Uniforms and Heraldry of Bretonnia
Showing 1-10 of 13 entries
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Update: Aug 11, 2021 @ 3:08pm

VERSION 1.0 (Hammers & Herdstones Update)

Changes and news:

- DB updated to HHU
- Integrated a compatible version of Merwanor's "Quivers for Bretonnia" mod (big thanks to Merwanor)

Credit to: Merwanor

Update: Aug 11, 2021 @ 2:30pm

Update: Mar 19, 2021 @ 5:38am

VERSION 0.9 (The Rakarth Update)

Changes and news:

- Restored Chevaliers de Lyonesse uniforms and banner colours

Update: Jan 15, 2021 @ 5:56am

VERSION 0.8 (The Twisted & The Twilight Update)

Changes and news:

- DB tables updated
- New factions banners and colours
- Reworked Chevaliers de Lyonesse uniforms colours

CREDIT: Thanks very much to [HN] to give me permission to use his banners mod assets :)

Update: Jun 13, 2020 @ 4:48am

VERSION 0.7 (Total Waaagh Update)

Changes and news:

- Tables update
- Bypassed, via variantmeshdefinitions and new textures, the "unit_variants_colours_tables" bug that prevents to apply customized colours to "unit variants" with new "Variant File" (that are all new factions units that don't use vanilla Variant Filename). The table mentioned above is substantially broken for all units that don't use vanilla Variant Filename (I noticed this twice in TW Forum but no one answered me ....)
- Edited some units colours
- Minor fixes

NOTICE: as mentioned above the "Unit_variants_colours_tables"is totally messed up by developers also for vanilla campaign characters variants that use this tables. So you will find that some campaign characters uniforms colours are wrong, expecially for Bretonnia characters (not my fault).


REMEBER: All my mods required me a lot of hours of work. It would be appreciated a donation sometimes ...



Update: Dec 13, 2019 @ 2:41pm

VERSION 0.6 (Potion of Speed Update)

- Knights of Lyonesse heraldry added
- Changed battle banner icon color for Kights of Lyonesse (from red to yellow)

Update: Sep 27, 2019 @ 11:18am

Version 0.5 (Empire Undivided Update)

Change list:

- Nothing changed, updated db tables only

Update: May 8, 2019 @ 3:49pm


- Nothing changed, updated database tables only

Update: Jan 8, 2019 @ 3:11pm


- Reworked almost shields textures (more detailed textures and match better the color variants).
- Added a lot of new shields textures for Lords shields
- Grail Knights textures are the same of the previous version
- Reworked man at arms textures (more detailed and show more faction colors removing a lot of usless textures)
- Reworked battle Pilgrims and Paesants units color variants from DB color tables (removing a lot of usless textures)
- Inverted color for Grail Knights, Knights of the Realm (and related units) collars to match better with low torso color
- Campaign lords will show a huge mix of shields variants ( there is no way to create different faction bounded shields for each faction since there is a unique entry for )
- Reworked color variants and faction colors

Enjoy this new mod

Update: Dec 5, 2018 @ 10:17am

VERSION 0.2a (Aye Aye! Patch version)

Hi ! The Uniforms and Heraldry of Bretonnia mod is now updated and bugsfree.
Main changes:

- Fixed knights of the realms and lords shields missing textures bug

NOTE: The next update (V 0.3) will be the overhaul version ( better and reworked textures to achieve more realism)