Superheavy Battlesuits (LW2)
Showing 1-2 of 2 entries
Update: Jun 27, 2017 @ 10:36pm

Changed costs of the Orion battlesuit to require slightly more resources.

Changed costs of the Mjolnir battlesuit to require Muton Elite autopsy and corpse instead of Andromedon autopsy and corpse, require an Orion battlesuit, and reduced elerium cost slightly.

Both battlesuits will now be able to be equipped along with Ablative Plating items from Long War 2. These, and any other modded items that confer Shield HP, will buff the battlesuits' stats. Battlesuits' Shield HP stats nerfed to compensate.

The Orion Battlesuit's Deploy Smoke ability has been buffed, radius increased from 3 tiles to 4.

The Mjolnir Battlesuit's Reignite Shield ability has been removed, as thanks to breakthroughs in my codewriting skills, it is no longer needed for the shield to function.

The Mjolnir Battlesuit now has a shield from the beginning of the mission.

The Mjolnir Battlesuit now has the ability to regenerate its shield even if it has been completely depleted.

Grimy's Loot integration added.

Update: Feb 4, 2017 @ 10:16pm

Initial Release