

Modular Backpack
Moon-Shadow May 8 @ 11:49pm 
Just tested in the editor, put all 4 backpacks with built-in scooters in a submarine, plus batteries that I don't have to search for.

And test started when you have inserted a battery in the marked compartment.

And when you are in the water then turn on the movable button that you can pull anywhere.

Consumes energy even without driving, but only very little, so to turn on and off.

Normal movement for slow movement, and Run moving for fast movement.
Hapcube May 8 @ 10:19pm 
Scooter no longer works? Can't figure out how to use it with a battery inserted.
Moon-Shadow May 4 @ 7:10am 
It is designed to be built into a rucksack as a component.

Since there is the possibility to attach it together with a small one to a backpack.

So you can have a large weapon with you where the belt would otherwise be, and still use a backpack.

Such a backpack that has a holster is useful if you have heavy weapons from mods that are not made for the normal inventory and are not counted by heavy weapons in the inventory carrying mods.


Strangely enough, you can also wear the holster instead of a belt, but it doesn't help because it only has room for 1 weapon.
Neptune May 4 @ 2:48am 
how do i use the weapon holsters?
RAT FELLA Apr 14 @ 1:20pm 
holy fuck wicked mod. The working holsters make me feel so badass as I get torn apart by mudraptors
Moon-Shadow Apr 11 @ 2:06am 
My game is in German and the mod is in English.

It works for me.

How would I recognize that something is not running correctly. ?
Nyx (She/Her) Apr 10 @ 8:49pm 
Reminder: you need to not use language file overrides or you brick the sub editor's presets for any language you touch
Moon-Shadow Mar 26 @ 2:15am 
I need the backpack mod, there are like no other backpack mods that have a place for a heavy weapon, just too many mods with cheat backpacks that have way too much space with no drawbacks for the amount that goes in, and also have no place for a heavy weapon.

It makes no sense that you can't wear a belt if you want to carry a heavy weapon on your back, the belt is not on your back and was still in the game before the backpack, and heavy weapons are not worn on the hip are also worn on the back in the game.

And there are mods that make heavy weapons portable in the inventory, but this only refers to the original weapons.

I don't need more weapons that are almost like the originals only stronger, just to be able to carry heavy weapons in the inventory because someone adds more weapons to his mod.

You can't even find a single mod that removes the psychosis effect from the "Alien Pistol", only ones that change all the other weapons.
Moon-Shadow Mar 26 @ 1:55am 
How should this mod make that NPC disappear, it only brings backpacks that have a few negative values, but have other functions that are useful.

Changes the normal belt so that it has additional stats.
Moon-Shadow Mar 26 @ 1:55am 
Stow backpacks.

The weapon holder, can be built as above, i.e. in the Fabricator.

In the editor I have made these on the wall there go all kinds of backpacks on it, of course only one per holder.

I just don't know how to get these parts on the wall anymore, in another mod that also has things to place, something is indicated with E hold or press while holding mouse buttons on the wall, should then work the same way here.
chelovek Mar 25 @ 11:27pm 
why does this mod break dynamic europa? NPCs that give improvement and the like disappear.
I3eauLeBoi Mar 15 @ 4:17pm 
Nevermind i realized that this mod is abandoned pretty much.
I3eauLeBoi Mar 15 @ 4:12pm 
Where do we stash these modular backpacks when not using? Cant put it in lockers. Nor locker backpack slots.
Cs Li Mar 9 @ 8:26pm 
I found a UI checkbox on the top right of the screen for toggling the light.
Moon-Shadow Feb 18 @ 8:17pm 
I don't remember how it was with the light where I looked at everyone in the editor, because only certain ones have a light, and where I tested it there was unfortunately no movable one as it would be more useful.

I don't know if this backpack needs a battery, it would have a marked inventory space for a battery.

There is either a small button near the inventory, or somewhere else if it is different from player to player. / There is a button that you have to press.

If there is no button and the light is not on automatically, then some mod is doing something about it or an update of the game has caused the light to stop working with this mod.
How do you use the Light from the Backpack.
MDK Dec 5, 2023 @ 1:39pm 
Dead mod, don't bother.
Moon-Shadow Nov 24, 2023 @ 9:49am 
Cabinets now have new places where suitcases go in, it would be good if you could also use these places for these backpacks, like the backpack what the developer made, they also only go on the suitcase place.

The problem is the wall mounts that can not be built originally, and are customized by the mod that you can build them, no matter how much space is in a submarine I can not build them anywhere.

Also tested in the editor in a Dugong where also made extra space that nothing is in the way, where I built one directly and wanted to attach it to the wall as you would install it in a campaign in his submarine, but it goes nowhere where.

My diver carries one that not Restriction, and a heavy load version stored in the manufacturer, which I always have to take out when I want to make something that needs all the places from manufacturer.
Moon-Shadow Nov 24, 2023 @ 9:37am 
Yes to all Time.

You can recognize mods when they add things without changing or replacing original things.

This mod uses the original items.

Important for things that need oxygen bottles, only the no quality have, others do not work, so buy if you do not have a character who can still build them without quality.

For things that need more places than the manufacturer has, only works with submarines that have an attached cabinet, if the inventory does not count.
Semi Nov 24, 2023 @ 1:53am 
Safe to add mid game?
Moon-Shadow Nov 22, 2023 @ 1:49am 
For what the things generate, everything can be built, some things come through perks.

For those where you need oxygen bottles, you have to take some without quality, otherwise it won't work.

And those that need oxygen bottles and portable pumps only work if a cabinet is connected to the manufacturer, if the inventory does not count.
Chauncey Nov 22, 2023 @ 1:20am 
whats the id for spawning monitors its saying that "monitor" is incorrect
Moon-Shadow Nov 18, 2023 @ 6:34pm 

Forgot if it can pull things out of the inventory.

Not tested, but read something in the last update of the game that bottles no longer go into cabinets as stacks.

If this is true it will not work without a connected cabinet on some old mod submarines and in stations.
MDK Nov 18, 2023 @ 5:03pm 
Can you please FINALLY add the enhanced armament weaponry to the recognized weapon list for the holsters? This part of the backpack is effectively useless for our servers.
Moon-Shadow Nov 17, 2023 @ 2:03pm 
So you'd rather have a cheat mod with a tiny backpack and the space of a large Cupboard.

Luckily for you, there are cheat mods like this.

Everyone else who doesn't want one of these can use this one.
hsdog Nov 17, 2023 @ 1:31pm 
they are too ugly and too big, this is a goofy mod
Moon-Shadow Oct 21, 2023 @ 12:15pm 
There are other backpacks that are more cheat, where a whole cupboard goes in.

If you want any disadvantage, then you would be so slow with the size that you are better off running back and forth several times than taking forever to get somewhere.

There's no point in moving as slowly as if you had two broken legs and were still crawling on the floor with a huge backpack with the space of a cupboard in it, and that when it's empty.


Actual to game version

Are cabinets in the stacks increased, this mod takes apparently somehow the stack values of the cabinets, so are now many things up to 32 stacks possible like construction material and medicine, and ammunition like SMG of 8 new as instead of 2 old, and weapons with single bullet up to 32 pieces. / But ore are still 8 pieces per stack.

So in a way, until it is adjusted, these can carry more than before per stack, before the update inventory and cabinet size was the same stack amount.
Zapp Brannigan Oct 21, 2023 @ 8:34am 
Is there no option to toss in all of the options into one mega, but slow backpack?
Moon-Shadow Oct 18, 2023 @ 11:33am 
You can build rebreathers.

Further test because I thought so it could go, but then saw what it really is, which is because the pumps must be built, and everyone has on the time enough skill the things in minimum green quality to build.

During the current test I had put the finished parts in a cupboard, before as building material.

And im Editor gives me only all as standard, so I saw that you can build it, but not immediately seen what it would go now, and the things swapped around, good that I had 4 pumps in the cabinet.

In the end, only 4 steel falls out of the manufacturer, which strangely enough are still pulled out of the cupboard when it is finished.

So buy 4 normal oxygen bottles, or take a character who can build them without quality. / A character with one of the low skill heavy backpacks will build them in standard quality because skills drop.
Moon-Shadow Oct 18, 2023 @ 11:04am 
Just a test in the editor.

You can't stack the pumps, I knew not that, never used them before.

The modders have probably never built them, otherwise they would have noticed that you can not stack them, they probably also need a battery because they have a bar under them that you only see when you have built them. / Not seen inside of the pumps, it was enough that I couldn't build the rebreather.


I have only looked at all the Packpacks , in a "Winterhalter" I built "holders" and put all me on them , looked at recipes in the manufacturer , but did not build any therefore no pumps built.

The rebreathers don't interest me, they are basically just big diving tanks, with slow recharging too slow for me, I prefer to take a backpack with space, you still need a diving suit with a rebreather.
Aizuki Oct 18, 2023 @ 5:04am 
how to make rebreather part? i cant craft it because need 2 portable pump but fabricator slot limt
Moon-Shadow Oct 15, 2023 @ 12:49pm 

Actually the modders should help with problems.

If with compatibility problems, since the mods are not listed above, or how to fix problems.

I have not made this mod , so I do not know how what works here. / Not even made an object mod. / So far only a submarine adapted.
Moon-Shadow Oct 15, 2023 @ 12:37pm 

The question is it visually only , or does it also relate to making when it jumps around so far.

You could test all these mods in the editor in the game, if it jumps around, and see with another test if it does the same without EK.

With me it jumped only around 1 point back and forth and only if the character also gets skill, then the new one was not there or it was there but the negative value of 1 was there.

So just take a dugong in the editor and equip it with backpacks, just put a pair of weapon holders in the submarine and the backpacks on it, then start the test in the editor.
Moon-Shadow Oct 15, 2023 @ 12:37pm 

EK, I don't know what all it changes, problem for me the outdated ones already barely list what they do, and the new version that puts them all together and makes them work doesn't list anything it does.

EK changes too much for me without telling me in advance what it wants to change, so no EK.

So I don't know what EK is doing with this mod, if it has anything to do with the mod here.

I also don't know why skill points jump around 1 with the mod here , I don't even have any mod that changes stuff that this mod also uses . / Only one clothing and it only takes the clothing , this mod here doesn't change any clothing.
Aizuki Oct 15, 2023 @ 3:48am 
prob, our server use barotraumatic , dynamic europa and EK simple tools only as equipment mods.
Moon-Shadow Oct 14, 2023 @ 9:43pm 
Is the clothing changed by another mod. ?

I have so far only one mod that changes clothing only in the compartments, so all clothing compartments of their professions gives.

Even without this mod the skill values of the character jump around a bit, but only by 1 point, only to the red minus values which reduce the backpacks.

Some backpacks have stronger skill disadvantages than others, I use only 2, one that degrades almost nothing, and one that I use only briefly when I have to transport certain things. / So only 2 backpacks, and the belts that have no negative values and nothing jumps around.
Aizuki Oct 14, 2023 @ 11:36am 
i use this mod but it make characters skill messed up by -10 to -1, the only fix i need constant re-equip modular backpack and my cloths
Moon-Shadow Oct 8, 2023 @ 10:20am 
Everything in this mod can be built by yourself, even the parts you need to build other things from this mod.

Simply enter a part of the word in the manufacturer's search, as the part is called what it displays in the recipe, If no group is specified on the left.
Dat_One_Guy Oct 8, 2023 @ 10:01am 
Thank you for the detailed response! one more question, how do i get small capacitor? i'm trying to make the backpack with the cargo scooter
Moon-Shadow Oct 7, 2023 @ 10:14am 
Yes it is safe, I have also done.

You can see before that it works, because it only adds things and does not change anything, except that the belt also gives a bonus to 2 values, but these values also come to an item that is normally not changed by any mod, unless you have a mod that changes the original belt, but that would then be a backpack mod where you would have to pay attention to what ID's and names it would have.

The only thing that doesn't work with this mod is to put the built weapon holders from this Mod, somewhere in a submarine to store the backpacks.

I only use 2, one with heavy weapons space and its 9 compartments. / And one that can carry 6 ammunition boxes and 3 railgun grenades with 3 small compartments for loot from wrecks, which is stored in my manufacturer where the construction material is, I only have to take it in hand when building a few things when all the slots are needed.

My diver has a backpack, everyone else has belts.
Dat_One_Guy Oct 7, 2023 @ 8:24am 
is it safe to install this mod to an ongoing single player game?
Dope Sep 17, 2023 @ 8:09am 
Possibly not intentional but you can fit a briefcase (Storage Container) inside a tool slot of a modular backpack + tools variant.
Moon-Shadow Sep 9, 2023 @ 2:29pm 
If they are allowed to do so.

Then it is important to give exact details if something is changed in the backpacks, i.e. where they differ, if they have more disadvantages or which ones are not used.

So that you don't have to constantly test more in the editor, what does a mod have if it adds something to the game.

There are already enough mods who include others, but don't write anything that has been taken over from others, only that is this or this Mod.
BOT Sep 9, 2023 @ 5:13am 
Hi,its a great mod.Exactly what I needed.Can I integrate it into my mod? The aim is to reduce the number of mod lists. The source of the mod will be marked.
Moon-Shadow Sep 6, 2023 @ 8:38pm 
Since I tested several mods in the editor, including weapons, I saw that these two do not go into any of the holsters, neither individually nor in those of the backpacks, but they go into the normal backpack compartments like other weapons.

Syringe Gun , Advanced Syringe Gun


I know probably a limit of the game or bots can't help it.

Bots can use 2 handed guns, and put on the belt space if space free.

Unfortunately they can't stored weapons that take up the big holster space by themselves, no matter it's the single big holster nor a backpack with the big holster.

They then always bring the weapon to the next closet where there is space, in case I change characters and they still have such a weapon in their hands.
Moon-Shadow Sep 5, 2023 @ 10:24pm 
Scooter version, the info in the workshop is missing that it is the cargo scooter what the fabricator wants.

Then when the new update comes where you can possibly if it comes exactly so, you can no longer stack oxygen bottles, so the scooter versions will no longer be very useful because you can carry so nothing more, and any scooter brings more with a normal backpack that has 9 places or something less space combined with others, but still has time until the update is there, because the oxygen stack quantity could also be higher than 1.


The weapon holder that can be built cannot be used on the walls.

Tested in the editor, because I put all the backpacks in a submarine to look at them, but these only go to the weapon holder, if I take one from the wall I get him also nowhere else, even newly built go nowhere.

Or do they just need a lot of space, which would also make them unusable for many submarines.
_]|M|[_  [author] Aug 28, 2023 @ 4:30am 
I've been mostly neglecting this mod as I'm working on too much stuff simultaneously, however once I'm done with the massive update for Hungry Europans, I'll go through this mod to rebalance and fix up things that might need fixing.

I haven't played in quite a while and didn't even explore all the backpacks, but I thought there was speed penalties for bigger packs already. But I honestly don't know since I didn't even make the mod and was added on to the project to maintain it since LeDoux sadly doesn't have the time for his projects currently.
iceball3 Aug 27, 2023 @ 7:07pm 
Agreed, slightly more balanced version would be nice. Something like:
-Various speed penalties for heavier backpacks
-Maybe removal of the rebreather?
But those are just my personal tastes
Blazej Aug 11, 2023 @ 3:06am 
How i can spawn them with commands?
BOT Jul 30, 2023 @ 8:22pm 
Hello, I made a Chinese Simplified version of MB, maybe you can put it in the main body, if not, the patch version is here