[WOTC] Rescue Denmother
382 kommentarer
Iridar  [skaper] 8. sep. kl. 17.42 
@Fromage du Mort
Try switching to the BETA Highlander.
Fromage du Mort 8. sep. kl. 17.41 
I've started getting crashes when using my Keeper (Denmother). The error reads "Warning: USkeletalMeshComponent::InitArticulated : No PhysicsAsset defined for Plot_SLM_Guerilla_LgObj_RetainWall.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.XComWeapon_253.SkeletalMeshComponent_1827 with skeletalmesh IRIKeeperBackpack.Meshes.SM_GrappleGun"

Right after that the game crashes. Is anyone else seeing this? Is there a fix of any kind for this one? This occurs just after grappling with Denmother. Strangely, it worked for a long time... I'm getting this failure pretty far into the game, and she's grappled many times before without fail. Could this be a mod colision of somekind?
mAhla 22. juli kl. 9.02 
Just wanted to drop a recommendation! Very nice mod!
LeyShade 24. mai kl. 6.08 
@Snoup Sniddly - Edit the configs from Mod Jam into the ones from this, and you can make your own variant Denmother.
Crimson Dawn 14. mai kl. 15.33 
Probably my favorite mod. Very fleshed out and Denmother turned out to be one of my best soldiers in legendary ironman.
TheDestroyer 28. apr. kl. 13.11 
@Snoup Sniddly
Why not use Mod Jam?
Asking cuz I'm trying to build a new big LWOTC modlist.
Iridar  [skaper] 27. apr. kl. 18.22 
You say this like this is a commonly known issue. This is the first time I'm hearing of this. As far as I know the mod works perfectly fine. If you're experiencing issues on your end, they're most likely caused by other mods. Follow standard mod troubleshooting steps.
FeeL 27. apr. kl. 15.48 
hey guys, is there any solution yet for game crashing after denmother gets traits ?
Snoup Sniddly 23. apr. kl. 13.05 
Iridar  [skaper] 22. apr. kl. 14.36 
Snoup Sniddly 22. apr. kl. 14.02 
Sorry to be one of *those* people with the dumb questions, but here goes.

Using LWoTC, I'd of course love to get the usual 2 extra rows of Xcom & pistol perks, but it seems like it'll require me to use Modjam, which I don't want to do. Is there any relatively simple way I can at least add in the Xcom row perks for her without changing my whole game up with Modjam?

Thank you
bucktail0117 17. jan. kl. 0.00 
@dragon32 thank you
bucktail0117 14. jan. kl. 23.45 
what is the exact console command that id need to type in to chaine reina's class back to keeper? idk why but she switched to a field medic after a mission
DaViper 11. des. 2023 kl. 3.31 
Just reporting that if you use any armor that includes a grappling hook, things get really wonky (soft locking/failure to use the grapple, etc.,) if DenMom tries to wear it. You end up with two grapple icons and no real way to tell which is which. (Non grappling armor works just fine.)
(I've looked through the comments and only see reports about using her own grapple after something else having issues. All of her normal stuff works just fine for me...but put on a spider suit and yeah...wonky. No hard crashes though.)
Penril 26. nov. 2023 kl. 2.23 
thanks for your answers!
Iridar  [skaper] 26. nov. 2023 kl. 2.00 
1) Yes, as explained in the ClassData.ini.
2) No.
Penril 26. nov. 2023 kl. 1.20 
Love the Keeper class. I have 2 questions:

1) Will new soldiers get randomly promoted to Keepers if i modify NumInForcedDeck / NumInDeck? If so...

2) Is there a way to deactivate Denmoter from the first Retaliation mission? I already saved Denmother to my Character Pool from a previous campaign and now I want her to appear only as a VIP Keeper.
Detious 18. nov. 2023 kl. 1.17 
Damn. I saved her on the mission and she literally gets killed on the next hahaha.
RakkoHug~<3 17. nov. 2023 kl. 8.40 
Thank you very much
Iridar  [skaper] 17. nov. 2023 kl. 7.30 
If you save her to Character Pool, she might appear as a regular soldier of any class. It will have no effect on the appearance of the Denmother you get from the first retaliation, her appearance is hard set in the config, so if you want to change, that's where you'll have to do it.
RakkoHug~<3 17. nov. 2023 kl. 6.44 
Iridar, if Denmother's customized look is saved to the character pool, would she retain her customized look in the next new campaign?
Iridar  [skaper] 10. nov. 2023 kl. 9.40 
@Alonia Bloodsteel
I'm not gonna do it myself, but won't stop anyone from doing it either. The model of the backpack is freely available in game's assets, so anyone can make a mod that will do that without any connection to this mod.
Alonia Bloodsteel 10. nov. 2023 kl. 9.16 
Would it be possible to get an alt version of the backpack without shoulder straps for use in solder designs (to solve clipping/use with vests and the like)? Doing such in Outfit Studio for a Beth title is so much simpler...
RustyDios 24. okt. 2023 kl. 9.12 
If you are using my Detailed Soldier List Redux -- your issue might be related to this. The symptoms sound similar to an issue I can't trace, where getting a new trait (possibly from the MoreTraits mod), causes an instant CTD when viewing the soldier list.

-- Unfortunately I can't trace/find/fix this particular bug :( :(

The only method of continuing is to not use my DSLR or revert to a save before that trait is acquired
Iridar  [skaper] 24. okt. 2023 kl. 3.59 
It's unlikely to be connected with this mod, once Denmother is on the Avenger, she's a generic soldier just like everybody else.
Xvs 24. okt. 2023 kl. 3.57 
Has anyone encountered, hard crash when viewing the Soldier screen after Denmother obtains a Trait after a mission?
4rrakis 23. okt. 2023 kl. 12.09 
I never tried to use this with LWotC and without the mod I linked, but if you don't mind the missing rank on the class it should be fine. However, the requirements for the Keeper mod for LWotC are actually not that much. Apart from this mod, which you have, there are two perk mods which do absolutely nothing to your game until a class needs them, and the Shadow Ops classes. If you do not want those classes you can disable them in that mod's config file. Just open XComClassData.ini, you will find a line for each of the classes beginning with '+SoldierClasses = '. Put a ; in front of each of those lines and the classes will not appear in the game.
Snaider 23. okt. 2023 kl. 2.04 
@4rrakis Sorry to bother you again, but to put that mod I need a lot more that change the game a lot (Shadow Ops for example). There is no way to make it work without so many things?

If I play LWoTC only with this, Is there a problem that the Master Sargent rank is missing?
4rrakis 22. okt. 2023 kl. 10.04 
No problem, you're welcome!
Snaider 22. okt. 2023 kl. 10.01 
Thank you man
Snaider 22. okt. 2023 kl. 9.06 
What mods you need to work with LWoTC? I cant put a rookie to train this class and the Denmother only has 2 lines of perks.
Thorke 25. sep. 2023 kl. 3.23 
I will have some conflict with some mod, anyway I added it when I finished to be fair :D
and there it came out, everything was correct, thank you
Iridar  [skaper] 24. sep. 2023 kl. 20.50 
She will not appear on subsequent retaliations. You can add her to barracks via console command.
Thorke 24. sep. 2023 kl. 10.08 
I just started the campaign and I already got the first retaliation mission, I'm with LWOTC.
but Denmother doesn't appear, should I restart the load until it comes out or can it come out later in another mission?
fallenscion 1. sep. 2023 kl. 20.14 
Now with cosmetics and the Augmentations mod, I have a Denmother with a cybernetic eye- 10/10, would sin against god and nature again for my angry XCOMommy.
Old Man Jenkins 29. aug. 2023 kl. 9.29 
That's a great idea, I always forget about technology like that. I saw an archive where someone was trying to get it to draw the "cool S" from when I was in middle school, very entertaining. It's a great dossier, I might add. Far longer than most of the Fireaxis ones. I enjoyed reading it, and not just because pointing out other people's spelling mistakes makes me feel smart and helps to compensate for low self-esteem.
Iridar  [skaper] 28. aug. 2023 kl. 22.46 
@Old Man Jenkins
Hi. Thanks, I'll filter it through Chat GPT.
Old Man Jenkins 28. aug. 2023 kl. 19.36 
Dossier has some grammatical errors, mostly mixing tenses (predominately has/had). Happy to fix it for you if it's a concern, if not just wanted to bring it to your attention. Thanks, as always, for all the great mods and hard work!
RakkoHug~<3 16. juli 2023 kl. 1.15 
Oh ok, Thank you very much :)
Iridar  [skaper] 16. juli 2023 kl. 1.12 
You have to change it before you rescue her. If you rescue her, and then change the .ini, she will remain a Keeper.
RakkoHug~<3 16. juli 2023 kl. 0.43 
I am sorry, Iridar, could you please clarify?

Does it mean the ini edit will only work up to the moment of rescue and after the rescue, she will revert back to Keeper class?
Iridar  [skaper] 15. juli 2023 kl. 22.07 
Yes, you can change her class in one of the configuration files, though it will only apply until you actually get her. After that you'd have to use console commands to change it.
RakkoHug~<3 15. juli 2023 kl. 22.03 
Iridar, is there an ini file that determines what Denmother's class will be?

If there is, then would an edit be able to change her class?

Thank you very much for your help :)
Iridar  [skaper] 27. juni 2023 kl. 17.05 
Yes, the entire weapon is set up via Template Master.
MrCloista 27. juni 2023 kl. 16.53 
@iridar is it possible to change what the marksman carbine upgrades into?
Iridar  [skaper] 25. mai 2023 kl. 2.41 
It's probably the same crash that happens with regular grapple. Cause is unknown.
Philistine Swine 25. mai 2023 kl. 2.39 
Getting crashes specifically when I grapple after throwing a bandage. I have a tonne of mods so I doubt yours is to blame, but I figured I'd mention it nonetheless
Iridar  [skaper] 15. mai 2023 kl. 23.18 
Well yeah, her gear is set up only for kevlar armor. That's just how it is. If you want to use any cosmetic with any armor, you need Unrestricted Customization Redux.