

Bicksborg II
Aidowl  [author] 11 hours ago 
@Stanley Aech that’s a good point. I left it the way it is because I thought it looked nice. I’ll try swapping and see how it looks.
Stanley Aech 21 hours ago 
The security storage room and ammo for ship gun storage room should be swapped.

Why put secure storage in a hallway, and the ammo for the guns on the wrong floor?
Aidowl  [author] Jun 20 @ 9:02pm 
Latest update is a bit bigger than usual. Main front turret is now a hybrid gun so you can switch between railgun or coilgun ammo depending on the situation, and a few rooms got remodelled.
Aidowl  [author] Jun 19 @ 3:38am 
@Nooneshhh thanks, your video was very helpful! The bug should be all fixed now. But note that if you're using the sub in a campaign, it won't update in that save unless you edit the save files or re-purchase the updated version of the sub from an outpost.
Grei Shoutmon Jun 18 @ 6:20pm 
Oh dear...that is quite the bug...
Nooneshhh Jun 18 @ 12:41pm 
I encountered it again, and yes, it seems to be top left on engine room:
Nooneshhh Jun 15 @ 11:20pm 
Hello there mate, I noticed that they do ignored the outer hull, sorry about that. Luckily, I've been playing solo for a few more hours, and haven't found this issue again, it might be a very specific section of the inner hull that can cause it, my guess (and for what I remember), it's probably a leak in engine room top-left or top-mid, as I was attacked on that side. If I encounter it again, I'll let you know.
SmellyFishNuggets Jun 14 @ 7:55am 
tips on making subs?
Aidowl  [author] Jun 12 @ 9:58pm 
@Doridos when undocked: single click to drive, double click to shoot. When docked: single click to shoot.
If you use the performance fix mod you need change some settings or it won’t work (check pinned discussion)
Doridos Jun 12 @ 8:43am 
how to use drone gun
Popcorn Jun 11 @ 4:17pm 
@Aidowl oh so that's a thing now. I'll keep that in mind. also yeah, if you can do something about the waypoints, that would be great. although I feel like that's an inherent problem in Barotrauma. I always have to shoot NPC's stuck on the drone with a Welding Tool just so they would leave, it's probably because they keep trying to repair the Shuttle Engine but can't find a way towards it.
Aidowl  [author] Jun 11 @ 6:20am 
@Popcorn you don’t need to run to the generator to refill tanks! You can use the tank shelves under the diving suit lockers.
I’ll have a look at the NPC waypoints when I make the next update.
Popcorn Jun 11 @ 2:30am 
@Aidowl oh nevermind, I think the explanation made by @Nooneshhh was correct. when the outer hull (which is inacessible to NPC's) gets damaged, it confuses the Mechanics (which I commanded to repair hulls due to their hull repair speed perk). this ends up in them getting stuck in the reactor room where they aimlessly move back and forth, along with their actual mechanical repair jobs being stuck in queue. I guess there's no way to fix this yet.

oh also this is just maybe personal preference, but the trek back and forth towards the Oxygen Generator to re-fill used up Oxygen Tanks can get quite tedious at times, maybe it can be moved or duplicated near the middle or front of the ship? or may be there's a reason why it's there?
Aidowl  [author] Jun 10 @ 7:38pm 
@Some_Kid do you mean reactor max output? It's 6000 kW
Some_Kid Jun 10 @ 6:04pm 
what is the max output for this sub
Aidowl  [author] Jun 10 @ 8:03am 
@Nooneshhh thanks for letting me know. Do you remember specifically where the unreachable leak was? The bots ignore outer hull damage and only attempt to repair leaks in the inner hull.

@Popcorn I've never had any trouble getting NPCs to access/fix the O2 generator before... was it on 0% health when that happened?
Nooneshhh Jun 9 @ 5:22pm 
Hello, thanks for responding. After testing for a bit it seems that some NPCs get stuck in reactor room when trying to fix the leaks, I'm assuming this is due to the double hull design. Ig the play here is to repair them yourself, but that's hard in solo play. Still, this is one of the coolest subs I've tried
Popcorn Jun 8 @ 11:22pm 
the sub is almost perfect, it's just that sometimes the Engineer NPC's can't find a way to the Oxygen Generator when it konks out, they just keep moving back and forth on the engine room on top of the ladder. confused the hell out of me why the O2 alarm was sounding.
Chernayuz Jun 8 @ 9:51pm 
coolest sub i've ever seen
Aidowl  [author] Jun 8 @ 6:39pm 
@Nooneshhh it'll work fine with NPCs only, but it'll be more difficult than playing with real people due to the size of the sub.
Nooneshhh Jun 8 @ 4:23pm 
Is this sub good for solo-play? (With NPCs only)
Grei Shoutmon Jun 6 @ 12:08am 
@Aidowl Okay, thank you :)
Aidowl  [author] Jun 5 @ 7:38am 
@Grei Shoutmon yep, that's correct. Just make sure you saved the settings after adding the new priority items.
Grei Shoutmon Jun 4 @ 11:47pm 
Actually I think I figured it out....there was a Performance Fix button on the bottom of thr escape menu while in-game. I hope that was the right way to do it.
Grei Shoutmon Jun 4 @ 7:43pm 
Hey Aidowl, do you know how to edit the Performance fix mod, for this Submarine? I have no idea how to even access it, to edit it.
Grei Shoutmon Jun 3 @ 8:23pm 
@Aidowl Awesome! Thank you for answering my question :)
Aidowl  [author] Jun 3 @ 5:42am 
@Grei Shoutmon yes, the suit and tank holders are all wired up
Grei Shoutmon Jun 3 @ 2:32am 
If I may ask, are the Dive-Suit lockers and the lockers' oxygen holders all connected to the ship so they regenerate oxygen when stored there?
Entropy Jun 1 @ 2:25pm 
there need to be more subs with central up and down docking ports, for mass boarding enemy subs and sonar stations with upward facing docking :) thank you for this nice sub :)
Stamm Der Mann May 30 @ 10:01am 
My Fav sub on the workshop! Love the double hull.
Aidowl  [author] May 29 @ 8:57pm 
@TheOkomotive yeah I prefer them to the cameras that were there before. The latest update also lets you switch between searchlights in both directions now, so it’s no longer a one-way cycle.
TheOkomotive May 28 @ 12:43am 
thank you for adding spotlights because it's so much easier to see outside the ship, and it's basically a way to view the full submarine.:dealersmile:
Aidowl  [author] May 27 @ 7:07pm 
@woods it doesn’t support mineral scanners because it’s an attack class sub. Only transport/scout subs are allowed to have those.
woods May 27 @ 10:33am 
Uh, so how do you get a mineral scanner on this thing. Upgrade merchant doesnt sell you it, and if you already had it when u got the sub there is no mineral scanner.
Aidowl  [author] May 26 @ 9:50pm 
@CKBEPHOCBET I’m glad it’s given you some ideas for your own sub!

@TheOkomotive very mysterious
TheOkomotive May 24 @ 2:21pm 
@Aidowl I saw it on there though
CKBEPHOCBET May 24 @ 11:50am 
Hello, I’m also into creating submarines, I really liked your work, I think this particular structure of the submarine, the location of the compartments and their insulation is very correct and realistic, I would really like to borrow a couple of your ideas in my new submarine, namely the idea of ​​​​building, I’ll point out in my work, all the authors with links whose ideas will help me, thank you so much for your ideas, they allow me to make the game even more interesting!
Aidowl  [author] May 24 @ 12:00am 
@TheOkomotive Thanks :) though I think that might've been a glitch (I don't see it)
TheOkomotive May 23 @ 6:42pm 
good work on making it on the front page of the most popular workshop items in three months:steamthumbsup:
Aidowl  [author] May 22 @ 5:35pm 
@Stirling thanks for the feedback! I tried to discourage using all 3 engines at once by making them very power hungry and having the auxiliary engine degrade quickly. But maybe I’ll have another look at adjusting the speed of the main engines in the next update.
Stirling May 22 @ 7:47am 
Excellent submarine. Strong and bulky, feels like an appropriately powerful late-game attack sub with a steep price tag. Bot pathfinding is fine, the decorations are nice but still convey a vanilla feel, and the double hull is I argue a necessity for high-tier subs even in vanilla, cause single hulls shred like sandpaper. The only thing that feels 'off' is the high speed the engines can reach, which imo doesn't vibe with how large and bulky the ship is, and all the big guns it has to defend itself with anyhow.
Aidowl  [author] May 20 @ 11:02pm 
@Kaizer not sure why you're getting that problem... I checked the pump and it is able to be repaired by both players and bots. And are you sure the bot is actually stuck, or just standing there because it has nothing else to do? I did notice my bot stayed on the ladder for a bit after fixing the pump, but it wasn't like he was stuck. He later climbed out and walked away on his own.
As for the enemies in the double hull - I haven't experienced lag from them piling up there. But you can try killing them using the discharge coils, which are able to electrify most of the void spaces.
Kaizer May 20 @ 12:32pm 
First time I played in a sub with a double hull. Lovely engineering, but the pump on the way to the drone is unrepairable, causing our bot to get stuck on the ladder unless we resigned them to only electrical items. Also the double hull, which is I imagine how most double hull ships work, allows enemies to burrow into it, get stuck and overlap while jostle around causing the game to become a slideshow. If you want to DM me I can show you a twitch stream of it.
DankasaurasRax May 17 @ 12:07pm 
I'm playing with an older version of the sub since I started a campaign with friends last month (before all the little updates) but this is one of the best modded subs I've ever used. Handles nicely when power is upgraded and the double hull feature is very neatly implemented. Not too many guns either so it doesn't feel super OP, unlike quite a lot of player made subs. Very nice!
Aidowl  [author] May 15 @ 8:42pm 
@NomaT is it the main lights that you find too dim, or the red emergency lights?
NomaT May 13 @ 2:35pm 
Nice sub with cool design, but for me there are to many dark corners with red lamps, can be adjusted by using screwdriwer ingame, but doing it every new game session is pain. Need to adjust lighting a bit, to be more neutral to player eyes.
Aidowl  [author] May 11 @ 7:29pm 
@[AIM] iHeroLix thanks for the feedback regarding the updates. The latest patch will probably be the last one for a while as I think I've ironed out all the little things I wanted to fix/change. But for future updates I'll try release them as single large packages rather than trickling many small changes over time.

About the railgun: I wanted to have the same number of guns on top as on the bottom (1 small + 1 large turret). The drone is essentially a movable turret, so you can keep it at one of the upper docking ports if you need more topside firepower (if you're keeping the drone at Dock A, remember to set Dock C as your main nav-linked dock by clicking the corresponding light on the right side of the docking control panel). Alternatively, you could always swap the railgun out for a different gun at an outpost.
[AIM] iHeroLix May 11 @ 6:19am 
Maybe it could be added as variant to Bicksborg II named liked Bicksborg II-I or something along those lines.
[AIM] iHeroLix May 11 @ 6:18am 
@aidowl would it be too much to ask of you, to relax on the smaller updates, instead bundling changes into bigger ones that wouldn't be released as often? I like the ship but its pain in the ass getting latest sub for singleplayer campaigns after every update you post.

Other than that, loving the ship. Just hate top right railgun placement, kinda wish it had both railgun and maybe a coilgun? As most fights happen above ship, and i can't let bots man railguin else it's a huge waste on resources (They'd shoot railgun shells and smallest crawlers and usually miss like 90% of the time)
Aidowl  [author] May 8 @ 6:43am 
@Revan thanks for the comment, I’m happy you like the sub!