Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

The Hackers Guild
Showing 1-10 of 65 entries
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Update: Mar 11, 2019 @ 5:02pm

updated scripting to include difficulty selection, hack and round cleanup, automatic calculation of final hack difficulty, updated individual hack attempt difficulty calculation, and full game setup

added continent network administrators that modify all hacks done in their continent in some fashion each with their own set of rewards

number of servers flipped now dependent on the number of rows completed during the hack attempt

added server defence cards which allow the NA to fight back during the hack attempt

hack difficulty now dependent on the threat level of the target continent, which increases after each hacking attempt as well as at the end of each round

final hack difficulty is now dependent on continent hack levels instead of the number of cities that still have a red server token

removed hacker arrest track

added time adjustment depending on the number of players controlling the four characters

updated some of the hacker abilities, as well as tweaked some of the hacker's starting dice

Update: Sep 17, 2018 @ 3:37pm

Update: Jun 25, 2018 @ 12:44pm

Added Setup tab to Notebook

Update: Jun 25, 2018 @ 12:05pm

resized hacker hideout token
resided hacker meeple
updated tool tip to new wild die ability
added snap points for hacking tools
moved snap point for furthest yellow square so that the hackin grid setup scripts didn't detect it as being in the red

Update: Jun 19, 2018 @ 7:03pm

confirmed workshop version was most up to date local version

Update: May 9, 2018 @ 11:00am

corrected placement of scripting zones for cities and digital assets - a recent update had messed them up

Update: May 3, 2018 @ 3:59pm

added snap points to hacker mats for discard dice, exchanged dice, and power up tokens
shrank dice to fit spots on hacker mats
fixed errors in scripts used to populate hacking grid where incorrect number of cards were being dealt occassionally
scripted final hack setup
updated tokens to include plus on back side
added custom background
added digital timer just in case other timer can't be used due to incorrect FPS
reduced token count to match rules
added rule clarifications in Notebook
added Welcome notes to note
removed credits and adjusted rewards for when you can't collect bonus reward tokens
updated Hacker Trace buy back mechanic

Update: Apr 19, 2018 @ 5:00pm

timer has sounds now
removed server restriction tracker
hackers are randomized and dice are dealt automatically
redid mod to use modified custom rectangular table to resolve physics issues
resolved scripting error causing buffer overflow
increased credit token count

Update: Apr 12, 2018 @ 4:19pm

fixed script bug for Hacking Tools buttons when deck was down to one card
scripted populating hacking grid
reduced number of 2 icon 2 colour cards from 18 to 6
removed bonus reward for starting cities
increased hacking difficulty decks to 7 cards for Green and Red and 9 cards for Yellow
added cost of 1 level on Hacker Arrest track for attempting 2nd and 3rd rows
updated Kappa's player ability
added Random Access Trojan to the deck of Tools
players can buy back hacker arrest track once during the game at a rate of 200 credits/level
bonus token awards that can't be fulfilled are replaced by 200 credits for reroll tokens, 300 credits for wild die tokens, 400 credits for CDR tokens, and 500 credits for digital nuke tokens
once completed, rewards for first row are safe even if second row is attempted and failed. If third row is attempted and failed, 2nd row rewards are forfeited.

Update: Apr 6, 2018 @ 7:02pm

fixed digital asset deal so that it is now completely scripted
moved game setup to button instead of in global on load
added bonus dice
updated dice to 2 sides of 3 symbols each
added credits back into the game for tool purchasing
implemented real time component to hack attempts and added digital timer to mod
changed hack attempt to one row at a time with top row giving hacking presence, middle row giving some form of bonus reward, and bottom row giving permanent bonus die
updated tools to include purchase price again
moved hack difficulty decision to a deck of cards
removed 3 icon firewall cards and added 2 icon 2 colour cards, as well as firewall cards that have colour requirements other than "native" colours
added bonus rewards for each city
reduced number of dice for each colour to 6 to make room for 8 bonus dice
updated player abilities
removed hacking modifiers
game difficulty now controlled by adding a predetermined number of 2 icon 2 colour firewall cards to the existing firewall deck.
updated server tokens to only include malware, hacker, and public awareness native restrictions