Don't Starve

Don't Starve

Up and Away
Showing 1-10 of 26 entries
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Update: May 31, 2019 @ 8:27pm

Alpha - [version 0.2.17]

Bugfixes and Changes:
+ Hotfix; this fixes a recent update causing the game to crash upon going to the cloudrealm. Until a more proper fix is decided upon, clouds in the cloudrealm will be extremely buggy.

Update: Mar 20, 2019 @ 5:43am

Alpha - [version 0.2.16]

Bugfixes and Changes:
+ Fixed a crash when loading the mod. This was a temporary fix while I investigate the problem fully, please report any strange turf/ground behavior.
+ Fixed our "Work in Progress" warning overlapping Hamlet's warning.

Update: Mar 10, 2019 @ 11:24am

Alpha - [version 0.2.15]

Bugfixes and Changes:
+ Fixed the Cumulocator Station soft-locking save files.
+ Fixed invisible vines.

Update: Mar 3, 2019 @ 7:09am

Alpha - [version 0.2.14]

Bugfixes and Changes:
+ Actually fixed the unfortunate summer bug.
+ Fixed Winnie's Staff art being lower resolution when dropped on the ground.
+ Winnie now has strings for her flute.

Update: Mar 1, 2019 @ 12:48pm

Alpha - [version 0.2.13]

Bugfixes and Changes:
+ Lowered Winnie's sanity further.
+ Having followers when equipped with Winnie's Staff no longer raises sanity instead of lowering it.
+ The followers now have to be near, however.
+ Fixed a bug causing it to always be summer. If you still experience this bug, please share your save's DLC information.

Update: Feb 15, 2019 @ 4:44pm

Alpha - [version 0.2.12]

Bugfixes and Changes:
+ Fixed a crash when eating Dragonblood Sap.
+ Fixed some sounds not playing correctly.
+ Fixed a horrible awful no-good bug involving Winnie and Naughtiness.
+ Rebalanced Winnie.
+ Winnie no longer spawns with seeds and no longer has plant-related perks.
+ Winnie now spawns with a flute which has a very short range and very short duration, but has infinite uses.
+ Winnie has less health and less maximum hunger.
+ Winnie now does half the damage as she previously did.
+ Rebalanced Thunder Trees.
+ Thunder Trees now drop fewer logs and pinecones.
+ Fixed animation issues with the new Thunder Tree art.
+ The new art is not complete yet.
+ There is a known crash with the Cumulocator Station. Crafting it will soft-lock you out of your save. I am investigating a fix currently.

Update: Feb 7, 2019 @ 6:29am

Alpha - [version 0.2.11]

Bugfixes and Changes:
+ Fixed animation assets not being included with the mod.

Update: Feb 6, 2019 @ 4:52pm

Alpha - [version 0.2.10]

Bugfixes and Changes:
+ Fixed a main menu crash.
+ Maybe created some more bugs. Log.txt is your friend when reporting bugs and crashes!

Update: Jan 20, 2019 @ 3:30pm

Alpha - [version 0.2.8]

Bugfixes and Changes:
+ Fixed a crash on start that occured to some shenanigans with mount_enabled, added with the QOL update.
+ The mod should function properly without DLC.

Update: Dec 9, 2018 @ 3:52pm

Alpha - [version 0.2.7]

Bugfixes and Changes:
+ Fixed the clock not changing color when loading a save in which static is occuring.
+ Fixed a crash that occured with the most recent update of Hamlet.
+ Until we can change the code accordingly, we recommend you play with all DLC installed.