Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Temple of Donger
Showing 1-10 of 15 entries
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Update: Jan 9, 2022 @ 5:41pm

Updated workshop image.

Update: Jan 7, 2022 @ 11:38pm

Okay I fudged it up last time but this time it should be fixed.

Update: Jan 7, 2022 @ 11:11pm

Added soundscape functionality for steam workshop map hosted servers. Sounds sadly can't work as of yet.

Update: Feb 2, 2019 @ 8:54pm

Just updated the bathhouse area to the same ver. as used in v70_h

Update: Sep 25, 2018 @ 2:26pm

v70 has been uploaded to the workshop

v70 includes:

- Detail -

• v69 was missing a texture file for the dance floor; it's there now

• You now do not see the skybox in lower areas

• Water texture has been changed to fit the color of the map a bit more - - no more pea soup!

Update: Sep 18, 2018 @ 1:53pm

v69 has been uploaded to the workshop

v69 includes:

- Detail -

• Skeletons spawns taken from v69_h have been boarded up, would've fixed them completely but who is going to fix a 2 to 3 thousand year old pyramids interior in 2018?

• Skybox has been brought from the halloween version

- An issue with this change I didn't pick up on with v69_h was that you can see the 3d skyboxes models from other areas in the map, and especially in the cave it's really noticable. This will be fixed in v70

• Global lighting has changed

• Skybox texture swapped, no more pee colored sky (I will eventually make my own skybox, but this will do for now, original one was literally the same 4 clouds and it was just really bad looking, no clue why I didn't notice this sooner)

• Blu and red spawns can be easily identified now, above the sniper windows. I chose a stronger red, and a blue that actually renders in HDR (missed note from previous changelog)

Update: Sep 12, 2018 @ 2:10pm

Uploaded v68 and v68_h to the workshop

New halloween variant - will be updated alongside normal map (due to this, map will only be updated for major updates/fixes!)

v68 includes:

- Detail -

• Disco room has been updated with a couple more tracks

• Updated music credits - includes halloween music used

• Fog has been adjusted

• Skybox has a new small runway added - mainly there to
keep the map feeling super flat by the pyramid

• Skybox now has a shadow for the pyramid

• Reangled lighting

• Not that it matters to you guys, but I can switch between the halloween version and the normal version in only a couple clicks!

• Main area no longer has flickering func_details!

• Attempted to optimize, and in some areas I accidently put
nodraw on a visible face, these are now fixed

- Functionality -

• Fixed red spawn's main door, I moved a trigger by mistake and now it's all better

• Adjusted burn values for the lavaways - much more forgiving

- Optimization -

• I did manage to nodraw more areas that I missed before - might not help you but it helps me compile!

Update: Aug 15, 2018 @ 11:45am

Uploaded v63 to the workshop. Thumbnail and images have been revised.

v63 includes:

- Detail -

• Disco room has a couple more tracks, music credit overlays in the telehub reflects this change - - figured I might as well add some more.

• Skybox has been overhauled slightly; altered displacements and more props.

• Tomb lavaways have been further detailed and made more accessible to encourage players to use them to save themselves.

• Light no longer hits the main area, to be a bit more consistent with the tip for the most part being closed.

- Functionality -

• After disabling fall damage, death pits now work

• No-builds have been added for areas you shouldn't be able to build in/through.

• A large amount of no-builds have been added to the tomb lavaways for moving platforms/breakaways.

• Clip has been added to the center waterfall in the cave, and above spiral staircase, adjusted for cave and bar.

Update: Aug 6, 2018 @ 5:59pm

Uploaded v59 to the workshop; Revised thumbnail.

v59 includes:

- Structure -

• A new room has been added underneath the tomb

• Telehub room now has a regen pool instead of a healthkit and ammo box

- Detail -

• Textures have been reworked in a few areas, most notably the cave

• You can access the cave outdoor area easier, and you can no longer get stuck on the siding

• Light added to microphone area in the bar

• A few cubemaps have been added in areas that didn't have them, some readjusted for height

- Functionality -

• Boxing arena now works as intended

• No-builds have been added for areas you have to access via progressing through the map - no more engies skipping my dungeons and traps

• Clip has been added to the stairs to the main bath building

- Other Stuff -

• The "poster" secret now works as intended, and missing texture for one of the posters is no longer missing for players

Update: Aug 3, 2018 @ 1:33pm

Uploaded v54 to the workshop; Revised thumbnail.

v54 includes:

- Structure -

• New rooms have been added to the sides of the tomb lava room, and the entrances for the bottom lava pool are now more defined

- Detail -

• Global lighting and tonemapping has changed, HDR added

• Now playing display has been added for the disco room

• Central area has been slightly adjusted

• Waterfalls no longer flicker

• Lights have been added in places where shadows have been broken, mainly affected the bathhouse/villa area

• Fixed music loop for outside pyramid

- Functionality -

• A "No fall-damage" button has been added to the end

NOTE: You will still take fall damage on and inside the boxing arena, it's the only way I can keep both melee-only damage filtering and fall damage filtering triggers in the map without getting rid of one or the other (triggers don't like to be overlapped)

• Button to toggle screaming while using the lifts added to telehub (disabled by default)

• Disco room button has been given a melee filter

• The boxing arena barrier now theoretically, technically, hopefully, actually kills you

• You also can no longer body-block the boxing arena doors

• No-build zones have been added to the labrynth, tele's only

- Bugfixes -

• Fixed a bug where the pyramid tip button could get stuck if you stood on it

• Fixed a bug with spawn doors being openable by the other team through touch, and remaining open

• Fixed a glitch in the labrynth that allowed players to rocket jump out

- Other Stuff -

• A couple more secrets have been added to find!