Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Genshin Impact: Fontaine Leader Pack
Sora forever Sep 15 @ 3:41am 
Pen  [author] Sep 14 @ 6:32am 
@Sora forever 生效后在首都的城市按钮栏可以看到新的按钮,鼠标移上去会有剩余回合显示
Sora forever Sep 14 @ 6:28am 
Kevin_NA Jul 5 @ 10:32pm 
what a dog shit mod
宇智波斑 Jun 27 @ 12:15am 
Pen  [author] Feb 27 @ 7:33am 
@Guerrilla 感谢反馈,但我没想好怎么解决,或许会在平衡更新时一起修复。
Pen  [author] Feb 27 @ 7:31am 
@Sephiroth Thanks for your like. In fact, there is no universal balance standard for mod civilisations, which makes the gap between different mods very large. Even between mods I've made there are existing gaps. I have plans for balancing, but unfortunately it's not to a similar level of Iberia, it's probably suitable for BBG environment, though I've been a bit busy lately.
Sephiroth Feb 27 @ 4:37am 
Me and a friend have been playing multiplayer games with his civ and the arknights iberia civ available here on the workshop. My friend always plays this civ, and I've been running Iberia, but the balance between the two are night and day. My friend is always constantly developing so much faster than I due to how strong the bonuses this civ gets compared to others, and its making playing the game unfun and unfair. Some rebalancing is definitely needed to bring the power of this civ down in line with that of others.
German Osaka Feb 17 @ 5:13am 
oh my god
bruh Feb 5 @ 11:36am 
cringe anime
Guerrilla Jan 29 @ 12:31pm 
Guerrilla Jan 29 @ 12:29pm 
Pen  [author] Jan 25 @ 5:54am 
@Yuri @Dimitri I will consider.
Dimitri Jan 25 @ 3:39am 
I had a blast with this mod,unique resource reminds me of endless legend,very cool,everything functions smoothly,personally think this is over all the second best custom civ I've played.
Like most custom civ however it breaks the balance,I don't mind the bonus yield since we have similar option with similar powerlevel in that regard(Australia) yet with easy access to tourism at early game this is bound to break the game,the civ is already on par with Greece for the cheaper Theater alone,we really don't need two more layers of tourism boost,only deity Russia/Khmer can possibly compete with it and these two are already busted compared to other base game civ.
Yuri Jan 8 @ 12:52am 
Played the civ for a bit and there are some positives and negatives.
Positive: Very high quality mod! Unique UI for stuff like the sourcewater droplets, very creative designs, integrated custom music and city names. Just in general a really good mod.

Negative: Extremely OP. I found myself casually having +20 Campus without the civic card. The bonus districts get from water tiles destroys the entire civ imo. If you would completely remove that part, the civ would still easily be S tier. But with the absolutely INSANE boni the districts get just for existing just makes everything completely redundant. Easily surpass all Diety AIs in round 60 with just 2 cities (standard speed)
文采斐然 Jan 7 @ 5:13am 
Pen  [author] Jan 4 @ 9:27pm 
@Afrles 已修复
Afrles Jan 4 @ 7:54am 
Pen  [author] Jan 3 @ 4:53pm 
@Blabla_Tomatos I'm sorry. I can't understand.
@八月雨Augustus 不是,临水指的是相邻水域单元格
@基督山伯爵 安卓版本太老了,不适配
基督山伯爵 Jan 3 @ 11:07am 
Blabla_Tomatos Dec 24, 2023 @ 7:21pm 
八月雨Augustus Dec 22, 2023 @ 10:03pm 
1957571291 Dec 7, 2023 @ 3:06am 
Main-Zane Nov 30, 2023 @ 1:25am 
Yeah, noticed some choppy description text, usually pick characters i play based off the in-game descriptions so i havent played either or yet. Though i will say i am mechanically intrigued by how you handled furina's two states
ranma_hf Nov 29, 2023 @ 10:27pm 
So the other day i noticed the civ was entirely in english when i down loaded it but when i fired up the game alot of it isn't anymore? Its good. I'd argue Neuv is a bit more powerful but that's just my personal take.
Pen  [author] Nov 29, 2023 @ 6:07am 
Joestar Nov 28, 2023 @ 8:10pm 
天音摇波的潜力 Nov 26, 2023 @ 10:12pm 
我抄 元
sanzan Nov 26, 2023 @ 7:05am 
云海沉香 Nov 26, 2023 @ 3:44am 
K.O.2 Nov 26, 2023 @ 1:49am 
Very cool looking mod. Nice job to everyone that worked or helped work on it!
1079536715 Nov 24, 2023 @ 10:47pm 
夏梦羽Officiel Nov 24, 2023 @ 5:32pm 
天羽 Nov 23, 2023 @ 11:00pm 
blackbird91 Nov 23, 2023 @ 9:44am 
This is a very fun mod and the english is relatively good!
伍德森 Nov 23, 2023 @ 5:05am 
一只快乐的猫 Nov 23, 2023 @ 4:18am 
Matser Nov 22, 2023 @ 5:21pm 
奥秘哉 Nov 22, 2023 @ 11:22am 
济沧海 Nov 22, 2023 @ 10:50am 
济沧海 Nov 22, 2023 @ 10:48am 
@正义制裁丿 Nov 22, 2023 @ 7:59am 
还行 我玩男性的 联机君主难度下 虽然抢不到预言家 但是直接下两个剧院广场 一个圣地 文化值飞起 把特色建筑用信仰买 生产力也起飞 再捡一下水滴 几个回合就一个奇观 再补几个兵营 学院和商城 拉几条商路 瓶子和金币 将军点数也有了 前期被大哥突袭 几个回合就爆兵打爆了 这个时候就看个人玩法了 我本来想科技胜利的 但是一路下城一路起剧院 文化伟人没停过 奇观基本包圆了 文艺复兴都没结束就文化实力了 项目有点超标啊 三点宜居度 和文化伟人每个一点 文化同时提供信仰 前期点一下直接就起飞 黄金时代开拓者跟下饺子一样 轻轻松松8、9 再同时剧院起手 简直逆天
人理之恶咕哒子 Nov 22, 2023 @ 7:14am 
子衿 Nov 22, 2023 @ 4:48am 
奥秘哉 Nov 22, 2023 @ 4:08am 
1730726935 Nov 21, 2023 @ 8:01pm 