Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Reforged Eden 1
wunz1 14 hours ago 
A fresh copy of RE seems to have fixed the issue
ravien_ff  [author] 19 hours ago 
@wunz1 please report issues following the process in the troubleshooting thread.
wunz1 20 hours ago 
Dont know if its just me but,loaded the updated scenario to the server,when logging in it hangs at connecting to server,tried a single player and hangs at loading screen
ravien_ff  [author] 23 hours ago 
Reforged Eden updated to build 86 to add changed and additions from the latest game update.
ravien_ff  [author] Jun 17 @ 2:57pm 
Public Service Announcement

There is a Empyrion game update scheduled for release tomorrow.
As with any game update, this may or may not require an update to the scenario.
All scenario updates are always posted on the workshop page for the scenario along with a comprehensive change log.
If you encounter new bugs after the update, make sure to reproduce them in a vanilla save game and follow the directions to report them as game bugs so they can be fixed.
As a reminder: The scenario may not function correctly after the game update until the scenario also gets an update. If you play on a server, you will need to direct all questions to the admin of the server you play on.
ravien_ff  [author] Jun 15 @ 2:31pm 
There is a game update scheduled for June 18th.
Just a reminder that depending on the changes in the game update, the scenario may need a compatibility update before it can work.
ravien_ff  [author] Jun 15 @ 10:34am 
Please read the description of the moon.
Dave Jun 15 @ 6:33am 
Terrain is to hard for the driller? Using a SV with laser drills. What are you suppose to use? Just on a 3g metallic moon.
ravien_ff  [author] Jun 14 @ 10:31am 
God At War46 Jun 14 @ 9:01am 
Is RE 1 pretty much done then, content wise? I'm guessing it'll still be supported in terms of bug fixes and stuff?
ravien_ff  [author] Jun 11 @ 8:18am 
Can't fix either. But if you dig from the top you shouldn't have that issue.
estancio Jun 11 @ 12:37am 
Still on RE 1. but two questions/requests for RE 2 as i know you aren't working on RE 1 anymore.

have you/would you consider, removing structural integrity for silver(palladium now i guess) and Tungsten deposites. I see you increased the size, which i'm sure will help, but still would be nice not to lose ore nuggets to game nonesense.
Second, and i'm guessing this ones a 'nope'. Is there anything you can do/have done to prevent my ship from docking with the deposite like it keeps trying to do in RE 1?
ravien_ff  [author] Jun 9 @ 7:57pm 
I always recommend playing the game's tutorial first, then playing through vanilla survival at least until you're familiar with the game. In RE we expect people to already be familiar with the game mechanics.
Jesus The Astronaut! Jun 9 @ 7:38pm 
I have never played Empyrion at all and I was planning on playing this mod as first playthru? Would that be okay? Im fairly familiar with games like space engineers.
ravien_ff  [author] Jun 7 @ 1:56am 
For those who might be interested Reforged Eden 2 is now in beta:
ravien_ff  [author] Jun 5 @ 12:20pm 
Base attacks aren't going to be configured until RE2.
Either prepare yourself for base attacks by putting up some defenses, or skip a base and just get into a SV.
GrisNuage Jun 5 @ 11:55am 
Third game in a row. Killed 20 times by bombers on the second day. Does anybody remember that it's supposed to be a game ?
ravien_ff  [author] Jun 3 @ 11:12pm 
Please see the troubleshooting thread and follow some of the troubleshooting steps in there.
tricknfa Jun 3 @ 10:44pm 
Heavy windows and interior lights are forbidden blocks for SV and HV and not in any constructor if you didn't remove them do i have some weird file problem? Are they gone from the main game?
ravien_ff  [author] Jun 3 @ 8:18pm 
Autominers won't work on carbon deposits in RE1.
Shoyun Jun 3 @ 6:41pm 
Hi, i tried an auto miner on carbon, doesn't seems to work. Any way to do it ?
Orange Reaper Jun 3 @ 2:29am 
@jdrafton, I had a similar experience in my recent play-through, Hell Planets were very difficult to find.
ravien_ff  [author] Jun 2 @ 9:08pm 
We didn't remove heavy windows from ships in RE1.
tricknfa Jun 2 @ 9:06pm 
Can we please have heavy windows back for small ships? I can work around all the other changes but that block missing destroys the ascetics of ships I've put tons of hours in. 200 vs 100 hit points cant be that big a deal.
jdrafton Jun 2 @ 8:25pm 
I have been to over 30 "Hot" systems on my way to Zirax territory and have found only one "Hell" planet. Sadly, there were no Drone parts available. What am I doing wrong?
ravien_ff  [author] May 31 @ 8:07am 
Nothing has changed with the planets.
FazZzy May 31 @ 2:28am 
Верните дронов на планеты, верните хардкор....
ravien_ff  [author] May 30 @ 8:10pm 
I didn't update anything. But glad whatever issue you had is fixed now lol.
jdrafton May 30 @ 7:33pm 
Teleporter problem fixed with May 28 update... Thanx!
ravien_ff  [author] May 29 @ 12:29am 
I usually recommend playing vanilla first. We expect people to already know how to play the game when they try RE1 so it's good to learn the basics of the game first.
When or if you get bored of vanilla then you can try custom scenarios.
You can also jump right into it too but just be prepared for a steeper learning curve then.
plantlyfe3 May 29 @ 12:22am 
I just bought and installed the game, I heard this mod pretty much makes the game. Should I play the original first or just install this mod right away?
Teknos May 28 @ 9:27am 
Any updates on RE2's release timimg?
ravien_ff  [author] May 28 @ 1:46am 
We can't change that in the scenario.
CastratedCorgi May 27 @ 10:10pm 
LOD for grass is pretty short, around 80 meters. This is my first time playing the game so maybe this is the norm, my apologies if that's the case
ravien_ff  [author] May 27 @ 12:27pm 
That's also a game bug.
TheBlkKid May 27 @ 8:59am 
when i boot it up, it just stays at the space screen after loading planets. is this normal cause ive been waiting for 15mins
ravien_ff  [author] May 26 @ 11:21pm 
game bug.
Manuka May 26 @ 11:16pm 
Playing online ATM and I noticed that Large Generators are not turning (no animation) and the Advanced Constructor is not lit (no lighting effects). FYI. TY.
ravien_ff  [author] May 25 @ 7:22pm 
Your question is answered in game and on the workshop description. The PDA also has a lot of info.
Knotty Wood May 25 @ 7:15pm 
My understanding was in RE there were no more tiers and that you could have as many as you wanted if CPU was turned on. Is this not correct?
Fylas May 25 @ 7:05pm 
Knotty Wood, the tooltips contain the max value if a block is limited.
ravien_ff  [author] May 25 @ 6:44pm 
Check the tooltips.
Knotty Wood May 25 @ 6:23pm 
With the CPU changes am I not allowed to add another level 1 CPU extender? I have one added.
Vermillion  [author] May 23 @ 4:17pm 
You do not, nor have you ever been able to find Cobalt, Titanium or especially Neodymium on starter planets. They are always on the starting planet's moon. Except Neodymium, which is always on a different planet in the starting system.
Knotty Wood May 23 @ 2:22pm 
Did some of the rarer minerals get removed off of Akua in this mod? I cant find cobalt titanium and neodyium
Bob-O-Matic May 23 @ 11:54am 
@Grobert Gromaks: Yes, you should be able to find them. Just your bad luck. We have found them in other star systems not only hot ones.
Deim0s May 23 @ 11:22am 
Hello everyone!! Just a quick question. Do Hell planets still exist in the scenario? I have traveled in 20 different O, B and K stars but I haven’t found any. Also, what does the number after the letter of the star represents? I mean what is the difference between a K and a K6 star? Any info would be helpful and thank you in advance.
Grobert Gromaks May 22 @ 1:48pm 
Honestly, I find it a shame that the basic Drill is as ineffective as the multitool in terms of harvest rate. Then the damage is that the turrets have too short a range compared to enemy vehicles and finally the resource rate required from manufacturing is too high.
ravien_ff  [author] May 21 @ 9:31am 
Midas that's a game bug.
Midas May 20 @ 11:12pm 
I'm doing a level 3 combat site where there is a syndicate munition depot with 2 shield generator POIs on either side. I have taken out the two shield bases, shut down the central base, and destroyed the defending CVs, however when I go to re-core and loot a CV, it pretty much immediately despawns and a new one shows up. Are they supposed to just spawn endlessly?