Partisan War -OUTDATED-
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Update: Aug 23, 2016 @ 12:48pm

-XCom adjusts Added various triggers to refresh stages of the game to add new content to existing games. Not in all situations as that's a bit more work.

-XCom will have a few large nerfs happening later, due to large perks that XCom is getting, so reduced effectiveness of Shred soon, more expensive weapon upgrades, more expensive weapon techs (but adjusted for 5 tiers so they won't seem expensive).

-TESTING (alpha) Specialized Weapons (viewable but intentionally impossible cost while testing)

--Tweaked Hidden Potential.
--Reduced starting aim, mobility, will, soon other benefits to compensate. Will later be rebalancing Not Created Equally.

--Grenade Tweaking. Basically reduction in initital effects for some grenades that have other effects (poison, acid, etc)
---Acid Grenades do a little less shred with extra pierce. A tiny bit less damage. Range 10.
---Alien Grenades do more damage. Shred a less and pierce more. A bit less environmental damage, Range 11.
---AP (anti-personnel) Grenade, range 12.
---EMP Grenades are a little more random. High hack bonus. Range 11.
---Fire Grenades do less damage and no shred, though pierce a lot and have a higher chance to set target burning. Range 10.
---Frag Grenades do more damage. A bit less environmental damage,Range 11.
---Gas Grenades do a little more damage, do not shred, and have a high pierce. Range 10.
---HE (high explosive) Grenade, More environmental damage, range 11.
---Micro Grenade, 2-3 damage instead of 1-4, range 13. (3 per slot)
---Proximity Mine, range 12.
---Smoke Grenades, radius 5/7 reg/adv, range 13. (also provides -40 Crit protection)
--Adjusted pricing of grenades.

--Sectoid OverMinion M1 reduced Psi attack by 5.
--Sectoid Minion reduced liklihood of mind control. Reduced Psi attack by 5. (they just love)

-Continent Bonuses (testing ALPHA, probable issues)
--Fully configurable from the config file (PersonalSettings)
--Removed continent bonus for +1 weapon attachment (now a tech requiring "Magnetic Weapons (Standard)")

-Bug Fix
--Codex should be able to be autopsied all the time (temp removal of Codex versions while working on a proper fix)
--However body drops stopped for all aliens killed by explosives, this is not 100% reliable so that'll have to be monitored.

--Started makiong adjustments, in preperation for ADV and SUP, and new ammo types.

-Alien Facilities general tweaking.

-Alien Progress Adjusted (slightly slower alien power progression)

-All general difficulty tweaks for alien strategy, power, and more.

Update: May 23, 2016 @ 3:47pm

--Autopsy Research. modest reduction in research time for variant aliens (muton berserker for example)

-Regional Contact/Havens slight/modest reduction in scanning time.

-Grenade Tweaking.

--Sectoid Minion adjusted stat over all Diffs.

-Doom Timer DIFF adjusts; Base (Diff 0-3) = 9/7/6/5 weeks. Minimum Doom Timer (Non-Legend/Legend) 2/1 Weeks. Still tight, much higher starting timer but that'll drop fast.

-Bugs, fixed a bug on Legend that put an Alien Facility on every region on Day 1 (lol, well that's just more evil than I can be to leave it)

-Alien Facilities general tweaking.

-General Difficulty tweaks for alien strategy, power, and more.

Update: May 19, 2016 @ 10:33am

-Soldiers updated to current template context.
--CyberTech KillAssist from 6 to 5. Level up faster.
--Grenadier KillAssist from 8 to 7. Level up faster.
--Ranger KillAssist from 7 to 6. Level up faster.
--Adjusted Abiliies for Cyber Tech, Field Medic. (you may need to retrain but only do so if you have spare time as the abilities are not final)
--Added Divine Lubrications Infantry Class (reograinized and balanced for PW) "Mobile Infantry"
--Soldier Class GTS Unlocks integration, will be adjusting all GTS unlocks for a Rank 3 and Rank 5 instead of a single rank 4.

-Intel Costs (Global), removed the 20% penalty per DIFF, 20%-80%. Likely reintroduce at half value to equal current other Diff adjusts for resources.

--Rebalanced post Alien Hunters.
--Reduced supply costs for AP HE and Micro grenades.
--Micro Grenade has a slight increase in damage with 2 pierce (mk II increased +1 chance)
--HE Grenade significant increase in environmental damage, increased pierce and increaded again for mk II.

--Tweaked Vipers and Shadow Elite to better mesh with the introduction of the alien lord Viper King. Adjusted Diffs, did something evil with Viper Elite.
--Sectoid Minions PsiOffense (M1 version only) reduced by 5, much less likely to get mind control.

-Black Market
--Diff Scaled the multiplier the black market gives for interest items.

-Alien lords are dangerious, clearly, but they will come early in the game until I've a change to adjust more settings.
-Fixed soldier class template changes.
-Fixed weapon, armor, equipment templates.

-Alien Facilities
--Adjusted by Diff build times for all facilities, much more organic and less on the insane level. Basically code was weird but not so much. Previous version was somewhere between Commander and Legend.
--Will likely need fine tuning as Rookie is probably too easy. Feedback on Veteran sought so comment please... currently feels 'a little' bit too easy.

-General Difficulty tweaks for alien strategy, power, and more.

Update: May 14, 2016 @ 2:10pm

Hot Fix to update soldier loadouts to include new Alien Hunters soldier templates.

Silly I know, these should have defaulted or something. Whatever I guess.

!! WARNING !! Custom soldier classes from OUTSIDE this mod may not equip or be allowed to equip armour!!! This is an EXTERNAL ISSUE for those OTHER mods because the code base has changed and they have to update their soldier class mod to allow for proper updated code syntax with new templates.

!?! NOTE WELL !?! Field Medic and Cyber Tech from this mod work fine now.

p.s. I'll add the Infantry class today 'sometime'.

-General Difficulty tweaks for alien strategy, power, and more.

Update: May 12, 2016 @ 6:48pm

Hot Fix to prevent Alien Lords destroying XCom.

-General Difficulty tweaks for alien strategy, power, and more.

Update: May 11, 2016 @ 5:37pm

-Shaken Chance adjusted slightly, Legendary won't be nearly as bad.

-Reduced soldiers at start and pace of new recruits. However more potential scanning site missions for recruits.

-Mimic Beacons
--Despite it showing 100% to hit, it's only 90% TODO, fix UI display.
--10% chance to dodge. TODO, fix UI display.
--12 HP from 10.
--Still seriously considering making them consumable at a reduced cost in both supplies and corpses.

--Codex, adjusted Diffs.
--Officers, adjusted Diffs, and modified abilities.
--Sectoid Masters
---Considering adding Lesser Mind Merge.
---Disconnect Zombies from Sectoid Masters when master is killed (long live the zombies!)
--Sectoid Prime added Greater Mind Merge.
--Viper, adjusted base M1 M2 M3, adjusted diffs.

--Autopsy Research
---Reduced all Diffs by 20% of original so x1.3 - x2.6 of base.
----PLUS Reduced long autopsy research over 7500 PTC by 30% of base.
----Adjusted Legendary base PTC to match Commander.
--Avatar Resarch, lined up with Autopsy Research.

-Alien Facility, attempt at balanced approach to new facilities with longer prep time required.

-AI Tweaking, Officers have a reasonable chance of insulting your spouse or signifigant other with a goat related comment.

Update: May 7, 2016 @ 3:14pm

--Adjusted Officers, added perks based on rank, have fun. Adjusted Diffs.
--Codex, removed as a follower from more lists. Addjusted Diffs.
--Reinforcements, are signifant, mostly pods of 4, though could be 2-5. (rarely aren't appearing from drop ship, possibly violating max spawn weights (game is trying to protect you from me heh (or it's a bug))
--Sectoid Masters reduced Mind Control. Diff Adjusts.
--Sectoid Minions reduce M1 Psi -10, M3 Psi -5. M4 -1HP. Other Diff adjusts.

-Blackmarket Tech Rush, reduced Intel cost a smidge. Also adjusted benefit for Legend, now 50% discount instead of 67%. Look, I just had to do something nice at least once for Lengenday. ;)

-Autopsy Research, reduced all Diffs by 30% of original so x1.5 - x2.8.

-Alien facility locations adjusted a bit to keep them closer earlier, but not too close. The reverse later. Still some weird build issues.

-Code, tidied up code in a variety of places, just in case.

-A Better AI, tweaking, modifications, and balancing, ongoing. DerBK is almost as evil as I, for aliens deserve to steady their aim too, right? meh, I'll think about it. :)
--You're going to start asking yourself, "did all my soldiers get an aim penalty?" No, the Ai realizes that full cover is now super sexy.
---Remember grenades are fun, but destroy corpses and loot.

-General Difficulty tweaks for alien strategy, power, and more.

Update: May 5, 2016 @ 12:50pm

Update: May 2, 2016 @ 1:43pm

-Proving Grounds started to adjust resource costs and production times for all Diffs. Should up everything there for Friday.

--Adjusted Viper to three tiers based on Force Level.
--Codex, removed as a follower from more lists. Addjusted Diffs.
--Stunlancer stunlance adjusts for weapon spread over 5 tiers instead of 3, more granular.

-Bug squishing, fixed an Injury Timer bug for Veteran and Legend Difficulty. Tweaked Injury scaling all Diffs.

-AimAssist removed from all Diffs to increase difficulty and fix XCom default exploits. (bonus; you're safer from unlucky aliens trying to kill you and getting hidden boost, frak those aliens).

-Avatar. Doom, Campaign, difficulty tweaks.

Update: Apr 29, 2016 @ 11:27am

-Weapon Mods, slight downgrade to incorporate 5 tiers instead of 3 in the future.

-Soldier Training +1 Day all Diffs.

-Soldier Customization, unlocked more customizations earlier.

-Soldier rewards now stabilized based on Force Level to rank 0-5 early game, 2-5 mid game, and 3-5 late game. More or less.

-Soldier Panic
--Smacked all XCom soldiers and told them to put on diapers and don't move unless flanked (usuall). Some got mouthy and occasionally randomly shoot or grenade from time to time.

-Smoke updted to have more accurate tactical layer, and -40 exposed flank adjust when in smoke (messed up? smoke your soldier to greatly mitigate criticals on them. By Anisotropic.

-Second Wave Reborn Extended by EladDv... currently being (WIP so not yet active) testing for full integration. If you are already using this awesome mod then please disable it when playing Partisan War as we are integrating it fully but some things (Not Created Equally and Hidden Potential for example) are going to be issues unless using the PW version.

-Installing Radio Towers general increase of 25% all Diffs.

-Mission difficulty, reinforcements, and rewards adjust by Diff. (one single line for a weeks work lol)

-Fortress Appearance slightly faster now. (Facility as noted elsewhere is slower to build)

-Facility Doom Gain now variable by Diff.
--Rookie: 0 Doom 40% (0%), 1 Doom 40% (100%), 2 Doom 20% (0%)... statistical average 0.8 Doom per facility per trigger.
--Veteran: 0 Doom 20% (0%), 1 Doom 60% (100%), 2 Doom 20% (0%)... statistical average 1.0 Doom per facility per trigger.
--Commander: 0 Doom 10% (0%), 1 Doom 60% (100%), 2 Doom 30% (25%)... statistical average 1.2 Doom per facility per trigger.
--Legendary: 0 Doom 10% (0%), 1 Doom 50% (100%), 2 Doom 40% (0%)... statistical average 1.3 Doom per facility per trigger.
----WARNING! Are you unlucky, do dice hate you, well, be aware, plan ahead, always be ready to hit an Alien Facility if the Doom counter gets high. Mitigate the issue, keep Alien Facilities down to 2-3 at most.
----Please let me know if you see any weirdness (everything triggers 0 doom or 2 doom for example).

-Excavating ~10% longer all Diffs. Probably will re-evaluate Legend though. It's expected to take 9-15 months to become completed (based on Diff of course), as we tweak the extended campaign so to shall this be adjusted up.

-Enemy Encounters
--Rebalanced all Diffs for future integration of 'Very Strong' pods.
--Many pod sizes now 3-5 (well, most, there's a few in testing) instead of 2-4, now on the bright side, that doesn't make the encounters harder per se, they still have the same spawn weights, but there is now more options and of course 1 more target.
--Late game boss encounters may occur a little earlier and be a little more dangerious.
--Fixed default XCom "bug" that prevented proper distribution of Berserkers on Terror Missions.
--Stunlancers can just go frak themselves adjustments.
-Sectoid Masters Force Level and Diff adjusted.
-Sectoid Minions Force Level and Diff adjusted.
-Cyberus/Codex Force Level and Diff adjusted. Also increased spawnweights as they are pretty scary, also limited each Codex type to 1, this does mean that as the campaign progresses you could see 2 or 3 in a single pod but that should be less likely, also will likely remove them as followers from most situations. Also there are some more tables to adjust so occasionally there may be more than 1 in a pod until they are all nailed down.
--Sectoids, sectoids, sectoids, that's the priority for the rest of the week.
---Sectoid Minions are the new 'in' thing for the Alien plans, you'll start to see more of these in the flavour of the previous XCom, they won't be nearly as dangerious, but they come in packs.
---We've still a plan to shrink them down into a more cuddly size.
---Sectoid Overminion, your typical pod master of the babies, these as well as the upgraded versions you'll see more often, they'll have surprises, I'll let you find that out on your own... it'll be "fun". >:]
---Diff adjusts for all, so 5 sectoid types in 9 variations. Still needs lots of work over the weekend.
--Stunlancer rebalance, better, smoother Diff adjusts. Not quite as insane in endgame.
--Codex modifications, Diff adjusts, sorry! :D (speaking of which, I've also reduced the appearance chance in *some* situations, it'll be a bit longer before they are seen a wee less, to make space for other nasties!)
--Officers may will be coming in different versions soon, Strike Team, Assault Team, Riot Team, etc. Beware and be aware.

-Blackmarket Tech rush, slightly increased intel cost.

-Avatar. Doom, Campaign, difficulty tweaks.