Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Chicken Mcnugg0 Sep 7 @ 8:23pm 
Great fun but this map lags my PC Even though i'm sporting a 40 Series and Ryzen 9.
Zura ⑨ Sep 5 @ 7:30pm 
this is such a great map and a love letter/fan-service for the zombies community. as someone that doesnt like outbreak i really loved this map as it was done well and it'd be awesome if you'd release a round based version of some of these maps like maybe the town section and such (if you can't then it's understandable but i'm just saying)
Officer McNaughty Sep 5 @ 11:00am 
It's a visually strong and well designed map I can appreciate that but I don't dig this gameplay-style.
Wekitoo Sep 4 @ 8:35am 
The map is incredible, I recommend it, but it needs to be optimized, since I am playing with an RTX 3060 and it gives me a lot of fps drops
Elalfa Sep 3 @ 10:11am 
It's sex :sacrificed:
dajer Aug 31 @ 8:45pm 
horrid map never cook again
Phantonyl Aug 30 @ 3:04am 
map is massive for no reason with nothing in it, a six year old would enjoy playing something this easy. Also cold war mechanics are awful
dalek Aug 29 @ 5:20pm 
This is what Tranzit should have been!
WolffUpNXT Aug 27 @ 10:09pm 
praise da lord
marziks Aug 26 @ 5:17pm 
Absolutely incredible map and story. Must have taken fucking forever to create this and you guys did an awesome job, well done
Kuatezx2 Aug 25 @ 6:11pm 
the worst map i play lol
Gvasalia Aug 24 @ 3:31pm 
this map is so bad lmao
Blackjo777 Aug 23 @ 8:45pm 
losing points on kills? why?
AndyGun11 Aug 18 @ 2:11pm 
good but really laggy. 6/10
Reminder:WashYoSheets Aug 18 @ 8:38am 
Unfinished map with a lot of bugs/glitches/god spots.
BUT - this is the most fun custom map ive played for sure. 10/10
It takes everything good and nostalgic in zombies and throws it all in the kitchen sink. Theres literally something for everyone in this map. You can really play how you want to.
WahWahYouLost Aug 17 @ 11:29pm 
I fell asleep while my friend looked up a guide for some random artifact on round 8. Crashes a lot to
Tuvalu Aug 13 @ 9:27am 
anyone know what the max pack-a-punch limit is?
been as far as 50 with the cost being 750k to 51.
TheAngryDuck2.0 Aug 12 @ 7:47pm 
keeps crashing upon map loading. would love a fix for this
AndroDoesStuff Aug 8 @ 5:15am 
Not to sound rude or impatient but will there ever be a major bug fix, mod support or a general update for this map this year? You can still clip through the terrain around the whole map, there's a list of bugs with up to 16 pages and hopefully in the near future, there could be a content update with more stuff to do or something. Either way, this is a great map with awesome potential but it really needs to be polished and updated.
Artannis1337 Aug 8 @ 2:41am 
Hey Just a heads up to Vae Victis team, The perk Deadshot Daq isn't working as ads doesn't lock to heads for headshots tried this with various weapons including the scavenger for long range and still no deadshot, hope this helps and still loving the map thanks for this work of art :)
Jammy Jul 21 @ 5:35pm 
glitched out of the map multiple times unable to get back in. Was fun for the first 30 minutes other than that it is too buggy. Storyline was too boring. I'm sorry, i never leave bad reviews but i was too sad when i spent half the game in a spot where i could not move.
Adderall Jul 21 @ 5:33pm 
this map sucks so bad. the map maker just decided to throw all he can into one gamemode. absolute dogshit
wafflemuncher Jul 21 @ 5:33pm 
i love when you reach the final boss and then the skulls de materialise out of existence 0/10 map
JackOfAllTrades525 Jul 20 @ 4:10pm 
Instant nope the minute I realised it's a constant spawner. It's a real shame as I was looking forward to it.
Shardell Jul 19 @ 11:29pm 
Fantastic stuff, really impressive what you were able to do in the BO3 engine. Good shit.
Ihatelife Jul 16 @ 5:52pm 
What the hell? Wacky!
TysonWasHere Jul 15 @ 1:03pm 
Ya'll should make a mod that adds all the cold war features in this map to default, and/or zombies chronicles maps. It would be rad
SstarLit56 Jul 15 @ 7:27am 
This map is so vast, honestly i feel it could be more compact so there wasnt so much space to deal with the zombies, but im guessing if things were too close stability may be an issue, but the map recreations feel so spacious atop being expansive, i didnt have to do much risky movement even on wave phase whatever 4
POGLISH Jul 14 @ 4:04pm 
Très bon travail les gars ! Continuer comme ça !
fairydrac Jul 13 @ 1:18pm 
algien me puede ayudar sobre por q cuando lo busco no me aparese pero cuando vei en workshop del juego me aparese pero me muestra q no pesa nada
Ivanfxnseca Jun 28 @ 10:21am 
SoySauce Jun 24 @ 6:34pm 
Idk why this has so many awards, too many bugs and the gameplay loop is just boring. got stuck on the blowing up the achors because the zombie spawned inside an object and couldnt be killed, got downed and my game crashed. this really isnt a good modded map sorry, just added and added. quantity over quality. Sorry i also find any story trying to be convoluted and mysterious to be cringy, what could be and what can be shit is dumb. also your weapons dont really matter, almost anything can one shot common and the special zombies arent even a major threat, i only died from strange collision or my game crashing. this map sucks sorry.
THEwheelie456 Jun 23 @ 2:03pm 
im having a problem with it constantly freezing my game
Bretwalda Jun 21 @ 4:18pm 
The Jigsaw GAS ee was very funny
mattnmad Jun 21 @ 2:50pm 
Using 0 other mods playing solo I cannot get any further than tping into the boss arena before my game crashes, it has consistently done this every time I manage to get there which results in the map being unbeatable. I also crash randomly after choosing to postpone the quest line to grind the objectives.
atuburapaler Jun 18 @ 10:20am 
That's just how it looks on Tag der Toten, grow up.
Cheeseburger Jones Jun 16 @ 8:13pm 
Imagine making one of the better received Victis maps and you STILL decide to use censored Misty
Gxterne Jun 14 @ 1:12pm 
Why u dont use AI models to victis voices?
Polient Jun 11 @ 11:59am 
is there a discord server?
WinterFoxXL Jun 10 @ 9:17pm 
to pick up the crystal on the bridge use keyboard and mouse, if you use a controller reloading will take priority
isaacelder642 Jun 10 @ 7:07pm 
I cant pick up the crystal on the bridge
teej Jun 7 @ 7:01pm 
my friend kenzie liked flying around on this map
Schweinstein May 30 @ 7:56pm 
bad map
chico.1951 May 30 @ 2:33pm 
You need to add support to load mods becuase it always crashed and this map isnt a map you can play solo very well please add support for the more zm bots mod
chico.1951 May 30 @ 2:32pm 
wil you please add support for more mods I cant play this with zm bots or use the reaper collection mod
الواثق بالله May 12 @ 1:25pm 
Gaming_Bigfoot May 10 @ 8:15pm 
It's actually really really good I love it
GoDzArmy May 3 @ 10:17am 
P.S. You will need a good pc in order to run this map/outbreak game mode remake. Absolutely love this still after all of this time playing it before the launch of Mw3 in November. Amazing job!
athenaskid125 Apr 30 @ 8:14pm 
Who is the voice actor for the Librarian? Sounds so familiar lol
louris666 Apr 30 @ 5:51am 
Wow, such a dissapointment. I see a map with so much potential! But the bugs are destroying this experience. And it can be anything. From weapons, to music, to even game crashes. This is a buggy mess.