

Big and Small - More Xenotypes
RedMattis  [author] May 25 @ 10:10am 
I'm not quite sure what you mean.

@UntouchedWagons, Aemi Daniels
Glad you like them. :D
UntouchedWagons May 25 @ 9:48am 
Whoa that mimic xenotype is sick!
Aemi Daniels May 24 @ 1:58am 
im sorry but another spider person mod? in this economy?? Take my silver!
-adds to her ever growing list of increasingly incompatible mods and prays the laptop doesnt explode-
Lugh May 22 @ 8:45am 
Is it possible to add a body gene to the spider? Because it is not compatible with other body-changing modules (Abomination is no problem because his snake body is very long)
Bee Breeder May 19 @ 1:33pm 
Looks cool, tho the synthread spiders and especially the mimic seem extremely OP. Prolly doesn't work with body mods either.
RedMattis  [author] May 15 @ 3:06am 
They used to work in 1.4. Then in 1.5 stuff changed gene drawing so I had to reexport all the textures. Then Rimworld changed something again at some point, so it is slightly off for some body types again.

I'll probably get around to tweaking it yet again eventually, it is just that it is quite a time-consuming hassle.
Latex Santa May 14 @ 1:15pm 
Yeah this is gonna be very... interesting.
The Mimics are gonna basically allow me to make my own Warhammer 40K Callidus assassins.
Plus, all the others who do not submit to MAH AUTHORITAH are obviously heretics, therefore too heretical (and dangerous) to be allowed to live.
MadMage May 14 @ 11:10am 
So, at the risk of sounding... ungrateful for your work here. Uhm, I would really like to use the Lamia and snake bodies, but they don't line up to pawn bodies properly even when using your own body texture mod. It's only slightly off from the front but when turned to the side the torso doesn't line up at all and clothing textures pop through the bottom into the thorax region.

I've found this to be an issue with basically any mod that adds any kind of added texture to pawns and I've long wondered why it was so difficult to line these things up...
INikolas May 12 @ 2:35pm 
archite genes icon of mimic looks like reference to "parasyte: the maxim"
RedMattis  [author] May 11 @ 8:20am 
The xenotypes don't really have anything special on-death attached to them.

People have been seeing issues with immortal pawns even on vanilla runs though, so it could be a vanilla bug. Or just an unrelated mod doing something spooky to a pawn. The log you posted has errors on methods patched by a ton of mods, so it really could be anything.

Either way, provide the full game log if you want me to look at it. :)

Thanks. I'm glad you like them. :)

It requires the Big and Small Genes/Framework.
FiauraTheTankGirl May 9 @ 3:30pm 
Having an issue with these creatures:
THey don't actually die.
It keeps having an issue switching from alive and death states and creating a corpse for them.
I posted in the DIscussions the exact error, it is fine with the rest of the Big/Small races but Naga, Weavers, and Mimics appear to be having an issue.

I'm using the 1.4 version of these mods for reference.
Ryn Apr 22 @ 12:17am 
I absolutely adore your mods! Thank you so much for making them. They are now a staple of my mod list.
b0nes Apr 20 @ 4:02pm 
Awesome! Seems to have worked! Thank you <3
Litestop Apr 20 @ 8:00am 
Does this mod have any pre-requisite mods?
RedMattis  [author] Apr 20 @ 1:07am 
I think I found the issue. I had specified the Trolls as being a xenotype from the "More Xenotypes" mod, but they are actually in Big & Small Races.

I've deployed a quick, fix that should sort it out.
RedMattis  [author] Apr 20 @ 12:47am 
Ah, that would explain it. Is this on 1.4 or 1.5?
b0nes Apr 19 @ 6:28pm 
I can say that I have had the same issue of no faction bases spawning on world generation, and removing this mod (unfortunately) was what fixed it. I got some assistance looking over game logs and it was narrowed down to a missing reference for the troll xenotype. Is there a dependancy on one of the other B&S mods that may be required?
RedMattis  [author] Apr 18 @ 12:59pm 
Well, technically this mod (and the parent mods) cannot really be involved the issue themselves because neither this nor Big & Small Genes/Framework adds factions.
RedMattis  [author] Apr 18 @ 12:54pm 
@Floofy Princess Devina
Not in itself, but I've heard about the issue in the past. Usually it is because _something_ forces "Incapable of Violence" unto a faction leader which causes the faction to fail to spawn and the whole thing to abort.

This actually happens (very rarely) in vanilla as well, especially with a lot of factions.

Usually you can just step back and try again. If not, well, try removing mods until it works. If you can figure out what mod causes it then I'd love to know as well so I can either fix it from my end (if possible) or inform the other mod author.
Floofy Princess Devina Apr 18 @ 12:51pm 
is it a issue that it makes it when you gen a new world up that they don't actually put in any faction sites with this?
Xalvan the Nevadian Apr 16 @ 7:45am 
@Minxx the Maralith gene give you 6 arms and a snake tail. Without HAR you just get the tail graphics and the buffs (terrain ignore, buff to eating speed, a constriction attack, max food bar capacity, etc) with HAR you actually get a tail instead of legs and the 6 arms which greatly buffs the Xenotype, especially if you have something like VE Psycasts to allow you to use all 6 arms for Necromancy Resurrection
Minxx Apr 16 @ 1:41am 
so what's the deal with the abomination arms? It needs HAR sure, but is that just graphics or does it actually give... multiple arms, as in a mechanical feature of the body simulation?
Merlotron Apr 16 @ 12:11am 
+1 for Abomination in 1.4 please!!!!
JerryTheCultist Apr 15 @ 11:05pm 
minor suggestion off personal experience so far

but nerfing the amount of synthread weavers make might be a good idea, even with their downsides they are pretty easy to have a huge amount of synthread at all times
or at least make it take longer to produce

otherwise might i ask for a spider body gene that produces nothing? understandable if not i just wanted to make a custom xenotype for myself that doesnt

the synthread IS useful, but i can see myself forgetting and suddenly having way too much of it (or having a wealth balloon due to it)
especially if i wind up with more then 1 spider

still, it is fun as hell to be making stuff with synthread, its rare i have the chance to
RedMattis  [author] Apr 15 @ 2:50pm 
@Xalvan the Nevadian
Yeah, the one that is just called Big & Small Races. I quite often go back an update or add stuff to the old mods. E.g. the Gorgons and Nagas for the lamia mod, and the oh so very serious 'lesser horned banana split neko cream slimes' to the slime mod.

@Shiv Stabbington
They remain a xenotype, the spider-body gene just changes their underlying race as well. (this can be changed back by overriding or removing the gene).

In practice this just means that the gene can change their body. :)
RedMattis  [author] Apr 15 @ 2:50pm 
The C# code I wrote for the Abomination only exists in the 1.5 version. I could backport it to 1.4, but realistically most people will be on 1.5 in a few weeks, I think.

I generally use the "unhappy/very unhappy" genes less as a "A am sad" gene, and more as a, I am difficult to keep in a good mental state.

E.g. for a Jotun or Angel it might be because they have inflated egos. For an Weaver it might be because they have tendencies to violent outbursts at the best of times. And the Abominations just tend to be unhappy because of what they are.
Surasu Undying Apr 15 @ 12:13pm 
Two quick questions. Any chance to have abomination for 1.4? And second. Why in 90% of your xenotypes you put unhappy or very unhappy?

Sorry if i sound rude as it is not my intention, i am only curious and i really love your mods!!
Xalvan the Nevadian Apr 15 @ 12:11pm 
when you said Big&Small Races, you mean your very first mod in the series? for the Troll?
Xalvan the Nevadian Apr 15 @ 12:09pm 
funny how we both had similar ideas for how the Spider xenotype should work, Though my Anansi feels unnecessarily complex by comparison
Shiv Stabbington Apr 14 @ 2:55pm 
Hope this isn't a stupid question, but asking it anyway if it is: even if you install HAR, these spiderfolk remain a Xenotype, right?
Un7n0wn Apr 13 @ 2:06pm 
Damn bro, I haven't even gotten the chance to fully check out Angels and Demons yet and you're dropping another one? Well, that's an automatic sub from me. Would you ever consider releasing a single mega mod with all the genes, races, and factions in it? My poor mod list is getting really rough to keep sorted with all these great gene mods. Either way, it's always a good day when a new Big and Small mod drops.
RedMattis  [author] Apr 13 @ 1:04pm 

@ℜ KyroLime
Thanks :)

I'm not sure what you mean exactly?
SilkMoth Apr 13 @ 11:12am 
safe to add mid save?
Yalkin Apr 12 @ 8:29pm 
Feature creep be like:
ℜ KyroLime Apr 12 @ 1:30pm 
I really like the creativeness stands out. I'll def add this to a long mod list somewhere
Akenno Apr 12 @ 8:53am 
I wish you would add a real playable slime aswell (aside from your slimes mod) :D
RedMattis  [author] Apr 12 @ 4:55am 
Fair point. I've added a link to HAR in the summary. :)

For anyone who wants to do more with the spiders I'd fully endorse anyone wanting to use my genes to make a spider-faction mod and uploading it to the workshop. Same goes for any other mod like that ofc.

All the genes they use are are available in Big & Small Genes.
Killsode Apr 12 @ 2:38am 
I absolutely love these spidertaurs. The Arachne mod just doesnt fit for me, but these goobers do. I seriously think you should consider making them their own mod.
btw, consider putting a link to Humanoid Alien Races in your description so people know what you mean by HAR, and as an easy link over to it if they want it ^.^
RedMattis  [author] Apr 12 @ 1:18am 
Their melee attacks can bite off chunks of your colonists, and there is a chance that they will messily debone their foes (tied to the "frenzied feeding" gene).

It would be cool, but I suspect they would look a bit strange unless barding or caparison is added to the horse part when they put on clothing.

@[JdG] Pejman
I did ponder giving them a jumping gene as well, but I think that would make the two spider a bit too similar.

Making a 6-armed gene would be fairly easy. Rimworld doesn't show arms though, so it would mostly stats and the a bunch of extra arms on the health tab (if using HAR).

It really just affect the health tabs, bionics, how they take damage, etc. E.g. with HAR the abomination has 6 arms, no legs (snake body instead), two hearts, etc.
Lovecraft Apr 11 @ 11:20pm 
Do mimics automatically eat your colonists?
Tannius Apr 11 @ 9:46pm 
I would love to see some centaurs added as well. How else am I going to have my Monster Musume Rimworld experience without them?
[JdG] Pejman Apr 11 @ 9:10pm 
Make the devil spider jumping spiders, they are the cutest ones after all :D.

I wish we had 6 armed spider girls instead of the classical arachne tho (from time to time)
WabbaCat Apr 11 @ 10:26am 
Think we need a with and without HAR comparison picture.
Roque the Rogue Apr 11 @ 9:44am 
Can't wait to see what Mr Samuel Streamer will do with these.
RedMattis  [author] Apr 11 @ 4:21am 
As of now all of the genes are available in Big & Small genes. :)

Canon accepted. I have updated the xenotype description.
TheCarrierPrimoris Apr 11 @ 3:50am 
That spider symbol is so cuuuute! I can't even! I want my own devilspider now. Big, fuzzy, squishy spider butt to cuddle! And they hate the cold, implying they love to cuddle. This is canon now! :8bitheart:
arkaya Apr 11 @ 2:45am 
Are all of these Genes in the Big and Small Genes mod, or do i have to have this mod in order to use them?
RedMattis  [author] Apr 10 @ 11:39pm 
The Gene Extractor Tiers mod has “baseliner genes”. I think I coded a the gene eating (etc.) so they can grab those invisible genes.

“Human legs” or human body would both override the Marlith body on the abomination.

They still get the graphics and such, but you can’t say, give the abomination 6 bionic arms and two different hearts. Without HAR they would under the hood technically have the human body composition.
puggy Apr 10 @ 9:41pm 
this is quite scary!
TREE Apr 10 @ 7:52pm 
MORE snake people, yesss