Hearts of Iron IV
Оцінок: 39
Equipment Conversion Enhanced + More Variants
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28 лип. 2017 о 7:22
7 берез. 2019 о 9:57
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Equipment Conversion Enhanced + More Variants

This mod is a compatibility combination of CrouchingLemur's 'Equipment Conversion Enhanced' and 3ntf4k3d's 'More Variants'.

Currently up to date for 1.6.0.

(I don't play HoI any more, but let me know if it stops working due to an update and I will have a look.)
Коментарів: 69
Tancred 28 січ. 2021 о 4:41 
Doesn't work with "La Resistance". Can we have an update, please?
runcajs12 29 листоп. 2020 о 7:15 
update pls?
Timo 18 берез. 2020 о 3:22 
does this still work, was like my no1 mod
gftgy 9 берез. 2019 о 19:51 
Great stuff. Seems fully compatible with Expert AI (though I'm not sure if that mod has any logic for the AI to make use of the variants). I'll note however that with Expert AI: Expanded Technologie, that infantry equipment, mechanized infantry, ART/AA/AT are not variable, though motorized infantry and support infantry equipment do seem variable. I haven't tested whether the added techs from that mod are variable.

I imagine it would require a significant rework of the mod to make those functional.
Lstor  [автор] 7 берез. 2019 о 13:28 
Yeah I can do that. I should probably do a diff with ECE too, to see if this mod has diverged a lot from CrouchingLemur's original.

I'm also seriously considering adopting More Variants and putting all three in git to make this easier in the future, hmm.
Ridesdragons 7 берез. 2019 о 11:29 
lol any time. I had forgotten .gui files are just fancy text files. any plans to add the new units in as well (amphibious tanks and such)?
Lstor  [автор] 7 берез. 2019 о 9:59 
Uploaded updated version, this one works OK for me-- please let me know if you have any problems.

@Ridesdragons: Thanks again man. With your input it took me like literally 20 seconds to fix it.
Ridesdragons 6 берез. 2019 о 23:00 

merge this mod's equipmentdesignerwindow.gui with vanilla's equipmentupgradedesignerwindow.gui, then rename the mod's file to be the same as vanilla. then variants will start working again
Ridesdragons 6 берез. 2019 о 22:39 
more specifically, you edit "equipmentdesignerwindow.gui". this window doesn't exist anymore. there's "equipmentdesignerview.gui" and "equipmentupgradedesignerwindow.gui", but not the file used in the mod. I believe that's why the variant portion of the mod isn't working. I also believe the file you're looking for might be the "equipmentupgradedesignerwindow.gui" file, since, editing it with notepad++, the two files seem to be nearly identical. I'll see if I can't do some winmerge magic with it
Ridesdragons 6 берез. 2019 о 22:33 
oh you ran into the issue I ran into

the other day (before you updated for 1.6), I had updated this mod myself (why not, I already did half the code anyway lol) and fixed the oil bits by comparing it to the vanilla files

one thing I noticed is that this mod uses a gui file that vanilla does not. this says to me that vanilla used to use a file that they've since done away with and replaced with a different file, that you're still trying to modify. unfortunately, I don't know how to edit gui files lol