LWM's Deep Storage
4,145 件のコメント
Starempire42 12 時間前 

thanks for the info!
Light | Eibhlin 5月20日 14時39分 
@francoquesada Thank you, I highly appreciate that you took your time to answer
vandalism 5月19日 11時55分 
I'm not sure if I'm missing something or what. I'm using this mod and Simple Storage. Is there a way to still have multiple stacks of stuff show up in my shelves? It seems like it all gets condensed to one stack graphic now. I like to see my 3 little stacks of rice on the shelf. Is there a way to make that come back? :(
6262soudai 5月19日 6時29分 
@francoquesada omg thank you, you saved my life accidentally.
francoquesada 5月18日 19時49分 
@ Light | Eibhlin Linking storage crashes due to Performance Fish. This is known about and as I understand a fix is coming.
Cloud Strife 5月18日 7時40分 
Sometimes performance degradation is severe, can you improve it?
NoOne_ReaVen 5月17日 15時33分 
I have a weird issue most likely from a combination of Adaptive Storage and Deep Storage, Corpses cant be Stacked in Storage Buildings of any kind, they default to one per tile
Light | Eibhlin 5月16日 19時24分 
Linking food baskets together causes a Rimworld crash, I unfortunately don't know why it is happening or what possible mod conflict there could be.
Jakarta's Stray Dog 5月16日 16時28分 
@卖咸鱼的陈某人 do you have performance fish installed? if so disable TryFindBestBetterStoreCellForWorker and TryFindBestBetterStoreCellFor disabled, because it caused the freeze problem for mine
DomB 5月16日 14時57分 
FIX uploaded the workshop HERE , titled LWM's Deep Storage - Rimatomics & Hygiene Patch'
DomB 5月16日 14時56分 
There is an issue with the compatibility patch between Bad Hygiene & Rimatomics for LWM's Deep Storage, causing 'XML error: Duplicate XML node name thingDefs in this XML block'.
Log: https://gist.github.com/HugsLibRecordKeeper/8014f17275202ac0b3f99945627dbb94

A hardcoded dependency exists requiring Rimatomics patch running prior to Hygiene patch (which has conditional operations preventing duplication). Unfortunately, despite load order being set, Hygiene patch is running first - causing 'XML error: Duplicate XML node name thingDefs in this XML block'. As both patches are trying to insert thingDefs into LWM_Pallet, but only Hygiene conditionally checks.

In order to solve this problem, I think a similar conditional statement as seen in the Hygiene patch should be added to the Rimatomics patch, making it safe for either to run first.
卖咸鱼的陈某人 5月15日 5時19分 
My game freezes when I place multiple multi-layered shelves and group them together. I don't know why, but it doesn't happen when I create a new save, which is puzzling:steamfacepalm:
mountainofcheezo 5月14日 15時41分 
it's strange to me that some storage buildings have "qualities" making them worth far more - shelves don't, but clothing racks do. for someone optimizing wealth, this makes the mod a bit annoying. I would prefer if all buildings didn't have quality
ꙮktober 5月13日 16時55分 
Alright, hate to be one of those people, but for whatever reason it appears deepstorage, or deepstorage and some combination of other mods, is causing my saves to not load on occasion. Narrowed it down by removing mods and attempting to load, and sure enough, loads without deepstorage, does not load with it.

Problem is that there's no errors related to DS, and because the save does not load (locks up after "Spawning Objects"), I can't find out how to find what the issue is. Doesn't happen to every save but whatever it is effects most of my saves/autosaves.

Any ideas on how I could at least get an error to work from?
kongkim 5月13日 2時30分 
Are there a way to hide the "Storage Unit Settings" buttom?
Kasumi 5月12日 20時25分 
This mod seems to conflict with Replace Stuff mod, it makes errors when a wall type gets replaced.
jonis 5月12日 19時09分 
thanks to @Stupid kid and @大吉嶺の紅茶戰車道. it works
If you have some issues with stacking and merging in one and your pawns not hauling items in container then just try to:
1. Unsub Stockpile Stack Limit (Continued)
2. Sub Stack Gap .
This is not an issue of LWM's mod! You may have same troubleshooting with another storages!
Had that problem with stacking rice in crates. In this way pawns won't fill containers up to the limits and fills only one stack of.
LordXamon 5月12日 5時32分 
@The Doctor MD

are you using performance fish? that's a know issue. you can fix it by disabling TryFindBestBetterStoreCellsFor in the options
Layla 5月12日 5時26分 
XML Verse.ThingFilter defines the same field twice: thingDefs.

Field contents: RailgunSabotRailgunSabotDU.

with dubs rimatomics.

and maybe you should make a loadfolders.
Kriosiss 5月11日 16時52分 
so because i dont use that mod it will work?
belzebot 5月10日 9時48分 
@"Stupid kid" thanks for the info, had the same problem
The Doctor MD 5月10日 9時14分 
hey weird issue, posting here just in case its a known issue. every time i try linking two storages from this mod together, then unpausing: the entire game freezes, no error spam (hence why no error code or hugslib link). it doesnt even crash. just flat freezes. any help would be appreciated
OperaticBore907™ Xew222 C1 5月10日 0時52分 
Will the quality of the storage furniture be removed like it was from shelves in 1.5?
kentuckyfriedsocks 5月8日 20時01分 
i wont be able to play rimworld without this. my storage room has never felt this organized and cleaned before
Stupid kid 5月8日 9時19分 
ok update for anyone with the same issue, LWM's storage isn't the issue but Stockpile Stack Limit (Continued)
Stupid kid 5月8日 9時13分 
Since 1.5 I can't store two of the same item in a storage cell (eg : can't store 2 pistols in the same weapon cabinet but I can store 1 pistol 1 hammer etc.. until I reach the limit)
Any idea what might cause this?
大吉岭の紅茶战车道 5月6日 21時44分 
crash when performance fish‘s "TryFindBestBetterStoreCellForWorker" is on....
Alaric_ 5月6日 21時11分 
I am experiencing an issue running on 1.4 that seems a bit weird. I am noticing it when using containers from Deep Storage Plus, but the issue disappears when I roll back to version of this mod, Deep Storage.

What is happening is that when a pawn goes to put a stack of items into storage, the pawn picks up only 1 piece of the stack and hauls it. This is even when the stack is on the ground right next to the container.

I don't know if that gives you an idea of where to look, but hopefully it does.
Nana to Many Monsters 5月6日 19時37分 
Ya, but for some reason, it constantly resets. I'm not sure how to stop it from resetting.
Kaedys 5月6日 9時59分 
Y'all know you can override what each storage building is allowed to store, how many stacks per tile, what it's mass limit is, and whether it even has a mass limit, all from the "experimental" section of the mod's settings, right?
Bird Is Crazy 5月6日 8時53分 
Suggestion: Allow safe to store tox wastepacks. I want to keep my wastepacks in my freezer but separated from food thematically, and I thought keeping it in a safe would be a good idea, but it can't store wastepacks.
Master Bating 5月6日 5時26分 
Re-installed mod so it made to RimFridge bug is no more, but now i see the problem that some of you talked about in previous comments: Weapons lockers and pallets now seem to be full at 16 and 12kg respectively, making existent storages automatically full and new ones kinda useless.
6262soudai 5月5日 16時18分 
@davy_jones The most effective and fastest way is: Go to steam's library → Settings → Properties → Installed Files → Click the "Verify integrity of game files".

This way will update all of your mods at once (take time slightly if you have too many mods).
And then if you use Rimpy, you can see what mod was updated sooooo easily.
davy_jones 5月5日 9時42分 
@onyx could you explain how to make sure to download the most recent mod? i've tried unsubbing and resubbing but beyond that I'm not seeing anywhere to check what version is downloaded or how to update to most recent, do i need a bionic eye to see this :P
Onyx 5月5日 9時23分 
Remember that the Steam Workshop sometimes doesn't automatically download the latest version of a mod. Make sure you all are on the latest version - LWM fixed some of these bugs in the latest version. You can verify what version you're on by looking in the debug log on startup. It should be

Beyond that, LWM needs HugsLib logs to investigate any problems.
Shoggy 5月5日 9時17分 
I *THINK* this is a bug with this mod:

When you have too little storage space (across your whole base), pawns are getting stuck trying to shove the extra items into already full shelves. I was able to fix it by adding an overflow stockpile, but that means that there's some logic error where the job-assigner doesn't register that shelves are full.
davy_jones 5月5日 7時34分 
Sorry if i'm missing something, it appears to have been updated for 1.5 in the workshop but still shows only being updated to 1.4 in the mod loadout list in game(I tried enabling anyway and a big list of problems popped up upon launching the game. anyone know what i might be doing wrong? been using this for a long time with my other mods for a long time until 1.5
oorin 5月5日 0時08分 
My pawn keep hauling same item to same spot all the time, just spam it nonstop.. :x until i stop them.. hope it will get fixed
Master Bating 5月4日 20時48分 
I confirm something broke in 1.4. Pawns entirelly ignore deep RimFridges. Before 1.5 launch i was ok with that same savegame.
Gamiseus 5月4日 20時02分 
Those crashing when linking storages: You're likely running performance fish if you're having this crash. Try disabling the "TryFindBestBetterStoreCellForWorker" patch in the performance fish mod settings, this should fix your linkables. The mod updated that patch around the time this issue started, but it's causing job errors. Disabling it fixed all the crashing issues for me.
Sub-Mythos 5月4日 19時59分 
@tomthehand Yeah I just looked on the Dub Discord, Bradson knows about it. False lead on the ASF. I assume at some point there will be afix.
tomthehand 5月4日 19時57分 
@Sub-Mythos, I don't use Adaptive Storage Framework, but I do use Performance Fish.
Sub-Mythos 5月4日 19時25分 
@tomthehand doing some more digging, Reel over on Reels Expanded Storage says the linking issue is tied to Adaptive Storage Framework and Performance Fish. Not sure they why, though.
Sub-Mythos 5月4日 19時18分 
@tomthehand having the same issue with linking, I'm running 1.5 though. Can workaround with Better Workbench Management and other bill/storage detail mods, mostly just annoying not to have the one-stop goto for settings. I'm assuming linking does an endless search resulting in the freeze, I was thinking another mod conflicting.
netgyrl 5月4日 18時24分 
@lilwhitemouse Nevermind. I just noticed the weapons locker is reporting that it is at max storage mass even though it's not at max item capacity. My bad for not looking closer - I guess I do not remember that being an issue in any other play through. Was it always 50kg? Regardless - I am good. And thanks again for an awesome mod. <3
Roorocks821 5月4日 18時09分 
This mod appears to have broken again.
Currently playing on 1.4 using LWM Deep storage current,, and - 1.4 Final,
**ALL** LWM related storages have vanished. Restarted my game, downloaded older versions via GitHub, and nothing seems to have fixed it. JDS appears to also be struggling, which makes sense as JDS is dependent on LWM Deep Storage.
netgyrl 5月4日 13時23分 
@lilwhitemouse Is this what you need: LWM Update: stable(ish)
tomthehand 5月4日 12時18分 
Thank you for the update! I'm having a small issue where the game freezes when linking two storage buildings. If I link them while the game is paused, it won't freeze up until a few seconds after I unpause. I'm still running 1.4, and in my log I see "LWM Update: final(ish)". I've tried unsubscribing, verifying that the mod was deleted, and resubscribing, and it didn't fix the issue. I don't have any errors at the end of my player.log.
King Doom 5月4日 5時43分 
Was it this that added the refrigerated digital storage to project rimfactory? They don't seem to be a thing anymore, but I'm not entirely sure what mod they came from.
6262soudai 5月3日 16時18分 
I got an red error relating to this mod and the mod called "replace stuff".

Here you are: https://gist.github.com/HugsLibRecordKeeper/9c6b604cdc95c0647cc9f77dd6738616

Look around 5504 please.
Every time my pawn replace wall, the pawn slightly stand still (about 1 second) and then restart.