Legend of Grimrock 2

Legend of Grimrock 2

The One Room Round Robin Part 3
89 commentaires
EvLSteveDave 5 sept. 2022 à 16h40 
The level design and overall structure of this mod is amazing. Better than the original LoG2 campaign easily. That said, the puzzle design of this mod ranges from extremely poor to just downright disrespectful to the player. It's literally ruined this mod. Most of the puzzle designs are that bad or antagonistic at their worst.
TNT傲天 7 avr. 2022 à 0h29 
harpo 2 déc. 2020 à 8h11 
This mod started out to be a great mod. A lot of work was done to make this mod possible. The farther I got a lot of the puzzles became hard. I am in the Tower now about to finish up I think. There are way, way to many new power scrolls. Way over done as far as I'm concerned. I had to watch the walkthru to get a few tasked done. The walkthru dude is so powerful it is boring watching him fight. I'm not trying to bad mouth this mod as it is a super put together and I had a lot of fun playing it. A wee bit long also. Thanks to all the mod makers for their efforts.
malcolmdale 19 juin 2020 à 1h55 
Sorry I only got the one spellbook but I didn't realize it works for both wizards, not just the one who has it in his inventory. I'll press on!
Zo Kath Ra  [créateur] 18 juin 2020 à 9h17 

> So I tried to make a party with 2 wizards.(I don't like alchemists and I hate guns) but it seems it's not possible.

What do you mean by "it's not possible"?

I just started a new game of ORRR3 with a party of four wizards, and there are no problems.
malcolmdale 17 juin 2020 à 3h49 
So I tried to make a party with 2 wizards.(I don't like alchemists and I hate guns) but it seems it's not possible. Is there a way?
Comminges 3 mai 2020 à 6h37 
Avec les remerciements à MS Word pour la traduction du français à l'anglais
For all Grimrock fans, I highly recommend this dungeon. I had to do it 3 times to get the 62 secrets, 7 treasures, 55 spells, 22/19 Epics items and 17 ORRR 3 Progress. This dungeon consists of 24 levels. There are new monsters (I enjoyed the one in the shape of soap bubbles), riddles and puzzles sometimes difficult, an innovative game concept, quests to achieve (ORRR 3 Progress), encounters with spirits, souls to take and a lotsof new objects. There is even a game in the game 'The Colour of magic' and a training room to have the level in order to defeat the "big villain of the end" who is particularly coriaceous. Congratulations to the whole team and thank you. Now it's going to be hard to find an equivalent dungeon.
Comminges 3 mai 2020 à 6h33 
Pour tous les fans de Grimrock, je conseille vivement ce donjon. Il m’a fallu le faire à 3 reprises pour avoir les 62 secrets, 7 trésors, 55 sorts, 22/19 Epics items et 17 ORRR 3 Progress. Ce donjon se compose de 24 niveaux. Il y a de nouveaux monstres (j’ai apprécié celui en forme de bulles de savon), des énigmes et puzzles parfois difficile, un concept du jeu innovant, des quêtes à réaliser (ORRR 3 Progress), des rencontres avec des esprits, des âmes à prendre et un tas de nouveaux objets. Il y a même un jeu dans le jeu ‘The Colour of magic) et une salle d’entraînement pour avoir le niveau afin de vaincre le « grand méchant de la fin » qui est particulièrement coriace. Bravo à toute l’équipe et merci. Maintenant il va être difficile de trouver un donjon équivalent.
Zo Kath Ra  [créateur] 28 avr. 2020 à 17h54 
Dr.Disaster 28 avr. 2020 à 8h06 
@ukdouble1: aye, they do exist. Both ORRR and ORRR2 are LoG1 mods.

@Redbadge: my take:was to figure out the average per scroll.
ukdouble1 28 avr. 2020 à 0h37 
Sorry, but why "Part 3"? Is this a sequel? Do parts 1 and 2 exist?
Redbadge 26 avr. 2020 à 16h56 
Same problem as Afterburner, it's not at all clear to me how to get from that pile of digits to one number per scroll.
Jessica 18 avr. 2020 à 11h09 
Guys, perhaps somebody could explain how you can tell from the three scrolls what the exact digits for the lock combination are?
ozkal.arayici 11 avr. 2020 à 10h56 
done M8, ty, didnot think the tile places are important,
Dr.Disaster 11 avr. 2020 à 9h22 
I see, you are stuck at the 1st step: open the gate in the south.
Use the tiles to draw / place a map on the floor. Once finished and correct, the gate opens.
You might now ask"which map"? Well .. consult your own.
ozkal.arayici 11 avr. 2020 à 9h08 
Do the which tiles in which place are important? one tile is truck, the other 6 is interchangable but fits the place, i saw the two secret buttons (one is lowering a wall) , i reached cystal and kill the jelly there, south gate is not open, hidden pressure plate is pressed (turn it here and the other one also; lever pulled another green cystal apperaed, but not reacheble ,
Dr.Disaster 10 avr. 2020 à 1h06 
It would actually be helpful to tell at which point you are stuck in IMJW.

1st step: open the gate in the south
Behind that gate is the white blob release button which you have to shot into the receptor located above the lightning bolt spawner. Did you manage to open the gate? In case not the tile map is either unfinished or the tile placements are wrong.

2nd step: guide the traveling light / blob
Release a few blobs and watch them travel while clearing / building the path. Start by putting weights / items on BOTH pressure plates. You'll get a - literal - green light when the invisible pressure plate is pressed. The message "turn it here" on the wall points towards it. Also a) push both buttons b) push the green crystal and c) flip the lever in the caged ares. All those plus both pressure plates clear / change the traveling path of the white blobs. Once they hit the receptor the trap door opens to the next part of the room.
ozkal.arayici 9 avr. 2020 à 15h20 
ty dr; still couldnot do it, i finished all the game all the big nice mods in hard mode , nearly with no help, i dont mean anyway offense but this room is the most hardest /dumbest room i have ever seen, and to be honest it is not fair, anyway thx for the nice mod, thx for the effort, overall perfect mod, ty
Dr.Disaster 8 avr. 2020 à 18h45 
In IMJW you have to figure out a) how to arrange the tiles and b) where the hidden pressure plate is, hinted at by the "turn it here" message. Once you completed the tile map the gate opens. Then use 2 items to hold both pressure plates down, flip that lever, push each buttons and the green crystal inside the caged area once and then release the white blobs using the button behind the gate. Once the blobs hit the receptor the trap door opens. If the blob does not reach the receptor you forgot or missed something. In that case fix it's path.
In Ascension top floor you have to enter 3 patterns to open 3 gates to reach the final combination lock which asks for a combination of numbers. Those are hinted at be the scrolls from each floor.
ozkal.arayici 8 avr. 2020 à 17h01 
Dr, that room IMWJ needs more hint, add a note or so to that room, really couldnot figure that out; or spoil me in private pls, cause i cant proceed
And how to open the last door after ogre fight (village east)
Dr.Disaster 5 avr. 2020 à 12h44 
i've been told the next revision will drop during April with many bugs fixed. I doubt there will be more content but i know that the Arena will be fixed - it's waaay too easy right now.
Oni: did you check the chest?
Enchanted Tower: memorize the path and ignore the slimes
Ritual: it seems you're missing something; re-check the hints you got
edlmdm 5 avr. 2020 à 10h02 
Sorry for the useless of my message.

when will come the next version ? only with bug correction or more content ?

I'm stuck with some room.
- The oni, i don't find how to reach him
- the room where i have to follow the light, the shadow slime kill me on the way.

-the ritual of life, i use an egg and the meteor, but i'm stuck after this... I will try to find more

It's a really awesome mod
Dr.Disaster 5 avr. 2020 à 9h02 
well you can even kill him but that will crash the game too.
Anyway, it's a known issue and will be taken care of in the next revision.
edlmdm 5 avr. 2020 à 7h30 
for the final battle when xszark ask me a quesiton i can attack him.
(i start a spell before taking the elevator)
Dr.Disaster 4 avr. 2020 à 23h31 
all buttons in IMJW have a purpose and do something
once you watched the white blobs fly above, you know what and where "to turn"
Dr.Disaster 4 avr. 2020 à 13h51 
You can. Just click "Cancel".
edlmdm 4 avr. 2020 à 12h09 
its weight ? but i can not take it before answer.

I have a lot of other question but i will wait more before ask it
Dr.Disaster 4 avr. 2020 à 10h12 
all mentioned bugs are already known and will be fixed in the next mod revision.
There are in fact 2 clues to the secret object: it's weight and it's description style.
Figuring out the writings on the wall is easy; just be patient.
edlmdm 4 avr. 2020 à 3h12 
Some bug find for the moment

- i can take the pellet box close to the firecamp if i drop some pellet box and take it back. This provoc a bug when i try to exploid it with the alcool
- When the dancing event, if push again the button i can be lock in the magic wall when i reappear
- In the room with the question box, if i drop an objet on the ground the question appear, and if i take it bake and drop it again the game close.

Not a bug but, i don't find how to find which object is (the secret objet compas) i have to try every answer... their is a clue i forget ?
i don't understand also in this same room the 3 writing on the wall-

I have not yet finish this game but it seem awesome !
ozkal.arayici 26 mars 2020 à 10h32 
dr , glad you are here,
ok , 1- i want you spoil for me village east last door , (did ogre part)
2- in IMWJ, there is a healing cystral , and next to it a green jelly monster , was refering to it, also spoil this room, i really lost this room ( placed 7 stones in ground , nothing happens, turn it here note, what to turn, 2 secret buttons doing nothing ) ,
Dr.Disaster 25 mars 2020 à 18h33 
1 - those 3 axis refer to math graph axis
2 - there is a 2nd and always changing condition involved, find the note that has it
3 - you can reach inside, no need to enter
4 - it's a secret, find a way to reach it
IMJW: which green guy are you talking about? There's no person in here!
ozkal.arayici 25 mars 2020 à 12h13 
and damn IMJW room. what to do , killed the green guy ,read previous posts summon more? how? even we summon how can we drop them ? no single explanation on this room :(
ozkal.arayici 24 mars 2020 à 12h22 
hmm, find the way to ogre, but still cant leave this map (well from emergency exit i can leave) cause 3 dimensinonal axe thingie, and no completion :(
ozkal.arayici 24 mars 2020 à 10h59 
thanks to developers , i have something to play at home; thx for the effort;
now do please some help;
1- i m at the door one before to ogre (village east) , cant open the gate , tried many combinations, found many secrets there but no luck, light 3 dimensional axes is not enough :(
2- In bog underground, i saved the people, and treasure, he said press button five times, nothing happens?
3- ın catacombs 2 , there is a cell door that doesnot open , just wondering
4- in abandoned mine 2 , there is a tome that i cant reach, found all other secrets in that room, how to reach it?
Thx in advance guys;
Comminges 18 mars 2020 à 3h49 
Dear Dr. Disaster
C’est avec le sort « oracle » que j’ai pu déceler le bouton (sort que j’utilise en permanence). Mon problème ce n’était pas de voir ce bouton, mais comment y accéder. Je vais essayer par moi-même afin d’en avoir le mérite.
It was with the spell "oracle" that I was able to detect the button (a spell that I use constantly). My problem was not seeing this button, but how to access it. I’ll try for myself to get the credit.
Dr.Disaster 17 mars 2020 à 16h50 
@Comminges: The only way you could see this is by using "Oracle". This spell might reveal things but how to get them / there remains up to you. Since this one is a secret I won't spoil it.
Zo Kath Ra  [créateur] 17 mars 2020 à 13h02 

Je ne peux pas trouver le bouton.
Télécharge une capture d'écran, STP, et envoie une sauvegarde de jeu (c'est la bonne traduction de "savegame"?) à:
zo [underscore] kath [underscore] ra [at] protonmail [dot] com

I can't find the button.
Please upload a screenshot, and e-mail a savegame to:
zo [underscore] kath [underscore] ra [at] protonmail [dot] com
Comminges 17 mars 2020 à 9h01 
Il y a un bouton derrière un lit en 06 /03 à "Village East - Miner's Quarters " , comment peut on y accéder ?
There is a button behind a bed in 06-03 at "Village East - Miner's Quarters", how can we access it?
J'adresse mes félicitations à toute l'équipe pour votre donjon.
I congratulate the whole team on your dungeon

Zo Kath Ra  [créateur] 14 févr. 2020 à 14h42 

Appuye six fois sur le bouton à 27 / 3.

Press the button at 27 / 3 six times.
Comminges 14 févr. 2020 à 9h09 
Comment puis-je récupérer le “rapier” situé dans “Abandoned Mine” (Loc 22-03), Je la vois mais je n’arrive pas à accéder au bloc où il se trouve. Merci.
How can I get the "rapier" located in "Abandoned Mine" (Loc 22-03), I see it but I can't get to the block where it is. Thanks.(Traduction Google)
Dr.Disaster 27 janv. 2020 à 10h04 
@sjuk: simply power off the elevator and then back on.
sjukomat 27 janv. 2020 à 9h19 
Is it usually to get stuck?
In a room with an elevator I switched off two magic bridges behind a hidden door and jumped down to the floor instead of using the elevator. After that there is no chance to get back to the switches to turn on the magic bridges again.
sjukomat 26 janv. 2020 à 9h08 
@ Zo Kath Ra

I found no way to put multi line code to the console. But I was able to cut and paste with changing x by hand to activate the workaround. And what should I say?


Thanks for your help. I can continue playing. :-)

If you need someone for testing the patched version don't hesitate to contact me.
(preferable via email, because I'm not online in steam everyday and the communication via comments is not that convenient.)
sjukomat 26 janv. 2020 à 8h41 
@ Dr.Disaster & Zo Kath Ra

I've found a simple way to open console in the grimrock.net forum.
now grimgrock.cfg contains:
console = true
consoleKey = 119
to open/close console [F8] now works
I will try the workaround and report back the results
Dr.Disaster 26 janv. 2020 à 8h29 
sjukomat 26 janv. 2020 à 8h15 
@ Zo Kath Ra

Any idea how to activate console?
I'm using a german keyboard layout (qwertz, with unicode support).
grimgrock.cfg contains:
console = true
consoleKey = 220
I tried to use [Alt Gr] + [ß?\] or [Alt Gr] + [<>|] but had no luck.
The discussions and guides were not helpful at all.
I guess the game or proton is using an alternative key coding or keyboard layout.
But guessing/believing is not knowing. ;-)
sjukomat 26 janv. 2020 à 7h37 
@ Zo Kath Ra

> The champions are all level 14.
> Did you import them from the main LoG2 campaign, or from another LoG2 mod?
I did import them from a savegame from the base LOG2 game, not from another mod.
Zo Kath Ra  [créateur] 26 janv. 2020 à 6h45 

For some reason, when you copy the script, Steam removes the space at the end of each line.
Zo Kath Ra  [créateur] 26 janv. 2020 à 6h19 

Script for pasting into the console, with corrected camel case for "getChampion":

for x = 1, 4 do

(the space at the end of each line is improtant)
Dr.Disaster 26 janv. 2020 à 5h34 
@sjuk: i re-created your issue and found a workaround/fix for it. Your party brings at least one spellcaster who learned spells that were either changed or removed and thus do not exist in ORRR3. Yet your caster's trait list still has them, causing your issue. Until the authors can add a workaround you have to fix the issue manually, either with console commands or a save game editor.

Thes are the console commands you have to run for each of your spellcasters (replace the x with that characters slot number: 1(front left), 2 (front right), 3 (back left), 4 (back right)):
