Showing 1-10 of 82 entries
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Update: Dec 12, 2024 @ 7:35am

Update 1.9.12

  • AI: Ignore flaregun and non-explosive weapons with low DPS.
  • AI: Improved pathfinding while swimming.
  • AI: Will now be able to avoid all dangerous areas (hot spring, volcanic, geysers, contaminated).
  • AI: Will wait for animation of door to finish before attempting to pass.
  • BaseBuilding: Virtual Storage: Added support for any item that returns true when calling `IsContainer()` or `IsItemTent()`.
  • Map-Assets: Removed bldr_prop_Truck_02_Wheel_Ruined since Truck_02_ruined does not exist in vanilla.

  • AI: Fixed not going into deep water even if swimming enabled.
  • AI: Fixed force recalculate path not working while swimming.
  • AI: Worked around pathfinding not working while in very deep water (any map), or on baked map objects over water (like the ice floes on Sakhal).
  • AI: Fixed not generating clusters for non-overlapping contaminated areas.
  • AI: Fixed not avoiding contaminated area reliably if partially underground or partially floating.
  • AI: Require full NBC gear to stay in contaminated area (previously, one piece of the full suit could be missing and AI would still enter/stay).
  • AI: Fixed remaining issue with stance when waking from uncon.
  • AI: Fixed potential loop issue w/ weapon selection if at last three firearms are involved.
  • AI: Fixed clothing selection issue if clothing item can be used for bandaging.
  • AI: Prevent climb if above max height.
  • AI: Fixed climbing not working while swimming (this alongside the pathfinding fix for Sakhal will allow AI to go to the islands without getting stuck).
  • AI: Worked around physics falling sometimes not working, leading to AI being stuck in falling animation.
  • AI: Fixed OnCommandSwimFinish not being called if swimming gets interrupted by other command.
  • AI: Fixed trader AI with waypoints not starting to move again if the interacting player gets disconnected, killed or goes uncon.
  • AI, BaseBuilding, Vehicles: Changed log messages to consistently quote names.
  • BaseBuilding: Virtual Storage: Fixed "Store" action appearing on unsupported items if they have a global ID, e.g. purchased from P2P market or pulled out of Personal Storage (old).
  • BaseBuilding: Virtual Storage: Fixed having to wait for unopenable containers (e.g. Expansion Gunrack) to be persisted before being able to store their contents again after restoring.
  • Core: Damage System: Fixed explosion damage could override calculated damage for configured explosion targets that are not items.
  • Core: Fixed calculating DPS for weapons w/o reloading mechanism.
  • Core: Fixed model path for ExpansionCircuitBoardBase.
  • Main: Fixed missing dep for milkbottle.
  • Quests: Fixed ExpansionQuestDryBag_ColorBase hiddenSelectionsTextures.
  • Licensed: Fixed texture file extensions on MH6 rvmats.
  • Weapons: Fixed model path for Expansion_Ammo_ArrowBolt (it's pending removal though so should no longer be spawned).

Known Issues:
  • Vehicles: Winching does not work properly.
  • Vehicles: When you restore/uncover a vehicle while standing on it, you may fall through it.

  • Server Hosters: You don't need to update your server settings manually! The server should convert old settings files automatically.
  • If you encounter problems with the marker system make sure you wipe the marker.bin file in your servers ExpansionMod profile directory!
  • If you encounter any problems with the market system please make sure to wipe your local DayZ "ExpansionMod" profile directory!

You can find the full experimental Bundle for testing on the Steam Workshop:
You can also use the separate experimental mods:
You can download the Expansion missions at:
Documentations for Expansion is available at:
Documentations for all the changes to the server settings is available at:

Update: Oct 15, 2024 @ 5:34am

Update 1.9.6
  • AI: Added eAICallbacks (a safe way for 3rd party mods to hook into AI events like target/LOS/threatlevel/cover changes).
  • Market: Added subfolder support for Categories, Traders and TraderZones.

  • AI, Animations: Updated animation graph for DayZ 1.26.
  • AI: Ignore invincible, observer and passive AI in triggers for patrols that can be triggered by AI.
  • AI: Trigger position of persistent patrols that despawned during the same server session and were not killed is updated to the group leader's despawn position, just like it would be after a server restart (consistency).
  • AI: Set number of AI, waypoint behavior, formation and movement speed dynamically each time a patrol spawns fresh.
  • AI: Will slow down when going down steep inclines.
  • Core: Spawning items on parent (e.g. via market) checks if parent can actually receive the item and spawns in temporary container otherwise.
  • Main: Removed rabbit (now in vanilla with DayZ 1.26).
  • Missions: Use untranslated container display name for marker creation on server (let client handle translation).
  • Vehicles: Added AllDoorsClosedEx, don't rely on GetCarDoorsState.
  • Vehicles: Show different text for cancel lock action.
  • Vehicles: Updated vehicle soundsets for DayZ 1.26.

  • AI: Fixed some issues with AI tracking mags in inventory.
  • AI: Fixed if a player entered the outer perimeter of a patrol spawn trigger zone while a player was still inside the inner perimeter (which should prevent the patrol spawning until all players are at the specified minimum distance from the center of the trigger zone), the patrol would spawn regardless.
  • AI: Fixed faction name written to log not necessarily representing actual faction for persistent patrols.
  • AI: Fixed shots not always hitting the intended entity due to a vanilla bug with Weapon::Fire.
  • AI: Fixed stopping on top level of certain structures (e.g. large metal barn, guard watchtower) due to fall height check being too aggressive.
  • AI: Fixed threat level of grenades that don't need to be unpinned (e.g. chemgas).
  • Core: Fixed loading AI modifiers via Entity Storage.

Known Issues:
  • Vehicles: Winching does not work properly.
  • Vehicles: When you restore/uncover a vehicle while standing on it, you may fall through it.

  • Server Hosters: You don't need to update your server settings manually! The server should convert old settings files automatically.
  • If you encounter problems with the marker system make sure you wipe the marker.bin file in your servers ExpansionMod profile directory!
  • If you encounter any problems with the market system please make sure to wipe your local DayZ "ExpansionMod" profile directory!

You can find the full experimental Bundle for testing on the Steam Workshop:
You can also use the separate experimental mods:
You can download the Expansion missions at:
Documentations for Expansion is available at:
Documentations for all the changes to the server settings is available at:

Update: Sep 10, 2024 @ 11:21am

Update 1.9.3
  • AI: Added configurable looting behavior to patrol settings.
  • AI: Added roaming excludes to AI settings.
  • BaseBuilding: Added fallback codelock tool raid support for 3rd party mod basebuilding.
  • Market: Log IDs of all purchased/sold items.
  • Vehicles: Added attach/detach actions for igniter plug and hydraulic hoses.

  • All mods: Lots of prep for vanilla boat support.
  • AI: Enabled looting unconscious enemy AI.
  • AI: Disabled AI attachment pathfinding for now since AI attachment does not work anyway and won't until fixed in DayZ (should result in improved performance when many AI move inside Expansion vehicles that allow player attachment, e.g. the Expansion bus). This means AI will only be able to properly pathfind inside vehicles with walkable interiors while the vehicle is stationary.
  • Core: Only show temporary container notification one time if the same container is reused for additional items in the same transaction.
  • Core: Item attachment logic now more closely follows vanilla while still allowing attachments with cargo on non-player parents.
  • Main: Don't create gravecross for unlootable AI.
  • Market: Removed unnecessary buy/sell request log spam since request/confirm is a single action on the server anyway.
  • Missions: Generate randomized toxic zone defaults for maps that are not Chernarus.
  • Quests: Don't auto-close quest menu after accepting a quest.
  • Vehicles: Removed `CanPlayerAttach` from vehicle settings in anticipation of DayZ 1.26 update. Bus, LHD, Merlin, UAZ with roofless cargo bay, utility boat, Vodnik and Zodiac boat still allow player attachment.

  • AI: Ignore reserved seat if character is dead and not in seat.
  • AI: Fixed fall height in some buildings could not be properly detected.
  • AI: Fixed AI not able to climb out of certain structures.
  • BaseBuilding: Fixed potential NULL ptrs if 3rd party mods don't inherit objects w/ construction from BaseBuildingBase.
  • Chat: Fixed BattlEye message formatting.
  • Navigation: Fixed NULL ptr in 3D marker update loop if player body has been deleted (e.g. after death).
  • Quests: Fixed quest objective `Active` parameter being ignored.
  • Vehicles: Fixed heli physics sometimes not deactivating when not moving.
  • Vehicles: Fixed bus passenger seats.
  • Vehicles: Fixed cargo/attachments on Expansion vehicles being visible even if hood/doors/trunk are closed.
  • Vehicles: Disabled switching seats in MH6 because of wrong seating position after switching due to lack of proper animations.

Known Issues:
  • AI: Will not sit in bus.
  • Vehicles: Winching does not work properly.
  • Vehicles: When you restore/uncover a vehicle while standing on it, you may fall through it.

  • Server Hosters: You don't need to update your server settings manually! The server should convert old settings files automatically.
  • If you encounter problems with the marker system make sure you wipe the marker.bin file in your servers ExpansionMod profile directory!
  • If you encounter any problems with the market system please make sure to wipe your local DayZ "ExpansionMod" profile directory!

You can find the full experimental Bundle for testing on the Steam Workshop:
You can also use the separate experimental mods:
You can download the Expansion missions at:
Documentations for Expansion is available at:
Documentations for all the changes to the server settings is available at:

Update: Feb 9, 2024 @ 5:44am

Update 1.8.39
  • AI: You can set waypoints for AI in your group via the command menu or default keybind CTRL + left mouse button. Placing startpoint and endpoint close (within 1.5m) to one another will make AI loop the waypoints.
  • AI: As admin, you can export your current AI group as patrol JSON file, or query AI state via the status sub-menu.
  • AI: Will break down locked building doors.
  • BaseBuilding: Added `AutoOpenLockMenuAfterPlacing` option to client settings.
  • BaseBuilding: Added unscrew codelock action to screwdriver.
  • BaseBuilding: You can now craft armbands from all Expansion flags.
  • Chat: Support vanilla message colors (status, action, friendly, important).
  • Core: DayZ 1.24 compatibility.
  • Core: Added admin chest (all player slots + 10x100 cargo, requires COT or VPPAT).
  • Core: Added two new client settings for ViewDistance and ObjectViewDistance.

  • AI: Attacking any friendly AI will make them attack back if not in your group and turn any factions friendly to them hostile towards you (AI in your group will retaliate if the attackers hit you, creating an ever-escalating spiral of aggression and counter-aggression that will leave no bone unbroken and no piece of gear unperforated).
  • AI: Further improved behavior around doors.
  • AI: Will look around if not looking at a target.
  • Book, Chat, Garage, Groups, Hardline, Market, NameTags, Main, Quests: Removed unnecessary ifdefs in various configuration classes to prevent missing entries in settings files when adding Expansion mods one by one and for better modding support.
  • P2P Market: If a vehicle was lockpicked, the lock needs to be changed before it can be sold (requires Expansion Vehicles).
  • Quests: Ignore kill if quest player didn't hit entity or killer is not AI helper. For player targets that are not AI, require kill by quest player or by AI helper.
  • Vehicles: Better third person camera for helicopters.
  • Vehicles: Better UH1H handling.
  • Vehicles: Removed invisible ramps from boats. Boats can now be boarded with an action while swimming.
  • Missions and Quests: Loot attachments can now have a spawn chance from 0.0 to 1.0.

  • AI: Damage received modifier was not set for AI spawned via admin menu.
  • AI: Reset LOS and ignore noise when unconscious.
  • AI: Fixed passive AI not reacting to being hit.
  • AI: Fixed unlootable AI not being able to detach/attach magazine to their firearm after dropping it once.
  • AI: Fixed initial orientation of non-moving NPCs.
  • BaseBuilding: Fixed possible hologram NULL ptr spam.
  • BaseBuilding: Fixed "Take" action not showing in territory if not a territory member.
  • Core: Close all Expansion menus when falling unconscious or being restrained.
  • Main: Killfeed: Fixed death by fall damage showing generic death message instead of specific.
  • SpawnSelection: Fixed temporary container when spawn gear doesn't fit into inventory not being placed at selected spawn position.
  • Vehicles: Fixed jump out damage not being applied since DayZ 1.21.
  • Vehicles: Fixed gravecross not being able to take into account playtime if helicopter exploded.
  • Vehicles: Fixed getting teleported to void if being hit while exiting boat or helicopter.

Known Issues:
  • AI: Will not sit in bus.
  • Vehicles: Winching does not work properly.
  • Vehicles: When you restore/uncover a vehicle while standing on it, you may fall through it.

  • Server Hosters: You don't need to update your server settings manually! The server should convert old settings files automatically.
  • If you encounter problems with the marker system make sure you wipe the marker.bin file in your servers ExpansionMod profile directory!
  • If you encounter any problems with the market system please make sure to wipe your local DayZ "ExpansionMod" profile directory!

You can find the full experimental Bundle for testing on the Steam Workshop:
You can also use the separate experimental mods:
You can download the Expansion missions at:
Documentations for Expansion is available at:
Documentations for all the changes to the server settings is available at:

Update: Jan 12, 2024 @ 11:50am

Update 1.8.37
  • AI: Added `DamageReceivedMultiplier` to AI and patrol settings.
  • BaseBuilding: If admin tools (COT or VPP) are toggled on, show "[ADMIN]" prefix in front of actions that are influenced by admin permissions.
  • Book: Added new setting `EnableCraftingRecipesTab` to book settings.
  • Core: Added back workaround for vanilla issue T176038 (unlootable hand item if dying while prone) as it also seems to improve T175110 (INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO segfault) which appears to be not fully fixed in DayZ 1.23.
  • Core: Added workaround for vanilla issue T178279 (EffectSounds can't be destroyed if they fade out).
  • Market: Added HypeTrain support.
  • Market: Added `DisplayCurrencyValue` and `DisplayCurrencyName` settings to trader JSON configuration. The former takes an integer that defines the value of the currency that prices should be shown in, the latter takes a short name of that currency. Example: You define market prices in silver nuggets (currency value of 1), but want to show prices in gold nuggets (with 1 gold nugget equaling the value of 100 silver nuggets) in the market menu. So you set 100 as `DisplayCurrencyValue` and `DisplayCurrencyName` to "Gold".
  • Quests: Added new Boolean parameter `Active` to quest, objective and NPC configuration files. Can be used to enable/disable the file from being loaded by the quest system.
  • Quests: Added new Boolean parameter `SuppressQuestLogOnCompetion` to quest configuration files. Can be used to enable/disable the automatic display of the quest log on quest completion when the quest has a follow-up quest with no quest-giver ID.
  • Quests: Quest target, AI camp and AI patrol objective configurations and events got a small refactor and now allow for some more detailed configuration options.
  • Quests: Added new parameter Array<string> `AllowedDamageZones` to target, AI camp and AI patrol objective configuration files. Allows to set hit zones the quest players need to hit to count a target elimination for the certain quest objective. If the array is empty the check is disabled.
  • Quests: Added new parameter Array<string> `ClassNames` to AI camp and AI patrol objective configuration files. Allows to set a list of eAI entity class names that will be used to create the certain objective AI units. If the array is empty the class name is selected randomly from an array with all valid eAI entity types.
  • Quests: Added new parameter Float `MaxDistance` to target, AI camp and AI patrol objective configuration files. Allows to set a maximum distance the quest player can have to an objective target to count the target elimination for the certain quest objective. If the value is below 0 the check is disabled.
  • Quests: Added new parameter Float `MinDistance` to target, AI camp and AI patrol objective configuration files. Allows to set a minimum distance the quest player must have to an objective target to count the target elimination for the certain quest objective. If the value is below 0 the check is disabled.
  • Market & P2PMarket: Added `DisplayCurrencyValue` and `DisplayCurrencyName` settings to trader JSON configuration. The former takes an integer that defines the value of the currency that prices should be shown in, the latter takes a short name of that currency. Example: You define market prices in silver nuggets (currency value of 1), but want to show prices in gold nuggets (with 1 gold nugget equaling the value of 100 silver nuggets) in the market menu. So you set 100 as `DisplayCurrencyValue` and `DisplayCurrencyName` to "Gold".
  • P2PMarket: Support specifying currencies per trader.

  • AI: Ignore noise source if it's a player that AI has line of sight to.
  • AI: Ignore any unreachable waypoint directly below current AI position.
  • AI: Patrol spawns now use spherical triggers.
  • AI: Wake up from unconscious to prone state instead of standing up directly.
  • BaseBuilding: Disallow taking flag in enemy territory if dismantling is restricted in settings.
  • Market & P2PMarket: Currency display and price display is now localized (decimal & thousands separators).
  • Market & P2PMarket: Re-use existing temporary storage container (if in vicinity).
  • Quests: When canceling a quest without quest-giver, it can be accepted again in the quest log menu as long as the preconditions are still met.
  • Quests: AI kills count towards target objective completion just like players (if in range specified by `MinDistance` and `MaxDistance`).
  • Vehicles: Much smoother heli rotors animation.

  • AI: Fixed suppressors having the opposite effect on AI hearing.
  • BaseBuilding: Fixed garden plot action condition returning wrong value if territories are disabled.
  • Core: Never load settings defaults on MP client.
  • Core: Properly exclude items with `isMeleeWeapon=0` in config.cpp from melee weapons.
  • Hardline: Fixed `MaxReputation` only working if Expansion Main is loaded.
  • Hardline: Fixed default rarity not being sent to client.
  • Hardline: Fixed race condition leading to rarity widget in tooltip sometimes not being created.
  • P2PMarket: Fixed owner discount not working due to missing cast to float.
  • Quests: Added workaround for vanilla netsync issues with items spawned in cargo of other items affecting treasure hunt objectives.
  • Vehicles: Fixed tree fell sound not playing on collision if not driver.

Known Issues:
  • AI: Will not sit in bus.
  • Vehicles: Winching does not work properly.
  • Vehicles: When you restore/uncover a vehicle while standing on it, you may fall through it.

  • Server Hosters: You don't need to update your server settings manually! The server should convert old settings files automatically.
  • If you encounter problems with the marker system make sure you wipe the marker.bin file in your servers ExpansionMod profile directory!
  • If you encounter any problems with the market system please make sure to wipe your local DayZ "ExpansionMod" profile directory!

You can find the full experimental Bundle for testing on the Steam Workshop:
You can also use the separate experimental mods:
You can download the Expansion missions at:
Documentations for Expansion is available at:
Documentations for all the changes to the server settings is available at:

Update: Dec 20, 2023 @ 12:39pm

Update 1.8.36
  • AI: Added new faction Yeet Brigade (melee guards with a VERY strong punch and unlimited stamina).
  • AI: Added noise investigation distance limit to AI and patrol settings.
  • BaseBuilding: Added AuthenticateCodeLockIfTerritoryMember to territory settings (members of territories don't have to enter code on codelocks in their territory).
  • BaseBuilding: Added support for HypeTrain.
  • Core: Added fix for missing vanilla car engine "failed start" sounds (T177537).
  • Core: Added CreateInInventoryEx to circumvent vanilla issues with FindFirstFreeLocationForNewEntity.
  • Market: Added item sorting options (name/price, ascending/descending) to market menu.
  • Vehicles: Added turbine start sounds for all helicopters.

  • AI: If one member in an AI group gets hit, all members get notified of the attacker.
  • AI: Improved door handling.
  • BaseBuilding: Renamed TerritoryAuthenticationRadius in territory settings to TerritoryInviteAcceptRadius.
  • Hardline: Insert rarity info into vanilla tooltip instead of overriding it completely.
  • Vehicles: Using A2 sounds for MH6 engine + rotors, changed Merlin engine sounds, changed Gyrocopter sounds.

  • AI: Fixed lean not resetting when returning to move cmd.
  • BaseBuilding: Fixed build zones being ignored if territories are disabled.
  • Core: Fixed vanilla DigOutStashLambda breaking netsync of stashed entity.
  • Market: Fixed Hardline item rarity over Exotic not being displayed correctly in item tooltips.
  • Quests: Fixed not being able to set no marker for travel objectives.
  • Vehicles: Don't drop fake wheels when exploding.
  • Vehicles: Fixed overriding existing owner if vehicle has no keychain slot.
  • Vehicles: Fixed 1st person camera when on HypeTrain.

Known Issues:
  • AI: Will not sit in bus.
  • Vehicles: Winching does not work properly.
  • Vehicles: When you restore/uncover a vehicle while standing on it, you may fall through it.

  • Server Hosters: You don't need to update your server settings manually! The server should convert old settings files automatically.
  • If you encounter problems with the marker system make sure you wipe the marker.bin file in your servers ExpansionMod profile directory!
  • If you encounter any problems with the market system please make sure to wipe your local DayZ "ExpansionMod" profile directory!

You can find the full experimental Bundle for testing on the Steam Workshop:
You can also use the separate experimental mods:
You can download the Expansion missions at:
Documentations for Expansion is available at:
Documentations for all the changes to the server settings is available at:

Update: Nov 16, 2023 @ 10:41am

Update 1.8.32
  • AI: Factions can now have modifiers (e.g. Kuru). Added new "Infected" faction to showcase the effects.
  • AI: Added CanRecruitFriendly setting.
  • AI: Added PreventClimb setting (list of excluded classnames).
  • Core: Added optional workarounds for vanilla issues T176038 (unlootable hand item if dying while prone) and T176819 (items getting teleported up/down and/or placed at weird angles when dropped on other items). Both can be enabled in DebugSettings.json via EnableProneDeathHandItemDropFix and EnableItemDropPlacementFix (note that some items may float when dropped on other items).
  • Vehicles: Added option to show vehicle owner to settings. Vehicle owners are stored on a keychain which is automatically created when pairing a key. Existing paired keys and vehicles get a keychain assigned when a player with key in inventory connects. Covered vehicles need to be uncovered once by a player with paired key in inventory before owner can be shown.

  • Main: Improved support for modded liquids.
  • Market: Don't fail on price difference of 1.
  • Missions: Minor airdrop container RPC optimization.

  • Garage: Fixed vehicle owners being unnecessarily added twice to vehicle data if they also were the last driver.
  • Groups: Fixed two possible NULL ptrs.
  • Quests: Fixed player not returnig to former AI group after finishing escort objectives.
  • Quests: Fixed negative reputation reward not working.

Known Issues:
  • AI: Will not sit in bus.
  • Vehicles: Winching does not work properly.
  • Vehicles: When you restore/uncover a vehicle while standing on it, you may fall through it.

  • Server Hosters: You don't need to update your server settings manually! The server should convert old settings files automatically.
  • If you encounter problems with the marker system make sure you wipe the marker.bin file in your servers ExpansionMod profile directory!
  • If you encounter any problems with the market system please make sure to wipe your local DayZ "ExpansionMod" profile directory!

You can find the full experimental Bundle for testing on the Steam Workshop:
You can also use the separate experimental mods:
You can download the Expansion missions at:
Documentations for Expansion is available at:
Documentations for all the changes to the server settings is available at:

Update: Oct 13, 2023 @ 8:32am

Update 1.8.25
  • Core: Added safezone vehicle cleanup.
  • Hardline: Added setting "UseItemRarityOnInventoryIcons". If enabled, all inventory and slot icons have the rarity color as the background color.
  • Hardline: Added setting "DefaultItemRatity" to define the rarity for items that have no configured rarity entry in the "ItemRarity" array.
  • Hardline: Added new book tab "Factions" when the book mod is loaded to display the reputation points for each known player faction.
  • Market: Added parking fines in safezone (requires Expansion-Vehicles).
  • Quests: Added "QuantityPercent" configuration value to determine the quantity of the spawned item for delivery objectives if the item has a quantity.
  • Quests: Added methods to create and delete temporary quests NPCs for the use in init.c quest event overrides.
  • Quests: Added optional configuration parameter "NPCClassName" to define a valid eAIBase entity class name in AI Escort objective configurations that will be used to spawn the NPC. If empty, a radom valid class name is selected.
  • Quests: Added "Expansion_OnQuestPlayerInit" event method for override in init.c
  • Quests: Added optional configuration parameter "AllowedTargetFactions" to define a list of valid faction names in Target objective configurations. Will be used so only eliminations on Players/AI that are member of one of the given factions get counted for the objective.
  • Quests: Quest menu opens automatically for quests without configured turn-in npc if the quest is not an achievement or autocompletion quest.
  • Quests: Quests without a configured turn-in npc can be completed in the quest log menu now if the quest is not a achievement or autocompletion quest.
  • Quests: Added "CanLootAI" objective configuration parameter to AI escort objectives to control if the AI can be looted or not when uncon/dead (0 - False | 1 = True).
  • Quests: Added "RandomReward" quest configuration parameter to control if configured reward items are selected radomly (0 - False | 1 = True). The amount of the randomly selected and spawned rewards is controlled by the "RandomRewardAmount" value.
  • Quests: Added "RandomRewardAmount" quest configuration parameter to control the amout of randomly selected and spawned rewards on quest completion. If the value is 0 or lower only one reward is selected. Only takes effect if "RandomReward" is set to true.
  • NameTags: Faction names get now displayed for normal Non-AI quest NPCs if set in the quest NPCs configuration.

  • AI: Instantly react to players in a vehicle.
  • Chat: Disabling all Expansion chat options now disables Expansion chat completely.
  • Hardline: Replaced settings "ReputationOnKillInfected, ReputationOnKillPlayer, ReputationOnKillAnimal and ReputationOnKillAI" with new "ReputationEntities" array. Allows for a more detailed reputation reward configuration for killed entities.
  • Quests: Quest HUD changes visibility depending on the main HUD visibility now.
  • Quests: Delivery items that have a quantity get spawned with one single quantity now.
  • Quests: Changed IsStatic/IsAI quest NPC data parameters to a enumeration "NPCType" (0 = Normal | 1 = Object | 2 = AI).
  • Quests: Follow-up quests will get displayed to the player if possible regardless of if there is a valid Quest-Giver ID configured.
  • Quests: Objectives timers stop now once the objective is completed.
  • Quests: Persistent quest data for group quests is now stored in a separate data file.
  • Quests: Magazines spawned as quest items or delivery objective items now spawn empty and without ammo to prevent duping.

  • AI: Fixed a NULL ptr in climb handling.
  • Core: Added missing synchronization for created weapons when restored with the entity storage system.
  • Hardline: Fixed an issue with players reciving reputation instead of losing it when killing a friendly player or AI (Player/AI from same faction or group/party member).
  • Quests: Added restrictions to consume actions so players can't consume quest items anymore.
  • Quests: Added restrictions to load weapon/magazine actions so players can't chamber quest items anymore when the quest item is a bullet.
  • Quests: Added restrictions to attach magazine actions so players can't attach quest items anymore when the quest item is a magazine.
  • Quests: Added missing check if item is ruined for collection, delivery and crafting objective items.
  • Quests: Fixed an issue with different quest progress shown and recived by group members for group quests.
  • Quests: Fixed an issue with delivery objective events where configured collections got ignored when one collection was completed.
  • Quests: Fixed an issue with travel objectives not completing when a quest player is already within the objective location.
  • Quests: Added missing model/object for ExpansionQuestItemPackage item.
  • Quests: Fixed an issue with travel objectives getting restarted and changing their completed state when a quest continues and the objectives "TriggerOnExit" parameter is set to false.
  • Quests: Fixed an issue with delivery objectives where canceling a quest with such a objective did not clean up the players quest data for this quest.
  • Quests: Fixed an issue with items that inherit from FireplaceBase not getting registered for crafting objectives when crafted and put into hands/inventory.
  • Quests: Group quests can no longer be added to players that join a group with an active group quest that has been already completed by the joining player in a different group when the quest is not repeatable.
  • Quests: Fixed an issue where quest ammo items provided by delivery objectives or as quest items could be stacked with the same non-quest item ammo type.
  • Quests: Fixed an issue where quest ammo items provided by delivery objectives or as quest items could be loaded into non-quest item magazines or weapons.
  • Quests: Fixed an issue where the system deleted all quest-giver items with the same quest ID from the quest players inventories when turning in the quest with that ID.
  • Quests: Fixed an issue where quest and quest objective states not updated correctly when a collection or delivery objective got reinitialized.
  • Quests: Fixed an issue where collection objectives could still be completed when the collection item was deleted by a replace event like the "Open Can" action.
  • Vehicles: Fixed boats catching fire on water if collision damage is enabled.
  • Vehicles: Fixed default color spaycan display names.

Known Issues:
  • AI: Will not sit in bus.
  • Vehicles: Winching does not work properly.
  • Vehicles: When you restore/uncover a vehicle while standing on it, you may fall through it.

  • Server Hosters: You don't need to update your server settings manually! The server should convert old settings files automatically.
  • If you encounter problems with the marker system make sure you wipe the marker.bin file in your servers ExpansionMod profile directory!
  • If you encounter any problems with the market system please make sure to wipe your local DayZ "ExpansionMod" profile directory!

You can find the full experimental Bundle for testing on the Steam Workshop:
You can also use the separate experimental mods:

Update: Aug 10, 2023 @ 12:51pm

Update 1.8.21
  • Groups: Prep for tags.
  • Vehicles: Helicopters can now "Hover Refill" over fuel stations.
  • Quests: Added a new setting "MaxActiveQuests".

  • Market: Updated the default Market files to include DayZ 1.22 items.
  • Navigation: Show marker toggle messages in chat instead of notification popups.

  • AI: Implemented Community Fix to prevent zombies from acting even more brain dead *badum tss*.
  • BaseBuilding: Fixed Hologram NULL pointer on server.
  • Core: Removed empty classnames in default loadouts (empty classnames in loadouts are ignored).
  • Core: Fixed mags spawned via loadouts always having full quantity.
  • Core/Market: Potential fix for Temporary Container desync.
  • Main: Compatibility with DayZ 1.22.
  • Main: Fixed building ivys not showing on all buildings if set to 2.
  • Vehicles: Fixed some model issues with the Vodnik (Fire Geo).

Known Issues:
  • AI: Will not sit in bus.
  • Vehicles: Winching does not work properly.
  • Vehicles: When you restore/uncover a vehicle while standing on it, you may fall through it.

  • Server Hosters: You don't need to update your server settings manually! The server should convert old settings files automatically.
  • If you encounter problems with the marker system make sure you wipe the marker.bin file in your servers ExpansionMod profile directory!
  • If you encounter any problems with the market system please make sure to wipe your local DayZ "ExpansionMod" profile directory!

You can find the full experimental Bundle for testing on the Steam Workshop:
You can also use the separate experimental mods:
You can download the Expansion missions at:
Documentations for Expansion is available at:
Documentations for all the changes to the server settings is available at:

Update: Jun 24, 2023 @ 4:57am

Update 1.8.19


  • AI: Don't allow AI to enter or exit vehicle if door area is blocked.
  • AI: Keep track of taken seats in vehicles.
  • AI: Leave vehicle if group leader disconnects.
  • Core: Added a fix for getting out of some vehicles allowing players to glitch through some blocking objects (vanilla bug
  • Licensed: Fixed wrong crew entry points on UH1H.
  • Main: Fixed a gravecross NULL pointer.
  • P2P Market: Fixed erroneous client-side check preventing destruction of menu if getting disconnected while in menu.
  • Quests: Fixed a NULL pointer.
  • Quests: Fixed treasure hunt quests not working as intended due to vanilla bug (
  • Weapons: Fixed Kar98K bayonet could still be attached when improvised suppressor was already present.

Known Issues:
  • AI: Will not sit in bus.
  • Vehicles: Winching does not work properly.
  • Vehicles: When you restore/uncover a vehicle while standing on it, you may fall through it.

  • If you were using the mod "Ammo Making" and noticed it was gone, the author reuploaded the mod here:
  • The original mod was deleted from the workshop without any warnings and reasons from steam.
  • Server Hosters: You don't need to update your server settings manually! The server should convert old settings files automatically.
  • If you encounter problems with the marker system make sure you wipe the marker.bin file in your servers ExpansionMod profile directory!
  • If you encounter any problems with the market system please make sure to wipe your local DayZ "ExpansionMod" profile directory!

You can find the full experimental Bundle for testing on the Steam Workshop:
You can also use the separate experimental mods:
You can download the Expansion missions at:
Documentations for Expansion is available at:
Documentations for all the changes to the server settings is available at: