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Relations Tab
Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
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23 JUN 2016 a las 14:26
16 MAR a las 7:02
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Relations Tab

En 1 colección creada por Fluffy
Fluffy Mods
19 artículos
Replaces the faction tab with a relations tab. The relations tab shows, in a very graphical way, relations between your colonists and with other factions.

In games with many faction mods or a lot of colonists, the dynamic displays may 'explode'. There's three things you can do to mitigate this problem;

  • Use the static circle view. In the top right of the tab there is a button to switch between circle and dynamic views (may be hidden underneath the tutorial window).
  • Reset the dynamic view until it stops exploding. The button to reset the dynamic algorithm is in the top right of the window, next to that for cicle view (and may also be hidden by the tutorial).
  • Tweak the parameters for the dynamic algorithm. In the mod options (Menu -> Options -> Mod Options -> Relations Tab) you can tweak the parameters for the algorithm. There is a short description of what each parameter does in the options as well.

  • In games with a lot of factions/colonists, the algorithm may 'explode'. See the 'Notes' section on how to fix this.
  • Some mods (noticably, the Zabrak faction) change pawn rendering in such a way that it breaks the relations tab. I'm looking for the root cause of this.

Please read this guide before creating a bug report,
and then create a bug report here[github.com]

All current and past versions of this mod can be downloaded from GitHub[github.com].

All original code in this mod is licensed under the MIT license[opensource.org]. Do what you want, but give me credit.
All original content (e.g. text, imagery, sounds) in this mod is licensed under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 license[creativecommons.org].

Parts of the code in this mod, and some of the content may be licensed by their original authors. If this is the case, the original author & license will either be given in the source code, or be in a LICENSE file next to the content. Please do not decompile my mods, but use the original source code available on GitHub[github.com], so license information in the source code is preserved.

Parts of this mod were created by, or derived from works created by;

  • Freepik: preview family tree icon (BY-NC[www.freepik.com])

Normally, this is where I ask you to show you appreciation by buying me a coffee.

These are not normal times. Ukraine is being invaded by Russia, at the whim of a ruthless dictator. Innocent people are loosing their lives, and fighting for their continued freedom.

This is not a matter of politics. This is not a debate. Putins' bloody campaign in Ukraine is illegal, and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants, when he wants it, no matter the cost. The Russian army is invading a country without provocation, bombing civilians and murdering innocents.

The prospect of waking up to see my country at war is alien to me, as it must have seemed to most Ukrainians. I can do little to influence the outcome of current affairs, but I will do whatever I can.

I ask you to join me in supporting the people of Ukraine

If you can, donate to the various charities providing humanitarian aid.

You can also help out in other ways, from reaching out to your elected representatives to helping fact-check social media.

If you don't know where to donate, or how to start helping, Global Citizen maintains a list of charitable organizations active in the region and other ways in which you can help.

Discusiones populares Ver todo (5)
4 DIC 2021 a las 18:21
[BUG] Factions Dynamic Layout Broken (Possibly Small Independent Groups issue?)
Ruby Wyvern
12 JUL 2021 a las 14:02
19 SEP 2021 a las 17:35
Faction Leader
519 comentarios
Ithundalië 27 ABR a las 21:08 
Oh shit, I thought Fluffy had completely abandoned Rimworld. There is still hope for his other mods then?
Rhaeven 25 ABR a las 8:45 
:otrmetalhand: Free Palestine! :otrmetalhand:
Kyrox 27 MAR a las 0:30 
We love you Fluffy!
Shadow 17 MAR a las 10:13 
Oh i'm being blind again. Thanks!
Fluffy  [autor] 16 MAR a las 7:12 
@all: I've just pushed an initial 1.5 version. Everything seems to work, but I haven't had the time to test on late-game colonies, so please continue to let me know if (when) things go wrong.

@cauamachado51, @Shadow: You can switch between colonists and factions using the button in the top left. I agree that it's missing the table overview of the vanilla faction tab, will add that as a future enhancement.

@Jet: Yeah, it's hard (for me, at least) to tune the algorithm for an unpredictable number of nodes. You have two options, the preferred one would be to go into the mod settings, and change the parameters of the algorithm until things no longer explode. The easy option is to click the circle icon in the top right, to just put all nodes on a circle and not use the force directed algorithm.

@Mox, @ziplock9000: Yeah, the colours for family relationships are not explained, and can sometimes be misleading. I'll look into adding a key/making them editable.
cauamachado51 4 MAR a las 4:56 
This mod makes the faction tab very bad, basically replaces with its settler relations.

esse mod deixa muito ruim a aba de facções, basicamente substitui pela sua de relações de colonos.
Mox 14 FEB a las 10:22 
I have a father and son who have a positive (+100 and +83 respectively), and yet their relation colour is red?
Shadow 19 ENE a las 9:57 
Weird that this is the only mod touching the factions tab (or so it seems). The vanilla tab is just so bad! Even the vanilla Ideologions tab would do a better job if applied to factions.

But this doesn't even display *factions*.
So perhaps, sir Fluffy, you could consider a mod for better Factions tab? Even just make it the same as Ideos, that already would be great.
whenwrašk 27 DIC 2023 a las 12:17 
such a shame this is pretty much the only mod on the workshop that makes the relations between colonists easier to visually process.
Та Хеспер 9 OCT 2023 a las 6:07 
нет политике в играх