

+medical supplies
g15051978  [author] Jun 1 @ 11:34pm 
@Cat Kraken A close analogue of a real-life painkiller is ibuprofen. Basically, it does not cause mood enhancement or addiction. It seems to me that we should add different types of painkillers. In my case, it is a mixture of morphine and ibuprofen. I would like to work with the serums from the Anomaly dlc. But now I can’t do this because I need to prepare for exams.
Cat Kraken Jun 1 @ 10:17am 
painkillers should give a mood boost :3
Cat Kraken May 27 @ 9:29am 
ooo very cool thank you for this mod it’s awesome
g15051978  [author] May 27 @ 12:48am 
@Cat Kraken Yes. The chance increases with the degree of tolerance. The stronger the tolerance, the higher the chance of addiction. For example, if tolerance is less than or equal to 45%, then addiction can occur once every 99,999 days, and if it is 60%, then once every 355 days. In other words, the chance depends on the severity of tolerance. By design, it is a modern drug. Therefore, the chances of addiction are small.
Cat Kraken May 25 @ 8:23pm 
can they get addicted to painkiller :3
g15051978  [author] Feb 20 @ 5:13am 
Thanks everyone for choosing my mod. I'm a little tired of working with the same objects in rimword. I'd like to work on something different. I have thoughts about the next fashion that are not related to this. I will update this mod as soon as possible. Thanks again for the awards, positive reviews and for choosing my mod!
My prisoners will love Algosen, thank you for letting me inflict more pain unto the less fortunate.
g15051978  [author] Feb 1 @ 4:27am 
@Hazzikaze That's right, belief in the treatment plays an important role in the placebo effect. Even if the drug does not have effective medicinal properties, the patient's expectation of relief can actually improve his condition.
Hazzikaze Feb 1 @ 3:36am 
@g1 ahh I see. It's a psuedo treatment. Like Ginger Ale, it works to the extent of the brain's trust in its function as it's not a real treatment. Gotcha.
g15051978  [author] Jan 31 @ 11:43pm 
@Hazzikaze The placebo effect may indeed vary depending on a variety of factors, including the patient's expectations, the experience of the treatment provider, and the treatment context. This effect is not related to the actual therapeutic effect of the drug, since the placebo itself does not contain active therapeutic substances. Instead, a placebo works through psychological mechanisms in which the patient's expected effect can occur even from taking an inactive substance if the patient believes in its effectiveness. It is currently impossible to disable the placebo effect. In the future I plan to add mod settings and then you can do it.
Hazzikaze Jan 31 @ 6:20pm 
I'm confused. Placebo's effect changes depending on the person USING the drug's skill with medical?
If so....., why? Over-the-Counter Meds are pretty much universally applicable unless either allergic to the medicine or using for the wrong purpose...and the only differing factor would really be a person's own genetics. Is there a setting to disable that?
g15051978  [author] Jan 9 @ 2:18am 
@Kinish I'll try to implement this mechanic. I'm currently working on new mechanics. The effect of the drug will vary depending on tolerance.
Kinish Dec 24, 2023 @ 8:12pm 
It is necessary to set up the placebo so that when it treats a pawn, it depends on the medicine skill. And if they treat another pawn with it, it’s because of communication skills.
Pink Lion Gaming Dec 23, 2023 @ 5:57pm 
I actually thinks it's pretty well balanced overall, and a way to deal with Food Poisoning is a Godsend. I just noticed that it kind of broke the mould, you can take two doses of Yayo, Wake-Up or Go-Juice to get a longer duration but this isn't an option with the Psychotrope as it's duration is maxed out from one dose.
g15051978  [author] Dec 23, 2023 @ 11:49am 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! Thank you for leaving positive feedback!
g15051978  [author] Dec 21, 2023 @ 10:00pm 
@Pink Lion Gaming, I believe that a psychotrop is a medicine. I want to get 100% from the medicine. If you think this is not balanced, then write about it. I'll fix it.
Pink Lion Gaming Dec 21, 2023 @ 5:09pm 
Just out of curiosity why does the Psychotropic bestow 100 potency % per dose?
g15051978  [author] Dec 21, 2023 @ 4:40am 
@Thog, Hmm... I didn't even think about it. I think this needs to be implemented, but it needs to be balanced.
iumiforgot Dec 21, 2023 @ 2:37am 
maybe the activated carbon could reduce toxic buildup as well? I do like the idea behind the placebo pill, something you can micro to give a pawn just a little more of a chance.
g15051978  [author] Dec 20, 2023 @ 10:42am 
@payton.cohen, Interesting idea. I'll take it into account.
ThunderGodFnry Dec 20, 2023 @ 10:30am 
a drug that increases nat regen speed but increases hunger temporarily, or reverse for soilders on march, decreases hunger but slightly decreases immunity and regeneration speed.
SanguinarcAQL Dec 19, 2023 @ 1:24pm 
cool !
g15051978  [author] Dec 19, 2023 @ 10:12am 
Let's take activated carbon for example. The pawn got food poisoning. I added activated charcoal to speed up recovery. By the way, there is Russian language there.
TREE Dec 19, 2023 @ 9:58am 
...what are those medical drugs, exactly?