

[FSF] Complex Jobs
Showing 1-10 of 121 entries
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Update: May 24 @ 3:44pm

- Removed requiredGiverWorkType patches in 320_FSFCremating_FSF.xml.

Update: May 24 @ 3:36pm

- Added a patch to remove requiredGiverWorkType from Recipes. Note: This tag locks the recipe to a specific worktype. Except the task to perform bills limits it to a specific worktype so its unnecessary. There might be some specific circumstances you'd use this tag but thus far I haven't seen it used in such a way. So far the usage of it in mods and Rimworld itself have all been in cases where its made redundant by the task to craft the bills requiring a worktype.
- Removed requiredGiverWorkType patches for Mixed Blend and Veggies Mix.

Update: May 17 @ 4:04pm

- Moved Save Our Ship 2 changes to main file structure since its now updated.
- Removed patch for Do Archotech Sacrifice task from Save Our Ship 2. The patch was erroneously changing the wrong task, also they've changed the priority of the task to 111 which is what Complex Jobs was supposed to change it to.

Update: May 14 @ 3:46pm

- Increased the priority of Do Bills at Brewery Bench task from Core in Production so its above filling barrels. Note: This should prevent inefficient running back and forth. I believe the initial reason for its placement was to avoid it getting backlogged by bills but this only creates another issue.
- Increased the priority of Take Bioferrite Out Of Harvester from Anomaly in Production so its prioritised below Dubs Bad Hygiene Composting. Note: It's a valuable resource and the machines should be emptied regularly to prevent blockages and so it can be used production.

Update: May 5 @ 3:59pm

- Changed the worktype of the Do Bills at Omni Core Drill task from Omni Core Drill (Continued) in Mining to Drilling. Reason: Fits the worktype.
- Increased the priority of the Process Seeds task from SeedsPlease Lite in Cooking so its above cooking food. Also added support for SeedsPlease: Lite Redux. Reason: Having it lower just doesn't cut it as the veggies can end up getting used in meals. If its a problem people can use bill settings avoid cooks wasting their time.

Update: May 4 @ 3:44pm

- Fixed an issue where the Tame task wasn't moved to Train as it was intended. It seems like the patch for this got lost when I did the overhaul.

Update: May 4 @ 6:06am

- Changed the worktype of the Do Bills at Serum Centrifuge task from Anomaly DLC from Crafting to Drugs. Reason: Fits the worktype.

Update: Apr 30 @ 4:30pm

- Lowered the priority of Insert Genepack Into Centrifuge from ReSplice Core in Maintenance to fit just above banking Genepacks. Reason: This task is not more important than critical base operation tasks and it fits neatly with Genepack related things.
- Lowered the priority of Insert Xenogerm Into Duplicator from ReSplice Core in Maintenance to fit just above Altered Carbon tasks of Inserting Genepacks and Xenogerms. This task is not more important than critical base operation tasks. Keeping it above Altered Carbon's stuff will ensure xenogerms are duplicated before use.
- Shuffled the priority numbers of some tasks slightly to fit the above.

Update: Apr 28 @ 3:04pm

- Changed the worktype of the Help Gathering Items For Vehicle Caravan task from Vehicles Framework from Hauling to Transport. Reason: Fits the worktype.

Update: Apr 22 @ 1:10am

- Added MayRequire to all the necessary mod settings so they only show if you own the related dlc.
- Added MayRequire to mod setting patches to ensure they only run if the appropriate dlcs/mods are enabled. Previously they would error if you enabled an option that required say Ideology then removed Ideology without turning off the setting.
- Removed some obsolete patch nodes that were for adding optional worktypes to mechanoids. These may or may not have been able to cause errors.