Arma 3
Project SFX: Remastered
Inferno | M.D.F May 29 @ 12:15pm 
Webknight how do I disable the sounds that play when you're healing, especially with ACE it's so annoying to hear the same sound like 20 times in 30 seconds.
ChemicλlCherry May 6 @ 7:02am 
I keep hearing my character constantly breathing like an asthmatic person
_mickey_ May 4 @ 1:10pm 
ok, it will be easier to simply disable this option. Thank you for giving us the mod settings!
WebKnight  [author] May 3 @ 7:36pm 
@_mickey_ will not fix that
_mickey_ May 3 @ 5:14pm 
@WebKnight Hi!

I encountered with inaccuracy in your mod. If <Enable SNIPER supression sound> is activated, then ASP-1 Kir subsonic weapons will have supersonic cracks.

Repro Steps:

1. Enable SNIPER supression sound
2. Put against self enemy AI, equiped ASP-1 Kir
3. Listen to the sound when someone is shooting in your direction
Raio Apr 22 @ 2:23pm 
+1 to ACE compat :LIS_pixel_heart:
Insurpossible surjent Apr 5 @ 11:00am 
If it's possible and you have the time for it, could you make this ace compatible as the sounds stay at 100% volume when the ace hearing loss effects are on? Oh, and thank you for all of your hard work and support for the Arma 3 community. Your mods are top-notch.
WebKnight  [author] Apr 2 @ 3:55am 
@marchie no, the ai do not play any sounds when they get hit, only whenever they are dying
marchie Apr 2 @ 3:07am 
Just a clarification, does this mod also includes AI voice/sound when getting hit? i noticed majority of the voices only happens when the ai dies.
Bozo Mar 17 @ 4:48pm 
Dude, this mod is really good.
Perfeckdark Mar 15 @ 6:54pm 
@mike xanax Yeah mine too, lol. Amazing mod but it makes it unplayable for me it's just too irritating. I wonder if it's a conflict with another mod?
Rowdy Mar 9 @ 1:56am 
tank and sniper suppression wont edit correctly in cba
Apricot_ale Mar 2 @ 10:26am 
Wouldn't it be possible to enable/disable hit/dying sounds for players and enemies?
Also, can it be divided according to the state of ACE unconscious status?
Like SSD Death Screams.

I really like this mod (P:SFX) because it can be combined with Hit &Death Animation and IMS, but when I was using ACE it felt a little unnatural.
(It's very surreal to hear an unconscious person scream when he dies)
Axle Feb 21 @ 8:52am 
Thanks so much! I didn't expect a patch in such a short amount of time!
WebKnight  [author] Feb 21 @ 8:38am 
@Axle okay should be fixed now
WebKnight  [author] Feb 21 @ 8:30am 
@Free2u2 works with anything
@Axle i probably forgot to disable foley sounds when you disable inventory ones, will fix it when have time
Axle Feb 21 @ 8:04am 
Turned off inventory sounds, and they are still there. Tested with no other mods loaded
Free2u2 Feb 21 @ 7:25am 
Does this work with the S.O.G Prairie Fire DLC?
vrabie radu Feb 21 @ 1:22am 
why is my character crying and sobbing lol
RickGonzalez Feb 20 @ 10:10am 

A little respect and politeness would be nice, did you know?
The guy doesn't work for you.... Just a reminder
Nokecity2 Feb 20 @ 8:39am 
@WebKnight Broooooo the new sounds are dope asf. Keep it up my guy!!!!!
WebKnight  [author] Feb 20 @ 8:31am 
@_mickey_ you would have to get used to those new sounds, because i will never get back to old crappy ones. Stop bitching about every single thing, i am not obligated to do what you like. If you want something to be done in a different way, go and do it yourself.
_mickey_ Feb 20 @ 4:13am 
@WebKnight I just want to add that for me your mod has always been one of the best! It's not your new sound that I don't like, because that's not how human movements can sound. I was forced to roll back to the previous version. I hope one day you will return the old sound to your briliant mod!
_mickey_ Feb 20 @ 4:09am 
@WebKnight "i can't fix that i told you that 10 times as well" - Did you tell me? You've only ignored it dozens of times. Now I'm laughing at the fact that it can't be done! Do you need Alien technologies? LoL!
RickGonzalez Feb 20 @ 1:03am 

Thnks for the update!
I'll check it out later

(The other features are awesome, it was just the "cracking" ADS for some weapons that looked kinda "too much" and artificial for me)
WebKnight  [author] Feb 19 @ 8:32pm 
@Chris P. Bacon apriciate that man, will change more sounds in the future as well as new ambient sound system
Chris P. Bacon Feb 19 @ 8:09pm 
Loving the sound overhaul update man :)
WebKnight  [author] Feb 19 @ 7:28pm 
@RickGonzalez should sound less mechanical now, and if you dont like even the new sounds you can always disable them in addon options, same for you @_mickey_
WebKnight  [author] Feb 19 @ 6:43pm 
@RickGonzalez they sound good for me, although i will figure something out to make em better
WebKnight  [author] Feb 19 @ 6:42pm 
@_mickey_ i cant fix that i told you that 10 times as well
RickGonzalez Feb 19 @ 5:03pm 

ADS new sounds airen't good my friend...
Looks like some wood stick cracking

Please, reconsider reversing
Raio Feb 19 @ 2:30pm 
_mickey_ Aimsight sound was working only on stand position even before, but I totally agree with how it sounds now. Feels very off to me also. Love this mod anyway :APTflame:
_mickey_ Feb 19 @ 11:25am 
@WebKnight You just ruined your mod:( The sounds of your aiming are terrible. They look like a bunch of metal nuts in a player's pockets. The player feels like a plumber, not a soldier. In addition, I have informed you about the error 10 times. Your weapon raising and lowering sound only works when the player is standing, but if you go down into the crouch, then it doesn't work. You'd better fix the bugs, instead of adding new ugly sounds.
_mickey_ Feb 19 @ 11:20am 
@44 хороший!? по мне, так звук отвратительный. Просто испортил свой мод, теперь какой то звон гаек металлических в карманах при прицеливании. Чувствуешь себя сантехником...

Я однозначно удаляю эту версию и откатываюсь к предидущим версиям.
44 Feb 19 @ 3:17am 
красава.обновил классно,звук хороший
Анечка Feb 6 @ 7:19pm 
I don’t understand at all how to add the sound that was in your video, help! Why don't all sounds work? How to fix it
K1NG_J3W Feb 5 @ 12:43am 
Hey Webknight Love your mods, thank you for all the time you put into these projects, they make our Antistasi playthroughs magic!

I was wondering if you would be able to add ace compatibility to this mod. When ear ringing and sound muting occurs the audio from project SFX is not muted as well.

Would it be possible to include your sounds to quieten when this happens?

UFO Feb 2 @ 7:41pm 
Did Voldemort start playing Arma or something? Screw memes, what was the game?
Sunbather Jan 28 @ 5:03am 
Lot of great things here but way too many sounds borrowed from that one game that shall not be named (e.g. when opening your inventory or when you're under suppressing fire). The problem with borrowing heavily from other games is: when one has played hundreds of hours of that game, it just sounds stale and even misplaced. Maybe in the future you can use more authentic material from Youtube.
Raio Jan 17 @ 4:48am 
That way I will mute everything, but its ok, thaks for help sir. :)
WebKnight  [author] Jan 16 @ 12:05pm 
0.1 fadeSound 0.3;
0.1 fadeMusic 0.3;
0.1 fadeRadio 0.3;
0.1 fadeSpeech 0.3;

Thats all what you need
Raio Jan 16 @ 4:33am 
@WebKnight In a small section of scenario, there's need to set this volume a bit down, its going back after few minutes, but this needs to be done via commands similar to 'fadeSound\fademusic", I'm just searching for this possibility, to change uivolume in a trigger, for example. Thanks for reply! :LIS_star:
WebKnight  [author] Jan 15 @ 10:17pm 
@Raio its called audio settings
Raio Jan 15 @ 3:13pm 
Is there any way to lower volume with command, like "fadeSound" ? Thank You, love this mod..
_mickey_ Jan 7 @ 11:39am 
@WebKnight Hi!

Looking into your Steam workshop, I realized you are a wizard! You must have a monument, as one of the best mod makers in Arma3, Thank you very much!

Still there are some issues. For a long time now I have been trying to inform you about
following issues:

1) When the player is in crouch, there is no sound for the Lowered/Up weapon, but as soon as the player stands up to his full height, the problem disappears.

2) When the player is in crouch and his weapon is lowered, then if he go to prone, then there is no sound. But when the weapon is not lowered, then everything works fine.

Please fix this errors
_mickey_ Dec 11, 2023 @ 2:10pm 
@WebKnight Hi and thank you for all your awesome mods!!
But could you do your Wilhelm Scream so that it looks little bit serious?

1) add setting of its scream-probability (because it gets boring when too often)
2) after headshot, there should be no screaming, (because the already dead cannot scream)

Probably or not?
WebKnight  [author] Dec 4, 2023 @ 10:08am 
@Feynman AMZ sounds are really good
Feynman Dec 4, 2023 @ 9:52am 
You're an absolute champ for updating this. I enjoy this mod it a lot, plus enhanced soundscape makes the game highly immersive. The simple breathing alone when shot at gives it proper depth. Thank you, highly appreciated!
Have a wonderful winter

Do you by any chance know a proper alternative to DynaSound2 and JSRS, they haven't been updated in three years; what do you use?
WebKnight  [author] Nov 26, 2023 @ 2:45am 
@Leubzoid they loop forever
Leubzoid Nov 25, 2023 @ 5:13pm 
Do the ambient sounds loop forever or do you need to place them down again after a few minutes?