Portal 2

Portal 2

Perpetual Companion
mechtakendall May 12, 2014 @ 4:57pm 
Nicely designed, but I felt that there were a few red herrings along the way. In particular, I liked the cube trap between panels .
Innocentive  [author] May 12, 2014 @ 4:29pm 
Thanks, dire.fcs! Will check out your map soon :)
dire.fcs May 12, 2014 @ 3:34pm 
One well of a jump! (almost 20 minutes to to get to the glass platform), the rest is fine, very well designed chamber. Thumbs up!

One of mine:
LPChip May 12, 2014 @ 3:29pm 
I doubt I'll be able to ever make that jump unless by accident. Somehow I always miss the portal when it's on a slope, and the fact that the other portal keeps pulling me into that one rather than the one on the slope doesn't help either. Might be a bug with my sixense version.
Innocentive  [author] May 12, 2014 @ 2:19pm 
Soory to see that you didn't succeed with that jump, LPChip! I think that you were actually doing to much movement when trying to hit the portal. I hope that you will give it another shot because I took extra effort to make this fling easier than it normally is with some hidden enitities. All you have to do is hit the portal without touching its sides...
LPChip May 12, 2014 @ 10:37am 
I had to look at the solution to see what I had to do, and at the 7th attempt to make that jump and fail, I rage quitted. Seems this is one I can't finish. Here's my blindrun and ragequit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTYBIoo55J4
Innocentive  [author] May 12, 2014 @ 7:30am 
You need to let things fly, LPChip, but I guess you already know that. Hint: In the intended solution, you first need to get the CC off the glass ledge so that you can get the reflector cube into the area with the two buttons. To get the CC you need to use the funnel and of the angled panels in a somewhat unconventional way ...
LPChip May 12, 2014 @ 7:04am 
Crap. I already was playing the new version. That means I am gonna need a hint. Or your map is broken. :P There seems to be no way to get to the companion cube nor can I get the reflector cube to that area.
LPChip May 12, 2014 @ 6:57am 
I'm trying to do a solution which isn't working because the funnel is in the way, and now I discover you moved the funnel. Have to get the new version because I am likely to solve it now. ;)
Innocentive  [author] May 11, 2014 @ 1:21am 
Now where do I put the funnel this time? Ok, let's try over the entrance ;)

Here goes nothing. New version uploaded ... the last verison was a real improvement for the worse even though I kinda liked the funnel in the exit area. Well, let's see what unintended solution I opened up with the funnel where it is now :)
Brave May 10, 2014 @ 1:22pm 
I used the angle panel to get to the otherside where the solid cube is, but never had to raised the angle panel for any reason to get the reflector over there, so I don't know what purpose raising the panel serves!
How I got passed the 3 light bridges. theres portable surfaces on the floor at the entrance, I sent my solid cube up in the funnel to diabled the 3 light bridges 1 at a time to get across to the exit, then shot my portal at the exit side for my solid cube to passed through into my hands!
Innocentive  [author] May 10, 2014 @ 11:55am 
Thanks, DeathWish808! Made my day to see someone solve a test of mine 100% as intended :D. I actually built in two trigger_catapults to make the things possible/easier that you were wondering about. I'm happy that you like the difficulty of the map.

And thanks, Fatso, for not overlooking that I hadn't prevented the unintended solution with my first fix. I think I fixed it now and involuntarily also prevented that jump to the exit that I wasn't able to accomplish in the first place ;)
DeathWish808 May 10, 2014 @ 9:20am 
Fun map and a nice difficulty.

Video: http://www.twitch.tv/deathwish808/b/527571962 (Yours is the last one.)
Innocentive  [author] May 9, 2014 @ 3:56pm 
That's ok, Fatso! I saw that general possibiliy but wasn't able to pull it off during playtesting ... crazy ninja skills. I could easily fix it by just moving the exit further away but I'll leave it in because it's so obviously unintended. Speed runners will hopefully appreciate it.

If I succeed in making this a Wheatley style chamber I will take care of that shortcut though ;)
Innocentive  [author] May 8, 2014 @ 11:28pm 
Thanks for that video, Fatso! No need to post it anymore because I already amended the map so that the two things you did in an unintended way are no longer possible ;)