, why won't you use cannon on witches? I mean they're not that difficult to defeat - one fully charged ball will do, if you put it at the right time. I'm talking about it because I was noticing some players going nuts with their minigun on witches when they actually are invincible while they're not casting their shakey-shakey magic. That's just stupid.
Ultimate Kamahl Dec 6, 2016 @ 11:43am 
Oh, but I liked that you could have seen what enemies spawn next :D
Well now that map just have too much minigun ammo. With more weapons, half of minigun ammo would have been rockets and deva for example. You still would have needed to run around picking ammo.

And well you said pretty clearly to go and find all fireworks so most will have cannon, that is fine but why ammo respawns to that too!? :D

SO I would have made at least hp and armor not respawn because it is survival, you are meant to die. Not go 200 hp -> 50 hp ->150 hp ->30 hp ->200 hp back and forward... Then you would die fairly without that witch too.

I am participating to that 7smoke competition, so I quess I have to play this version :l
Those witches really gets to my nerve...

But it is a good map, need to test it with coop too.
UrbanDeHuman  [author] Dec 6, 2016 @ 10:45am 
About stucking... That's the problem with this map, indeed. Even despite the fact that I placed navigation for enemies perfectly so they can go around, for example, the broken pine or tank remains. That could be connected to path markers, probably.

And weapons... do you really need to use weapons that are just overpowered? Not rocket launcher, of course - the cannon sure replaces it and serves better against khnums and other ugly faces. It was made so that if you don't find all the fireworks, you get dunked by khnums and the fault will be on you specifically.

I will probably (probably not, of course, kek) check out for updating and optimizing, but just after the competition 7Smoke is doing right now.
UrbanDeHuman  [author] Dec 6, 2016 @ 10:45am 
"- infotext spawns don't work. None of em. I fixed em locally by changing your "Print" command for "worldInfo:ShowMessageToAll" to see your texts."

It wasn't planned to tell players who spawns in the first place. It all was just made for testing, checking, changing enemies, etc.

Constant respawn for items was nessesary because players need to jump around the entire map picking up items just to have more chances for survival and shooting back at the same time, that equals more fun and much less boring meeting with enemies that have power to just say "stahp" and kill you.
Ultimate Kamahl Dec 6, 2016 @ 8:32am 
Well this map has potential but it has same mistakes than on most modded maps.
+Beautiful landscape and nice fireworks
+Map has many obstacles and enemies spawn on all the sides
+Multiple musics
- but they fit for killing monsters
- Ammo, Hp and armor spawning infinite times are not for survival gamemode!
- Why hp packs are so close to eachother? So you can have a hard time picking just 1?
- Too few weapons. Where is rocket and deva? Why would I use assault rifle or shotgun
when I have infinite ammo on minigun! So I have 3 weapons, minigun, c4 and cannon :(
Then dunno if you know but
- infotext spawns don't work. None of em. I fixed em locally by changing your "Print" command for "worldInfo:ShowMessageToAll" to see your texts.
- Witch has no place for map like that! If you dont kill it within 2 secs, you die even when with 200 hp :(
- Enemies get stuck, just walking to wall when you are on otherside of map.

So there was some of errors I spotted on 2 hours of solo testing :D
Bruhtish Mar 17, 2016 @ 6:34am 
есть один возле ески когда начинаешь но я не смотрел какого он цвета
UrbanDeHuman  [author] Mar 17, 2016 @ 4:44am 
Есть ли фиолетовые справа от спауна?
Блин, походу, все-таки не обновилось
Bruhtish Mar 16, 2016 @ 11:41am 
нашел пятый ,но он не фиолетовый, а красный
Bruhtish Mar 16, 2016 @ 7:41am 
не видел еще но попробую поискать
UrbanDeHuman  [author] Mar 16, 2016 @ 7:40am 
С обновления их теперь 5 (новые - фиолетовые), если, конечно, обновилось.
Bruhtish Mar 16, 2016 @ 7:29am 
а сколько фейрверков всего на карте?
- я только 4 нашел
LEESOO Dec 18, 2015 @ 9:11am 
:( I wish to play that map ;d
Maybe I'll buy DLC someday
UrbanDeHuman  [author] Dec 18, 2015 @ 9:06am 
Well, first of all, this map has reptiloids and axe in it. Second of all, it's the SS3 problem, where DLC has most of the content (like weapons, or architecture models) in it. So, yeah.
LEESOO Dec 18, 2015 @ 8:59am 
Why do I need the DLC for workshop maps? :(
BuIlDaLiBlE Dec 15, 2015 @ 1:04pm 
Ну это уже их проблемы.
UrbanDeHuman  [author] Dec 15, 2015 @ 9:45am 
Я знаю, но туда вряд ли заглядывают
BuIlDaLiBlE Dec 15, 2015 @ 8:57am 
Чувак, для написания изменений в апдейтах есть аж специальная вкладка, иди туда и пиши.
Thanadrax/Cream(afk) Dec 15, 2015 @ 8:44am 
UrbanDeHuman  [author] Dec 15, 2015 @ 7:27am 
Update 121515

- Fixed a lost preview texture, you could not launch the map without it. Sorry for the inconvenience.