Storm of Chaos
Cryswar  [author] Sep 15, 2023 @ 11:30am 
Santos Sep 15, 2023 @ 9:41am 
nice mod
Nelthar Sep 12, 2023 @ 8:06am 
Sly Sep 11, 2023 @ 6:40pm 
Aye already subbed. Gotta work today :( but I can't wait to play
Cryswar  [author] Sep 11, 2023 @ 4:48pm 
It's finally, FINALLY done. Well, not done, but released and playable and people can volunteer to be unpaid beta testers. Sorta joking but there's 100% gonna be some bugs or locs missing somewhere, I always forget something.
Cryswar  [author] Sep 9, 2023 @ 11:30am 
Yeah, the starts are doable as a player, I tried to balance each starting enemy to be a pyrrhic victory on auto or a reasonably challenging but less painful manual battle.

You have a great day too! I'm gonna try to get some more skills/localization done today, hopefully enough for a beta.
Nelthar Sep 9, 2023 @ 11:20am 
real players know what to do and how if you know the game well i really like minor faction even in lore like clar karond clan volkn and others while the ai will sometimes kill itself well that comes from someone who likes challenges so yeah others have to work hard for it

it is a lot work making enemys start units well i dont know who it works but take your time cryswar have a great day or good night sleep :D
Cryswar  [author] Sep 9, 2023 @ 10:41am 
Yeah, I don't mess with faction potential so a lot of these minor factions still get run over earlygame. Will see how people like/dislike that, I didn't want to overshadow vanilla LLs.

Yeah... localization has been a nightmare lol. I worked on it a lot of yesterday and still got nowhere close to done, and that was with 90% of it already done. Just an insane amount of stuff. I'm hoping for a Sunday beta though, maybe monday, we'll see.
Nelthar Sep 9, 2023 @ 12:47am 
Prometheus start sounds interesting as i know that the Flamegullets normally die off in 3 way the white dwarfs kills them the witch king kills them or taurox kills them but they can get some ruins and maybe can help maly to kill the skavens im very interested who he will go

i wonder how balor will end up as a horde or faction well we will see in the future

i can only guess localization 40 LLs - some who have start post like red duke and boris will be a lot of work (unless i misuderstand something rn) i thinke if it comes to screenshots you can do them later or maybe Fin could help you with screenshots
Cryswar  [author] Sep 8, 2023 @ 10:54am 
Prometheus joined the Flamegullets ogre tribe in Naggaroth. Felt kinda fitting given how much of his story was wandering around the frozen north.

Balor, for now, is just part of Throgg's faction. I think I might turn him into his own faction down the road, but idk if I want him to be a normal Norsca faction or a horde.

Sarthorael came out pretty well, I played him and had fun! Hope you enjoy when it hits. I'm gonna try to finish localization today, idk what I'm gonna do for screenshots but we'll burn that bridge as we go lol.
Nelthar Sep 8, 2023 @ 5:02am 
well i still have a growing list who im going to play but im going to play everyone but first my love sarthorael

and where did you put balor and our moonwalking giant Prometheus are they faction leaders or did they join someone for the time
Cryswar  [author] Sep 7, 2023 @ 12:18pm 
Me too! Not actually sure who I'll play next lol, got a lot I want to try out for more than a few turns.
Nelthar Sep 7, 2023 @ 11:00am 
great i cant wait to purge >:)
Cryswar  [author] Sep 7, 2023 @ 10:47am 
I redid their skill trees/items pretty heavily. I think they're a lot more flavorful now, Balor is less raw stats and more weird magic shadow bullshit. Also finished Radixashen the other night, I think from here I'm gonna stop adding new lords and finish the flavor text/testing until release.
Nelthar Sep 7, 2023 @ 10:23am 
what where the final touchs for Prometheus and Balor
Cryswar  [author] Sep 6, 2023 @ 9:36am 
LMAO. Thanks! I can only hope you and others enjoy the mod when it's done, I tried to keep things relatively balanced and bug-free but doubtless there will be issues I missed. Unlike CA, I have been beta testing it lmao.
Sly Sep 6, 2023 @ 7:05am 
CA - does the thing with that thing that made people mad

Cryswar - here's a mod that adds 1000s of hours of content. Hope you enjoy and thank you 👉👈
Cryswar  [author] Sep 5, 2023 @ 11:13am 
Oh also MAN I'm so happy that this update let us boost the trait limit, adding 40 new defeat traits was gonna be an issue for trait cap lmao. I raised it to 99 in the mod.
Nelthar Sep 5, 2023 @ 10:58am 
your welcome :D
Cryswar  [author] Sep 5, 2023 @ 10:57am 
Thank you! You too!
Nelthar Sep 5, 2023 @ 10:55am 
if their would be a oscar for modding you would deserve one cryswar :D

take your time have a great day or good night sleep :D
Cryswar  [author] Sep 5, 2023 @ 9:48am 
tbh with how much I revamped every SoC LL, they're new too lmao. Some got new appearances and unit cards too!

I hope it goes over well yeah, but ultimately I just wanted to make them and have some people enjoy them, so I'll consider it a success if you have fun.

I gave Boris a unique skill line/faction effects/army, same for Red Duke, so here's hoping.
Nelthar Sep 5, 2023 @ 8:22am 
from 12 LLs to 40 LLs holy cryswar are you good my man you just made 28 new LLs are you insane ? or have you spend to much time in the realm of tzeentch khorne nurgle or slaanesh

i cant wait for it to drop but take your time cryswar if this mod atleast dosent get over 10k users im going to purge menkind off the face of WH fantasy you deserve a god damn break after that my friend and i thinke red duke and boris count as LLs even in vanilla even if you cant play them and they dont have a LLs skill line they still should count man not only was SoC fun with some really broken stuff but with the mod coming i cant say who excited i am you deserve vacation after that xD

have a great day cryswar or good night sleep :D
Cryswar  [author] Sep 4, 2023 @ 12:53pm 
Updating Leaders of Legend for the DLC took a few days longer than expected, but we're still pretty close to a release for my character mod. Got a few more lords done, I forget who I mentioned, but Prometheus and Balor got revamped and finished, Tinitt Four-Eyes is now in, and I finally did the Spine of Sotek Dwarfs with Huron Stormstone. If you count Red Duke and Boris, I think that's a cool 40 lords?

I still need to do Surthara's skills and a lot of missing localization unfortunately, and decide whether or not I'll finish the Abyssal Shrieker and Radixashen for this update, but otherwise wesa looking good!
Nelthar Sep 2, 2023 @ 9:19am 
thanks i guess a mod makes it what means i can search over my 100+ mods what mod those it thank you

take your time cryswar hope irl is not stressful have a great day :D
Cryswar  [author] Sep 2, 2023 @ 9:06am 
I've been too busy with irl and trying to update mods to play much, the 10 or so turns I did get to play as Changeling, banners seemed to work fine?
Nelthar Sep 2, 2023 @ 3:35am 
hey cryswar hope you doing well i just wonted to ask/know if you play wh3 right now if you have the same bug where you cant replace banners well you can remove them but not replace them and cant change banners

i hope you do well and have a great day cryswar :D
Nelthar Aug 27, 2023 @ 9:22am 
no stress cryswar :)

it will be great :D
Cryswar  [author] Aug 27, 2023 @ 9:10am 
It likely won't be in at launch, but in the future I may give Sarthorael some ingame callbacks to the lords he's uplifted, like Balor and Saenathra, idk how yet tho. Could be skills forcing them into military alliance or vassal or something? Or if possible, custom Changing of the Ways?

Anyways, I'll keep at it! Depending on how bad the DLC fucks my files and how long Mixu takes to update the unlocker so I can test stuff, it'll probably be 1-2 weeks after the DLC hits, hopefully 5-7 days so I can take advantage of it lol.
Nelthar Aug 27, 2023 @ 8:54am 
thank you me and a friend plan a the true chosen rp where sarthorael (me) is send to challenge archaon (my friend) and sarthorael manipulated demons and mortals of the other 3 gods to help him to fight archaon ik sarthorael cant do that but tzeentch stuff i guess xD

well make sure to give me the like to the mod once its in wh3 so i can start purging mortals (you dont have to that was a bad joke ^^;)

have a great day cryswar :D or good night sleep :D
Cryswar  [author] Aug 27, 2023 @ 8:37am 
The new mod won't be called Storm of Chaos, but over time will come to include all of the SoC lords.

I assume it will work with the other mod, it might cause some balance issues/bugs tho. I don't use it.

Both work in multiplayer yes, that's where I do most of my testing to be sure.
Nelthar Aug 27, 2023 @ 7:14am 
small questions

will SoChaos work with your recruit all units mod

and are SoChaos and recruit all units working in multiplayer
Nelthar Aug 26, 2023 @ 6:00am 
thanks for the update
Cryswar  [author] Aug 26, 2023 @ 4:51am 
Yeah Red Duke has a rough time of it lmao. I think he got like 1 small mention in end times and thats about it.

I haven't messed with the orc greatbows or trebuchets yet, will probably do those in a post-launch update. Trying to focus on irl/work and do what polish I can in the meantime. Did some Kislev work recently tho, so they'll get something after this dlc LOL
Nelthar Aug 25, 2023 @ 10:46pm 
i thinke that was if i remember his first "death" by his own brother then he was raised by some necromancers and killed them after waking up again and ended up killing his own son what broke him and he just leaved i feel like they could have made a story where abhorash meets the red duke again in a broken state and teaches him the bloodknights true ideas and way of honor and making him his apprentice or something i know luthor harkon was abhorashs best but i feel like after that the red duke would be the best of abhorashs teachings

small question how are the black orcs great bow cursed field trebuchets and other units you plan working out
Cryswar  [author] Aug 25, 2023 @ 10:17am 
And gets locked away in a crypt for like 500 years lmao. Poor dude.
Nelthar Aug 25, 2023 @ 9:45am 
oh right after the red duke kills his own son he goes crazy
Cryswar  [author] Aug 25, 2023 @ 9:38am 
Oh no I meant Red Duke, Abhorash is fine, and gets some cool (and good guy) moments in the end times
Nelthar Aug 25, 2023 @ 9:32am 
can i guess Abhorash going crazy is end times stuff ?
Cryswar  [author] Aug 25, 2023 @ 9:22am 
Abhorash was straight up impressed by HOW good the Red Duke was, dude is absolutely cracked lore wise. Too bad he went crazy.

Yeah, Necrarchs are on the map, down the road I'll add one of them. Don't want to force it for the initial release tho.
Nelthar Aug 25, 2023 @ 8:45am 
you mean the Sires of Mourkain im going to speed run clap skarbrand ass xD

yeah i know someone who LOVES Lahmians when i asked him about some VC lore he started and im not joking over 1 hour of lahmian lore no strigoi lore or bloodknight lore what i asked him from the start and isnt their the brotherhood of Necrarchs on the map if im not mistaking and yeah i read some of their lore and they sound very ineresting have to read more of them

wow Abhorash himself made the red duke a vampire thats interesting thank you
Cryswar  [author] Aug 25, 2023 @ 8:31am 
Vorag is a faction leader yes. Down in the Badlands, near Skarbrand.

The Red Duke was actually raised by Abhorash personally, who was very impressed by him, so he's definitely a Blood Dragon.

Strigoi are cool, though I loathe Lahmians almost as much as the people who won't shut up about them, and Von Carsteins got boring about 50 of them ago. Necrarchs are cool tho.
Nelthar Aug 25, 2023 @ 8:28am 
will vorag be a faction leader or will he join a faction
Nelthar Aug 24, 2023 @ 8:40am 
i would have loved to read more strigoi lore but GW focused on von carsteins at some point and leaved the other bloodlines in the dark for some reasons i still thinke ushoran is still alive before end times i dont know why i always thinke that but i would have loved to see the strigoi uprising

strigoi are the only bloodline i like i like the red duke neferata and abhorash as characters but their bloodlines not really as much (is the red duke even part of a bloodline?) abhorash tried to make his bloodline honorable warriors some of them are some of them are real assholes at least he keeped the secret to cure the hunger for himself and didnt turning his bloodline into dragon hunting idiots tho i really wonder what abhorash did in all the time he was roaming the world must have been really lonely
Cryswar  [author] Aug 24, 2023 @ 3:24am 
Yeah the hexes look cool!

Strigoi are dope, I love them personally. Them and Necrarchs.

I'm mostly using vanilla body parts and mixing/matching them. Went with a minimum of fur for him since the Strigoi bloodline lords all have it.
Nelthar Aug 23, 2023 @ 10:48am 
well have you seen her hex(es?)(i really dont know if i said that right) like go 50% and heal 50% back to 100% hp big beast boy is happy :D

well press F for those marauders for they will never see the light of day again xD

didnt know strigois can kill bloodknights just read it even the best warriors shit themself when they pissed them off but i thinke they could make good friends :D i thinke

small question did you make your own version of vorag/custom model or did you us one of the vanilla models if did you us the one with the fur on his back or the one without the fur i hope i dont confuse you
Cryswar  [author] Aug 23, 2023 @ 9:58am 
lol Necron moment. New Ostankya showcase looks pretty good, she seems almost balanced, which si weird given how OP the other two lords seem to be.
Nelthar Aug 23, 2023 @ 8:29am 
as long you dont wake them up or steal their stuff in that case fuck around and find out xD
Cryswar  [author] Aug 23, 2023 @ 8:28am 
Strigoi are very good boys! Mostly.
Nelthar Aug 23, 2023 @ 8:25am 
strigois are my best boys xD