Vanilla Races Expanded - Sanguophage
788 comentário(s)
Rat in a cage há 19 horas 
anything to help deal with sunlight sensitivity? some clothes options maybe?
Sarg Bjornson  [autor(a)] 19 de jun. às 22:45 
Nope! Hungry boyes
Macky 19 de jun. às 16:06 
Is there a way to prevent the Ekkimian from eating corpses? They keep eating the Unnatural corpse and sending my pawn into a coma T_T
UnicornMan 18 de jun. às 18:50 
Bruxa's ecstasy seems to work to psychically deaf pawns despite described as a psychic ability.
Sarg Bjornson  [autor(a)] 18 de jun. às 6:31 
Yeah, no. People don't want that. We don't want that
The B 18 de jun. às 6:27 
I think it would be better to combine all Vanilla Expanded Races and disable which options people don't want in the settings.
But tbh, this also goes for other modules such as cooking and brewing but yeah.
Dawid 15 de jun. às 6:35 
Quick question about *Psychofluid wells*
It does say that you can build up to two wells for the same deathrest casket.
My deathrest casket has a limit of 3, i have 2 wells and one invocation matrix.
But wells does not seem to stack. From the description is says that for each hour of deathresting it should restore 5% focus, with two it should be 10, but in my case it is not.
Does every wel have their own timer for when the hour passes or are they sharing the same one?
Knight 14 de jun. às 18:30 
Having a weird issue where the Draincaskets arent draining blood and adding it to pipenet, no errors are being thrown?
mikester112 14 de jun. às 6:58 
Is there any possibility of the VE team possibly releasing higher resolution versions of VRE cosmetic parts? The resolution they're released in is fine for the most part for a lot of people but for people like me who use stuff like Camera+ and general hd pawn retextures, it kind of makes the lower resolution distracting. The Strigoi's bat parts in particular have been a particular pain point for me. It doesn't have to be included in the main mod, it could be its own separate optional thing.
t0panka 11 de jun. às 2:27 
Seems that Bruxa ability "Filter infection" is not working on prisoners. Is this intended or am i doing something wrong? I tried on several prisoners but nothing is happening but he spends his hemogen

I have newest version with all DLC and mostly Vanilla basic mods and this Sanguophage mod

I love this mod BTW!
Sarg Bjornson  [autor(a)] 6 de jun. às 3:53 
Only if they have the appropriate genes
✯ ZarKiiFreeman ☮ 6 de jun. às 3:48 
@Ranger Dimitri
Check my previous comments, you 100% can get sanguophage hemogen from custom xenotypes.
Sarg Bjornson  [autor(a)] 5 de jun. às 23:02 
Ranger Dimitri 5 de jun. às 15:52 
So, is the extract Sanguopahge Hemogen only usable with the Vanilla and mod added Sanguophage? I got my own custom Bloodfeeder race and I can't extract the Hemogen from the one I got prisoner.
Sarg Bjornson  [autor(a)] 5 de jun. às 2:56 
That's the neat part, you don't
Draxiss 5 de jun. às 2:55 
Also, is it a known bug that the target hemogen level gets reset after loading a new save?
Draxiss 5 de jun. às 2:55 
How do I stop my Ekkimians from eating random corpses? I've tried banning the area which has corpses, I've set the little bar ALL the way to the left AND unchecked the box in the upper-right corner of the hemogen gizmo indicator, but the little [PROFANITY REMOVED] still keeps eating corpses that were SUPPOSED to be stored in the banned area.
Sarg Bjornson  [autor(a)] 3 de jun. às 22:55 
Not really
dog gaming 3 de jun. às 14:16 
oohhh that makes sense, is there any way or mod to change that tho
Sarg Bjornson  [autor(a)] 2 de jun. às 23:21 
Draincaskets are like cryptosleep caskets
dog gaming 2 de jun. às 15:18 
no idea if its on purpose or an overlook but with ideologies that have slavery as honorable they don't count slaves if they're on a draincasket (they don't get the "slave in colony" mood and instead get the "no slave in colony" mood debuff if the only slaves are in draincaskets) :waxquail:
Sarg Bjornson  [autor(a)] 2 de jun. às 2:50 
Hungry hungry bois
shunter 2 de jun. às 2:16 
My Ekkimians keep eating unnatural corpses for corpse hemogen rip 💀
✯ ZarKiiFreeman ☮ 1 de jun. às 4:29 
Nearly forgot, suggestion i thought about:
Hemogen dripper? Like the paste drippers from paste expanded :]
✯ ZarKiiFreeman ☮ 1 de jun. às 4:26 
Well darn, guess i'll keep pumping out Sanguophage hemogen then, i made a whole food chain system with baseliners in draincaskets and sanguos in prison, they consume the regular hemogen and i take theirs!

Also, for people experimenting like me, to get a custom xenotype that you can EXTRACT Sanguophage hemogen packs from, you will need at least these three genes:

- Hemogenic
- Bloodfeeder, not any other "feeder" gene
- Any "Hemogen drain" gene

Not having a "Hemogen drain" gene makes you able to do the operation, but it won't give you a hemogen pack :/

If you just wanna feed from em the Hemogenic gene suffices.
Sarg Bjornson  [autor(a)] 1 de jun. às 4:14 
We do not want to make a pure buff automatic
✯ ZarKiiFreeman ☮ 1 de jun. às 3:55 
Yeah but like, i want it to be automatic, just like regular sanguophages will bloodfeed on their own on prisoners that are marked for "Bloodfeed" :/
UnicornMan 30 de mai. às 22:21 
Oh, while having the sango drafted, you right click on a sango/animal/corpse in order to obtain the respective hemogen. Not use the sango's abilities.
✯ ZarKiiFreeman ☮ 30 de mai. às 10:10 
Can you add a feature to toggle bloodfeeding on Sanguophages automatically with the Sanguofeed ability? Maybe it's in already but i can't find it at all.
UnicornMan 29 de mai. às 17:42 
Using this with Psycasts Expanded Hemosage, I notice that the different, non-human hemogens aren't recognized for Blood Focus meditation.
Cress67 29 de mai. às 2:27 
Just a a word for anyone that's running LWM's Deep Storage and might not be able to find the Hemogen Tap and Hemogen Drain. They're considered storage buildings, so they're in the Storage tab rather than in the Biotech tab. Confused the hell out of me for a bit.
masterj4695 29 de mai. às 0:59 
Nvm I'm a idiot figured it out lol...awesome mod btw
masterj4695 29 de mai. às 0:28 
Yea this might be a stupid question but how do I use the drain casket? There's no option to add someone to it when I click on it. Thanks
Sarg Bjornson  [autor(a)] 28 de mai. às 23:06 
You use the abilities
UnicornMan 28 de mai. às 21:03 
How do you obtain corpse and sanguophage hemogen? It isn't in the operations. Do I need prior research?
Morcalvin 26 de mai. às 1:14 
How do I withdraw hemogen from hemogen tanks?
mermader 25 de mai. às 18:23 
Can you add a mod that makes it so a regular sanguaphage evolves into one of the three after a certain amount of time. Like 2 years or so?
HKT 25 de mai. às 10:10 
When using the ecstasy ability on a ghoul, the blood essence is fixed at 0 and an error log continues to be generated.
6262soudai 24 de mai. às 6:32 
When the Bloodmoon event happened, my hemogenic pawn became hemohunter. And then, she used bloodfeed ability on Ghoul. After thtat, I made her use bloodfeed on Ghoul manually but she couldn't use it because Ghoul is non-bleeding creature right? So is this intended or possibly incompatibility with other mods?
Foefaller 22 de mai. às 12:39 
@Kaiser Gagius from what I can tell, all unique types of hemogen last until that pawn's next hemogen pack or bloodfeed use. Since they weren't cosuming any hemogen while deathresting, they kept the buff.
Kaiser Gagius 22 de mai. às 7:51 
The "Consumed Sanguophage Blood" buff lasts for the entire deathrest? Or have I just not been paying anough attention
Foefaller 21 de mai. às 14:20 
Strigoi heart crush kinda trivializes revenants in Anomaly, thanks to being small enough to 1-shot.

Bottom-of-the-list issue of course (especially when I consider the lines of code that would probably be necessary just to balance this one thing.) But I thought it was kinda amusing to share.
Sarg Bjornson  [autor(a)] 16 de mai. às 23:13 
Hungry, hungry boyes
Draxiss 16 de mai. às 18:59 
Hey, the corpsefeed ability destroys the body, rather than exsanguinating it like I'd expect. Wouldn't it make more sense to add or increase the blood loss hediff on a corpse?
Keanu Christ Rizen 16 de mai. às 1:48 
is there some kind of dynamic lighting idk about. its some times completely pitch black when no light is around
Ryuco 14 de mai. às 17:46 
not sure whats happening, but with 1.5 when i try to feed using one of the bites it causes it to subtract from the total hemo. only conflict i can think of might be the Belial race, anyone else have this problem?
Sarg Bjornson  [autor(a)] 14 de mai. às 13:17 
You can't
Bareback Hussein Obama 14 de mai. às 12:28 
i have a bruxa and a strigoi that im harvesting for vampire blood. How do can I automate the extraction of vampire blood from the strigoi? i put him in a bloodcasket with drain and vat and he doesnt produce any blood at all (he has 40 blood in him so i know he isnt empty)
BusyRaptor375 13 de mai. às 11:50 
Update to my issue, camera+ seems to be causing the issue, the new update partially fixed it
Sarg Bjornson  [autor(a)] 12 de mai. às 11:41 
Likely not