Dwarf Fortress

Dwarf Fortress

Gadget's Kobold Caverns
2chuu4u Jun 3 @ 10:54pm 
I love this mod, amaze! I don't know why, but I always want to play the nasty little vermin creatures in games. Like Skaven in Warhammer.

I am curious, do Kobold Adventurers have any unique features about them?
Warzagg Apr 25 @ 7:01am 
I absolutely adore this mod. I've always liked DF kobolds, but their inability to communicate with anyone else or integrate with other civs is frustrating.
cyberwar101 Apr 8 @ 4:33pm 
I appear to be having trouble turning the wooly spider silk into cloth or cloth goods, im going to dig into the raws a bit to see if there is something i can do about it.
Akkarin Mar 28 @ 11:41am 
Do you know if this mod is compatible with intro's kobold civ? Their kobolds are technically their own race, but I don't know how exactly they interact with eachother
SalmonGod Feb 29 @ 7:20am 
Just noticed you put this out! Will definitely have to give it a go!
FaithlessZealot Jan 7 @ 11:43am 
I'd like to do a playthrough of this mod once I can actually play the default game x-x
Curious Dec 30, 2023 @ 5:37am 
Skulking Filth edition of this mod is absurdly fun, the struggle is real. Good fun.
Draa Gul Oct 31, 2023 @ 8:29am 
Minor thing: Shouldn't it be hoard keeper and not horde keeper for the second administrator?
Curious Oct 12, 2023 @ 7:27am 
But @joshua, there are kobold specific tools for woodcutting and mining?
stormwolf442 Oct 12, 2023 @ 6:31am 
Any chance of a fix on the adult giant bat sprites?
Joshua Feufeu Sep 25, 2023 @ 6:32pm 
somehow the game starts without proper tools for woodcutting, mining ect. only the kobold only weapons
Emperor Thaloth Sep 24, 2023 @ 1:22pm 
For those of you looking for where to steal an anvil from, I stole mine from a Goblin Pit of size ~50. It only took a couple of in-game months and about 3-4 raids.
Curious Sep 24, 2023 @ 12:39pm 
thank you for the good screenshots, I keep checking this page over and over to remember the venom types for animals, it's very convenient :gorge:
sanguine_rex Sep 19, 2023 @ 10:19pm 
@Arma 2, I haven't encountered anything like that, I mean, I've thrown my kobolds at Megabeasts and just see them charge to their deaths, now whether that's due to the fact that my Kobolds usually die before they can regret anything is anyone's guess
sanguine_rex Sep 16, 2023 @ 6:59pm 
Love this mod, really fun not having to worry about being organized, and I love how your heavy hitters are never the kobolds, but their loyal friends. Honestly, only pet peeve is that these guys are always wiped out, like, why do dwarves hate my fellow Kobold Civilizations so much! Its not their fault dwarves have all the good stuff.
Kōdo Sep 14, 2023 @ 5:02pm 
About to embark and I've noticed that all available weapons, including slings and bows, are made of copper or bronze. Is this just an issue with embarking or are wooden weapons somehow unavailable?
Mick Aug 25, 2023 @ 10:52pm 
So everything works great except for one thing.

Kobolds turn into absolute lunatics if they are ever involved in combat. The act of throwing rocks at enemy soldiers who want to rip their guts out causes constant fright and trauma thoughts even with legendary discipline.

Even if no one gets injured, no one dies, and they don't even get close to an enemy soldier, they will accumulate extremely potent negative thoughts as a result and eventually the stress gets to them and they will freak out and your entire military will go on violent tantrums.
Curious Aug 20, 2023 @ 3:29am 
Testing in arena mode, it seems they'll use their slings in melee, instead of alternate weapons.
Vanilla bug, that'll prob be fixed soon though.
Curious Aug 20, 2023 @ 3:18am 
I'd assume that any item can be used as a melee weapon (Like a dwarf beating up something with socks), but that would be interesting to test.
Arcturas Aug 20, 2023 @ 2:16am 
Does anyone know (science?) if kobolds will happily dual-wield a sling and a melee weapon? Normally marksdwarves refuse to draw their melee weapon and just bash with their crossbow, but I assume the sling doesn't have a melee attack and so the engine may actually let the kobold use their melee weapon.

(P.s. @gadget I've built a multicultural fort. I have a library full of nillians and my kobold thieves are training up to head out and steal all the world's books 😂 )
stormwolf442 Aug 16, 2023 @ 3:21am 
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that the giant bat sprites are currently invisible. Other than that, I'm extremely impressed with your mod! It adds a refreshing twist on the usual fortress, I love how unique they feel!
Katherine Aug 15, 2023 @ 11:34pm 
This mod messes with Faux's equipment graphics. Longswords show up as flails.

Please make a version that just makes Kobolds playable and doesn't add weapons. Prefferably one that doesn't mess with normal kobold behavior, just make the civ labeled as playable please.
Arcturas Aug 6, 2023 @ 8:47am 
Thankyou for responding Gadget. After some more testing on my end - your Kobolds go on missions fine regardless of my massive modlist.

I was just confused about how to actually do missions :-/
(the Dwarf fortress UX is... not intuitive)
Curious Aug 4, 2023 @ 4:58am 
Found a bug.
"Shell Blocks" don't have any place they can be stored, and therefore only stay on the tile they were made at(unless being used for building something). So I got a bunch of pond turtle shell blocks and mussel shell blocks piling up on craftkobold's workshops
Curious Aug 4, 2023 @ 3:23am 
Looking through the mod files, it says they reach growth in 1 year, I think that'd be good information to add to the workshop page
Curious Aug 3, 2023 @ 12:05pm 
Thanks for all the messages gadget, it's really cool to see a fun koboldcamp on steam :)
gadgetpatch  [author] Aug 3, 2023 @ 8:49am 
RE: The Adventure Mode update:
I've got plans to expand the mod a bit, once Adventure Mode drops. I have to make sure Kobold sites, bandits, and adventurers generate properly. I also want to add kobold support to the upcoming Face Portrait system, and do some small quality of life fixes.

RE: DF Hack, Venom, and Eggs:
I wanted this mod to only need the new built-in modding system for DF. That said, I've been looking into how DF Hack would enable some features, like envenoming weapons, tweaking behaviors/industries, enabling egg-laying kobolds, etc. I'm considering a separate DF Hack version of the mod, with support for these features. But I need to learn the ins and outs of DF Hack first!

RE: Mod conflicts:
If you have issues and can provide mod lists, or investigate incompatibilities yourself, I can try to build work-arounds. I've done what I can, but until more flexible modding tokens get added, multiple mods editing core item or faction definitions can cause weird issues.
gadgetpatch  [author] Aug 3, 2023 @ 8:44am 
@Obsidious @DIPS @Arcturas Glad you like it! I tried to put a lot of thought into making the gameplay meaningfully different than Dwarves, without being too much of a Total Conversion mod, or getting too far from the vibe of vanilla Kobolds.

(Also yes, kobolds are MUCH more cowardly on average unless they're battle-hardened veterans, so they tend to get scared, run away, or even go catatonic when in danger... one of those things meant to set them apart from Dwarves.)
gadgetpatch  [author] Aug 3, 2023 @ 8:06am 
@Marcus The average kobolds doesn't mind sharing rooms, but because personalities are random, some will want to be private still. Also, any leader position will start demanding private rooms and trinkets (Kobold administrators are a little different than Dwarf nobles, and get greedier and want more things to themselves, as your settlement grows).

Also, Kobolds messing up stockpiles a bit is a feature. Their personalities are biased to be messy and irresponsible, so they are more likely to leave clothes and tools around when they're done with them. Kobold caves in adventure mode are always strewn with trash, and now it can happen in your fort too! (Some kobolds are tidier, and will clean up after the irresponsible ones, but larger forts tend to get messier)
gadgetpatch  [author] Aug 3, 2023 @ 8:00am 
@uchu_marlasca @DIPS @slype I hadn't make the Kobolds any more gay than dwarves, but what I had done is tweaked their personality biases to make them more flirty and open about taking lovers, so you're more likely to see kobolds in bisexual polyamorous relationships. I hope this is an acceptable compromise. > ,o

In general, I took inspiration from what I saw in the game's Raws for kobolds, and patterned their social structure off social pack animals like wolves. They're feral little guys, whose ethics don't care about being proper, private, or individualistic like dwarves. Plus, they need to rely on each other and work together to accomplish what larger peoples can do alone; it only makes sense they'd be more communal, rely on each other more, be more comfortable sharing spaces with each other, and have larger and fuzzier definitions of family units.
Lord Nich Aug 1, 2023 @ 5:48pm 
Ah that's aggravating, tried 10 different mods on a 500 year old world and no hatchets. Missed the part about All Races Playable. Can't cut down trees, not sure how else I would play with that, I'll try again later.
Curious Jul 31, 2023 @ 3:56am 
@GadgetPatch with DFhack on steam now, I believe envenomyed weapons is possible with it's assistence.
Not sure for the egg laying bit, though I have seen an other mod make an egg-laying civ somehow work.
Curious Jul 31, 2023 @ 3:55am 
I'm going to assume it's a mod conflict. Could you list what mods you're using @Arcturas
Arcturas Jul 29, 2023 @ 5:29pm 
Does anyone know a fast/easy way to figure out which mod is causing a bug?

My kobolds can't do missions. And I keep getting migrants, which is wonderful but not how the mod says kobolds work.

But I have lots of mods installed so it could definitely be a mod conflict.

(Love this mod by the way. Making them full carnivores and not addicted to Alcohol makes initial fort setup simple and coherent. And starting without an anvil definitely made shell and bone armour feel useful and necessary)
uchu_marlasca Jul 17, 2023 @ 2:04pm 
I mean not make all kobold gays just make like the gay rate more them the other races like another more
DIPS Jun 28, 2023 @ 11:40pm 
Having a blast with this mod and appreciate all the thought you put into the experience. From personal experience I know modding can be abit thankless at time so thanks for making this.

In terms of constructive criticism making all the Kobolds all gay would add to the already immersive and in-depth aspects of the game play.
Slype Jun 7, 2023 @ 3:42pm 
I fully endorse and support this mod not only due to its incredible quality, but also because the dev didnt make all of the Kobolds gay. Support this Dev because they don't push personal opinions into mods!:steamthumbsup:
Arcturas Jun 4, 2023 @ 9:56am 
The Aves mod seems to have egg-laying. Unclear if that's cause they haven't noticed the bug you mention or if they have a workaround you could ask them about.
Obsidious Jun 2, 2023 @ 9:49am 
This mod is so rad! Already a really fun experience, even though I embarked in a truly awful location that's covered the whole map in evil sludge (are kobolds especially cowardly, or would being caught out there be cancelling every job for dwarves too?). It's also a world with no dwarf civs so I don't know if metalworking is ever possible, but that's just pushing me towards the more koboldy crafts.
Marcus May 10, 2023 @ 10:19pm 
Encountered a bug where kobolds are messing up real bad all my stockpile. No food stockpile full of food. And armor in food stockpile and they keep moving stuff everywhere and doing nothing else. Also for bone armor what uniform to use ?? leather ??? Metal ??
Marcus May 10, 2023 @ 10:44am 
do they need rooms somme of my kobold complaints about proper room but dormitory are not enough for those rat creatures?
BiggusDickus May 8, 2023 @ 9:04am 
Confused Fox Apr 29, 2023 @ 2:36pm 
Is it compatible with Intro's Kobold Civ?
gadgetpatch  [author] Apr 6, 2023 @ 12:52pm 
@IttaBaby If you have a squad of kobold thieves or warriors assigned, go to the world map. You can click on another settlement, and launch missions targeting that site, including raids or attempts to conquer it.

Look up Missions on the DF Wiki for more details:
Wiki Link [dwarffortresswiki.org]
IttaBaby Apr 5, 2023 @ 7:42am 
How do I steal, precisely?
@mattisboehm I had a problem where the mod would not update correctly and revert me back to the version where you don't get migrant wave.. https://youtu.be/nPUo5m-0gKs?t=572 Maybe manually updating the mod could help you.
mattisboehm Mar 3, 2023 @ 9:03am 
Hey, how do you get more migrant waves? I had a fort with 7 Kobolds for 7 years, they didnt wanted to marry and make kids and the constant production of gold crafts to sell also did not get me migrants.
Nilserrich Mar 3, 2023 @ 2:01am 
Ahh, so that sounds good already. Thanks for your reply. :escapethx: :urist: Just because there is a patch for this other graphics mod, I will definitely test it.
gadgetpatch  [author] Mar 1, 2023 @ 3:55pm 
@Nilserich This mod remains in effect for Kobolds, even if you're playing as Dwarves, etc. They're a little more dangerous as enemies, on account of having flying mounts and venomous war animals, and how they'll lead full stealth attacks and sieges, instead of sending a few thieves to their enemies. But they're still kobolds, so temper your expectations!

@ryan.daum I've tuned the worldgen as carefully as I can, but it can just end up a lot of different ways. I get sprawling kobold factions about as often as I get destroyed or scattered ones. Kobolds are just smaller, more fragile, and have weaker metals than other factions, so they tend to take heavy losses in prolonged open warfare, in world-gen.
Nilserrich Mar 1, 2023 @ 8:58am 
Does this actually affect the goblin faction if you don't play it?