Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

AUSTRIA REDONE - "Between two Giants" [550+ Focuses]
Showing 1-10 of 10 entries
Update: Dec 25, 2023 @ 2:26am

V 1.1.1 Hotfix

- added description texts to several events that were previously missing them

- fixed the event "Fall of Wien" triggering more then just once
- fixed following national spirits not showing their GFX: The Traditional Bundesheer, The Mobile Bundesheer, Austrian Neutrality, Austrian Interventionism, Kaiser Franz Joseph II.,
- fixed the focus "Vertrau Heimat, Vertrau" being available even tho the Monarchy has been restored
- fixed the national spirit "Kaiser Franz Joseph II." not being removed even tho he has died
- fixed the advisor GFX for Otto Meixner von Zweienstamm
- fixed the Schnelle Division not unlocking its template after completing its respective focus
- fixed Maximilian Eugen von Habsburg not becoming an Admiral

- added a new advisor GFX for Fey
- added a unique event picture to Maximilian´s returns event

Update: Dec 23, 2023 @ 3:35am

V 1.1 "Vertrau Heimat, Vertrau"

- fully reworked the Army Tree
- added a new mechanic about Austrian Rearmament
- reworked the Heimwehr Civil War
- added focuses to Habsburg Austria to invade Mexico and establish a Mexican Empire
- revamped Starhembergs subbranch focus tree with many new events and other additions
- added new focuses for both Steidle and Fey
- reworked the Air Branch
- added new generals and advisors
- added a few new focuses to the "Ally Hungary" Tree Branch
- added new flavor events

- updated the Mod to the latest version of Hoi4
- added a new focus "Hold Wien at all Cost"
- tweaked Starhembergs starting leader trait
- reworked the focus "Purge the Kärtner Heimwehr"
- reworked the Austrian Militarism national spirit and added a new unique GFX to it
- modified the event demanding Schleswig Holstein from Denmark to also the include the new states introduced in AAT
- the focus "Bundesstaat Großösterreich" now also grants cores on the Sudetenland
- made some of the economic desicions affect the new states
- tweaked/improved the localisation of many events
- the focus "Prussian General Staff" now gives more commanders
- debuffed Mackensen´s stats as corps commander
- the focus "Austrian Imperial Army" no longer requires the Austro-Hungarian BoP to be active
- lots of minor work done on the puppet focus tree for Württemberg
- tweaked and improved the starting situation of the german minors, with some national spirits, country leader traits and GFX
- added leader description texts to following characters: Starhemberg, Steidle
- changed the focus icon for following focuses: Implement Autarky, University of Graz

- fixed Karl Albrecht becoming King of Austria instead of Poland
- fixed Adenauer not becoming country leader after completing his focus
- Developing South Tyrolian Steel will add the resources now actually in South Tyrol, not Upper Austria
- The Desicion to Relclaim Istria no longer requires compliance in South Tyrol
- Making Romania a puppet via focus no longer causes you to lose your cores on Transilvania

- added texticon images to all the starting national spirits
- added a unique news headline GFX
- added a new portrait for Starhemberg aswell as a new advisor GFX
- added a new portrait for Richard Steidle aswell as a new advisor GFX
- added a new portrait for Vasyl Habsburg aswell as a new advisor GFX
- added 2 new portraits for Maximilian Eugen Habsburg aswell as a new advisor GFX
- added new GFX to the starting BoP
- improved Viktoria´s portraits
- added new portraits for many german, croatian, czechoslovak commanders
- added a unqiue advisor GFX for Otto Schöbel
- added a new focus icon for the focus "Empower the Heimwehr"
- added a new focus icon for the focus "Secure Europe"
- added a new focus icon for the focus "German Workers State"
- added a new focus icon for the focus "Revenge July 34"
- added a new focus icon for the focus "Kaiserliche Werften-Wiederherstellungsplan"

Update: Oct 14, 2023 @ 7:58am

V 1.0.6

The Mod is now compatible with the latest Hoi IV Patch V 1.13.3

- added Military Industrial Organizations to Austria
- partially reworked and expanded the industrial branch of the focus tree with many new focuses
- reworked Austrias map with new states and victory points
- added a focus to core Hungary as part of following Churchill´s plan of a Danubian Federation
- added a new focus "Refound the Imperial Navy"
- added a new focus "Auf Baltischer Wacht"
- added a new news event for when Steidle takes over Austria
- added a new news event about Austrian Rearmament
- added a new flavour event about the end of the "Sozialistenprozess"
- added a new event to the army tree
- added description texts to following army commanders: Friedrich Materna, Julius Ringel, Erhard Raus

- reworked Viktoria´s leader traits
- changed the position of some focus branches
- doing the anti german front focus no longer requires the Czechs to have a opinion of atleast 40 of you; now its only 20
- danish AI is now much more likely to give in to german demands
- the focus "Intervene in Germany" will now also bypass if you are already at war with Germany
- the focus "Integrate the Czech Railways" will no longer require you to own Zaolzie
- the focus Anti German Front will bypass if the Czechs no longer exist

- fixed a typo in the anti german front focus and added a description text
- fixed wording in the focus description of "Our very own fault"

- new main menu screen
- new portrait for Kurt Schuschnigg, credit to u/Net2025 from reddit
- new portrait for Wilhelm III
- new portrait for Viktoria
- added a new generic commander portrait
- changed the GFX icon for the following focuses: Rebuilding Hungary, Integration of the new Lands, Coastal Defense Ships, A Grand High Sea Fleet, Aftermath of the Second World War, Marineakademie, The Iron Curtain, Prepare A New Consitution, Create Bomber Designs, Demand Schleswig-Holstein, Deterrence on the Seas, The new State, Naval Efforts, Imprison remaining Schutzbund Members, Construct the Brumowski Air Base, Exploiting our Mountains, Marineoperationsschule, Purchase German Equipment, Deploy AA

Update: Aug 15, 2023 @ 2:38am

Patch V 1.0.5

- added a new focus "Austrian Rearmament" with a new "Rearm the Bundesheer" mission
- added two new desicions to the Austro-Hungarian BoP that allow you to support either faction over a longer time
- reworked Richard Steidle as an advisor, with new custom trait and GFX aswell as a long description of his background
- reworked the advisor Theodor Innitzer with new custom trait and a description of his background
- added backgrounds to following characters aswell: Friedrich August von Hayek, Emil Fey, Wilhelm Miklas, Juilius Raab, Leopold Figl
- added a proper Head of Intelligence advisor
- new starting national spirit "Österreichische Neutralität" that can be removed in a variety of ways

- Austria now starts with Artillery I researched
- "Otto von Habsburg" if becoming emperor will now be called "Franz Joseph II."
- the "Buy War Bonds" Propaganda Campagin now gives you -0.5% weekly war support instead of -5% weekly war support
- buying guns from Italy or Germany now gives you 1.5k guns instead of only 1k
- reworked description text for the focus "The Better Germany"
- "Strengthen relations with other Monarchies" now also gives you 100 political power and will also improve relations with FRA, SOV, ROM and ITA if they are a monarchy
- August von Mackensen will now have his full name shown
- "Increase the Role of the Armored Corps" now also gives you +5% armored divison attack
- "Mountain Mules" now also gives you +5% special forces attack
- the desicion to offer peace to Germany now is longer available if you go the "German Empire in Exile" Path
- French AI will now be more agressive after completing the focus Anti German Pact
- Italian AI will now bew more protective towards Austria if they accepted the Alliance
- partially reworked the focus "Our very own Fault"
- the economic desicions now require you to own the specific states
- the focus "Demand Transilvania" will now bypass if you own it already
- focus duration for "Buy Italian Equipment" and the focus "Purchase German Equipment" have both been reduced to 10 days, down from 35

- Austria will now receive controlled States in southern Germany from Germany should they accept the peace offer
- fixed two of the Between two Giants desicions not showing up
- fixed a spelling mistake in the description of the national spirit "Austrofascism"
- fixed the icon of the focus "The Better Germany" from disappearing
- fixed the Heimwehr´s opponent in the Civil War having the "Heimwehr" national spirit
- fixed the requirements for the focus "German Workers State"

- new leader portrait for Steidle

Update: Aug 12, 2023 @ 5:19am

Patch V 1.0.4

- added a new focus "A new German Army" alongside a new event which allows you to chose between some smaller country buffs or getting some of Germany´s commanders
- added a new focus "Mauser Rearmament" which also unlocks Mauser as a designer
- added a new focus "Expand Arms Production"
- added two new resource excavation desicions for Austria if they control South Tyrol (Aluminium and Steel)
- added a new focus to the democratic branch "Rebuilding Hungary"
- added a new focus "Initiate Joint Rearmament"
- the focus "Dismantle Czechoslovakia" now unlocks 4 new desicions to annex the country fully and core states

- the focus "Alpine Fortifications" now grants a military factory, places the forts more strategically aswell as spawning in more of them, the focus time has been decreased to 50 days from 70 aswell, and its GFX icon has been changed
- the focus "Initiate Naval Rearmament" now unlocks Blohm & Voss as a ship designer, also the focus no longer bypasses if you dont have enough building slots left
- the desicion "Reintegrate Galicia" no longer requires you to have completed the focus "Demand Galicia" but rather to own the states
- changed the GFX for the focus "Strenghten Relations with other Monarchies"
- AI will be now more agressive towards Germany if doing the Anti Germany Front, declaring war much faster
- the focus "End Habsburg Banishment" now changes the non-aligned party name to "Haus von Habsburg-Lothringen"
- the focus "Rennounce Claims to South Tyrol" now takes 10 days to complete instead of 35
- the focus "German Investements" now takes 35 days to complete instead of 70
- the focus "Mobilize the People" now gives you 25k manpower aswell and takes now 15 days to complete
- the focus "Reclaim the Empire" now gives you war economy for free and takes 50 days to complete now, down from 70
- the second upgrade to the national spirit of "Heimwehr" now gives you 5% recruitable population factor, the third upgrade will upgrade it to a total of 10%
- the focus "The Socialists United" now gives you 40k manpower instead of 5k
- the focus "Further Heimwehr Cooperation" will now give you 30k manpower instead of 10k
- the focuses "Agriculture Focus" and "Focus on the Workers in Cities" now both are 35 days long, instead of 49
- made some adjustments to the Naval Designers available to Austria
- the focus "Invite Mauser" now unlocks the former as a designer
- in the event chain "Dismantle Czechoslovakia" Hungary now gets cores on Southern Slovakia and Carpathian Ruthenia, Poland gets a core on Zaolzie
- added the option for Hungary to reject an alliance with Austria, aswell as an event for Austria informing them if that is the case

- Karl Albrecht von Habsburg becoming leader of Austria *should* be fixed now. If it isnt, please report it to me
- fixed some of the Austro-Hungarian BoP´s desicions being reported as available even tho they were not
- the focus "Demand the League of Nations to Act" now works correctly

- reworked Horthy´s portrait
- reworked many of Germany´s unit commanders portraits
- added flags for democratic Vorarlberg

Update: Aug 11, 2023 @ 4:23am

Patch V 1.0.3

- added a new focus to the Industrial Branch "Exploiting our Mountains" which unlocks five new decisions to excavate new resources throughout Austria
- added a new focus to Habsburg Austria that has not restored Austria Hungary "Dismantle Czechoslovakia" alongside a new event chain for that focus

- restoring democracy as the German Empire will now give you the chancellors as national spirits instead of actual country leaders so your country leader will remain the Kaiser you chose
- added a new event to inform the player that the Netherlands refused their offer, if the AI chosed to not join the faction
- reworked the "Ally Hungary" Event for Habsburg Austria
- capitalized some country´s adjective names ("german Yugoslavia" will now be called "German Yugoslavia" for example)

- the events of the focus "Operation Wache im Osten" now all work properly
- the national spirits "Kaiserliches und Königliches Heer" now have their GFX icons working
- adjusted the description of the "Deal with Italy" Focus and changed its name to "Treaty of Bozen"

Update: Aug 9, 2023 @ 7:39am

Patch V 1.0.2

All bugs/issues that have been reported to me up to now have been fixed in this patch. Should you find more, inform me about them.

- added two new decisions to the starting Balance of Powers that are unlocked for the german collaberationist path
- added a new news event for when Emil Fey takes over Austria
- added new completion rewards to the focuses "Intensify Training", "Standardization" and "Specialization" (Air Tree)

- the starting advisor "Ernst Rüdiger Starhemberg" is now also removed if your ruling party is of communist or democratic ideology (still, the desicion in the BoP to remove him exists and it gives you lots of political power)
- the focus "Secure the new State" now removes the starting Balance of Powers
- the focus "The East German Offensive" now gives you also a claim on Vorpommern
- the focus "Begin Integration of East Germany" now gives you also a core on Vorpommern
- the desicion category of "Restoring our foreign sphere" will now be available after completing its respective national focus regardless of your cosmetic tag
- the focus "Revive the Central Powers" will now also bypass if you are already in a faction
- the focus "Breaking the Steel" will now also bypass if in faction with either Germany or Italy
- the focus "Intervene in Germany" will now also bypass if Germany is your puppet
- German Empire in Austria now has its own cosmetic tag instead of relying on the Germany cosmetic tag
- the national spirit "The Austrian Economy" now checks the current adjective of the cosmetic tag; so if youre Austria Hungary you will now see the idea being called "The Austro-Hungarian Economy"
- added a description text for following focuses: "The Nation under Fey", "Bring the Revolution to Vorarlberg", "Marineakademie", "Romanian Puppet Kingdom"
- decreased the focus time completion for the "Intensify Training" focus down from 70 to 50
- decreased the focus time completion for the "Open Inoffical Flying Schools" focus down from 49 to 35
- increased the focus time completion for the "Construct the Brumowski Air Base" focus up to 50 from 49

- fixed Karl Seitz not appearing as country leader after doing his focus
- fixed the desicions of the Bavarian Integration BoP being reported as available even tho the BoP is not even active
- fixed the focus requirements of the focus "Aftermath of the Second World War"
- fixed democratic German Empire being called "Bundesrepublik"
- small grammer fix for "Theresianische Militärakademie" Event

Update: Aug 8, 2023 @ 12:18pm

Patch V 1.0.1

- added two new events for a Habsburg Austria that has not reunified Austria-Hungary, but stayed as Austria and took all of Bavaria (Oberbayern, Niederbayern, Franken)
- new advisor added: Hans Pernter
- Improved Description Text for "Theresianische Militärakademie" Event
- fixed a typing error "Secure the Ukraine" from "Secrue the Ukraine"
- fixed the requirements of the focus "The Dual Kingdom"

Update: Aug 8, 2023 @ 5:18am


Tested that updating the mod works properly, and it does.

Update: Aug 8, 2023 @ 4:56am