Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Arise Slavs! - Yugoslavia Overhaul
the Jun 7 @ 12:04pm 
mod crashes the game on load would not recommend
ActualGoodPlayerOrNew May 4 @ 3:24am 
I love this mod
Spyeter  [author] Apr 18 @ 9:00am 
❂ Bismarck ❂ Apr 17 @ 11:26am 
Oh, I'm sorry, is there Russian in this mod?
Spyeter  [author] Apr 17 @ 11:25am 
❂ Bismarck ❂ Apr 17 @ 11:00am 
Spyeter  [author] Apr 15 @ 8:32am 
i dont know
i like the idea of at some point adding focus trees to the main yugoslav nations but i dont think i have enough brainpower to tweak, test and bugfix that much stuff
Kommandant Yorkshire Apr 14 @ 6:43am 
What do you have planned next btw? like more focus paths or post war stuff? think some more wackier paths like uniting all of eastern Europe under Tito ( The Intermarium) or roman empire larp would be cool
Spyeter  [author] Mar 26 @ 12:45pm 
wdym "not working"
cann you describe whats the issue
Eliasandzaid Mar 25 @ 12:20pm 
yk the Partions not working can fix?
Spyeter  [author] Mar 25 @ 10:45am 
Eliasandzaid Mar 25 @ 8:28am 
Yo very great mod just asking about the partisan unit will it be fixed or nah cheers
Spyeter  [author] Mar 13 @ 12:05pm 
the mod has been updated for the latest patch
as for the partisan unit thing, something will be done about it yes
Kommandant Yorkshire Mar 13 @ 10:07am 
Amazing mod , any idea of update for Trial of Allegiance? , only complaint would be spawned in partisans cannot be deleted even after a war , aside from that really good ,cheers
Spyeter  [author] Mar 6 @ 4:58am 
yeah unfortunately the mod is not compatible with some mods
i tried making it as compatible as possible, but some changes are just necessary for the mod to function without cutting any content
Herxy_Rayzor Mar 5 @ 11:38am 
yup just figured it out, expert ai decided to change the whole focus tree and nearly everything else. its a shame the mods are not compatible.
Spyeter  [author] Mar 5 @ 11:15am 
do you use any other mods
Herxy_Rayzor Mar 4 @ 3:00pm 
Yugoslav resistance decisions dont work. "Invalid event with id:yug_exile.1". Not sure if thats the only thing that doesnt work with the resistance decisions.
Kmitar Feb 14 @ 10:50am 

Evo bug koji sam primjetio.
Kako bi zaposlili Ganz Kroatien-Slawonien trebamo posjedovati Zagorje-Slavnoija i Schleschwig-Holstien.
Evo i par prijedloga :
- Decisions za resource extraction. Znam da postoje focusi koji daju resurse, ali bilo bi još bolje da imaju i decisions, koji bi se mogli otključat preko focusa. Jer Juga nema niš resursa lolol
- Artillery MIO when? >:)
- Easter egg event za smrt Milana Grola (29.12.1952.). To bi bilo za bolesnike (doslovno ja) koji igraju lategame. Naslijedi ga, onak, Vučić sa traitom Parizermen (+1% monthly population?) >:)

Također, radi li se neki novi path?
Mod super, samo tako šefe! Živio! :btd6salute:
Spyeter  [author] Feb 14 @ 10:32am 
this mod changes a lot of files so sadly probably not
i tried to make it as compatible as possible
Atomix_Brezhnev57 Feb 14 @ 8:07am 
can you guys make this mod more compatible with other mods?
Aleeexeeeeei Jan 8 @ 8:38am 
Thank you
Spyeter  [author] Jan 8 @ 8:34am 
you need to remove the ethnic tension national spirit
Aleeexeeeeei Jan 8 @ 7:26am 
I cannot fulfill the condition "We have resolved interethnic tensions"
Spyeter  [author] Dec 14, 2023 @ 3:20am 
and thanks
Kmitar Dec 13, 2023 @ 2:51am 
Mod Super.
Igram ga ko lud. Ovako nešto nisam dugo vidio. Content sjajan. No, ima i nekih bugova koji malo izluđuju.
Ustaški revolt uvijek uđe u Axis. To je zbog, pretpostavljam da znas zasto, Pavelićevog traita "Eager Collaborator". Zbog toga ima veci fascist diplo. acceptance, pa uvijek uđe u Axis. Vidim da si stavio national spirit koji smanjuje AI desire da bude u factionu. Ali stavio si -1. Treba -100. Nisam dev, ali vidim da to funkcionira na taj nacin.
Također, jos jedan bug.
Nakon sto partizani, ili ko vec oslobode Jugoslaviju, ne bude onaj Balance of Power. Pa ne mozes progresati kroz focus tree. Jedino preko cheatova.

Sve u svemu, mod je super. Samo tako nastavi, kaj ja znam ahhahahaha

Spyeter  [author] Nov 27, 2023 @ 4:18am 
donald.grape Nov 26, 2023 @ 6:25am 
There's a problem. I switched to fascist with focuses and then crushed Ustasa. When they revolted, I tried fighting them like usual, but they joined Axis! They did not do that in vanilla. After that, they brought Germany and it was game over.
Lord Aleksej Nov 17, 2023 @ 1:23pm 
hello, i made a basic compatibility version with road to 56
Spyeter  [author] Nov 15, 2023 @ 11:40am 
it isn't crashing when i launch it
did you use any mods with it
lukim007 Nov 14, 2023 @ 5:32pm 
hey in the 1.13.5 is crashing so fix that pls, thx
nradjenovic Nov 14, 2023 @ 1:06pm 
why does it require dlc
Spyeter  [author] Nov 11, 2023 @ 3:02am 
thanks for reporting the bug, will be fixed!
ken oath Nov 7, 2023 @ 12:40pm 
hey love this mod just thought id let u know the balkan confederation focus is broken, atleast for me it is. i have maxed the political thingy to the right side but it still won't let me do the focus. just thought id let u know as it cooked my brain for a solid 2 hours.
Spyeter  [author] Oct 8, 2023 @ 11:03am 
you're very welcome

also thank you for the translation!
Bula_8814 Oct 7, 2023 @ 1:43pm 
Thank you so much for this amazing mod.
Bula_8814 Oct 7, 2023 @ 1:35pm 
Hello, if you are interested, I have translated your mod into Russian - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3047339860
Стефан Душан Oct 1, 2023 @ 3:46am 
dammn it. oh i accidntly removed the comment
Spyeter  [author] Sep 20, 2023 @ 3:37am 
Ness Scissors Sep 1, 2023 @ 12:37pm 
Spyeter  [author] Sep 1, 2023 @ 12:34pm 
i wouldnt like it for people to use it in their own projects
Ness Scissors Sep 1, 2023 @ 8:07am 
To clarify, do you prefer that people don't use this mod in general for their own projects? Or do you prefer they ask permission? If so, I am doing so now, for a hypothetical future project. Credit will be given, of course.
StivKobra Aug 21, 2023 @ 3:51pm 
What are your plans for this mod? The mod right now seems pretty much complete, with the amount of content it already has. I see it's frequently updated. You have any major updates in mind?
Great Nicholas Jul 31, 2023 @ 8:06am 
Could you please add like +100/+150 pp on the first focus on the communist path? So you can get Hribar fast and start using your pp for balance of power and then other things. This simply speeds things up and makes it more fun.
Spyeter  [author] Jul 21, 2023 @ 3:03am 
My apologies, steam comments tend to be pretty bad.
Yes it changes states.
No worries.
some hippies Jul 20, 2023 @ 2:26pm 
no i didnt mean like a genuine mod lol my bad
i meant playset sorry i was pretty tired i just have a bunch of rework mods and wanted to know if i cld make it work if u check profile i have no workshop things whatsoever im sorry for the confusion lol
Spyeter  [author] Jul 20, 2023 @ 7:04am 
who allowed you to use it in your modpack
some hippies Jul 19, 2023 @ 9:00pm 
does this add more states? just so ik if it can work in my overhaul/rework modpack
StivKobra Jul 13, 2023 @ 7:13am 
I feel like the support of unaligned should be buffed a bit.The only source of the ticking unaligned popularity is Controlled Democracy, and it gives just 0.05 daily. I think it should be buffed to at least 0.1, or add an advisor that gives unaligned support, like the generic Staunch Monarchist trait. Just something to help with the unaligned popularity a bit.
Professor Cube Jul 7, 2023 @ 11:01pm 
two small suggestions, can you divide Backa-Barnya into a majority Serbian state and majority Hungarian state, and create a separate state in Trieste