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Mho' Power: Part 3: "Broken Circuit"
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1 sept. 2012 la 17:20
2 sept. 2012 la 15:16
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Mho' Power: Part 3: "Broken Circuit"

În 1 colecție creată de Cassie‽
Mho' Power
3 obiecte
*Subscribe to the Mho' Power collection to play from the beginning!*
After your long fall, you wake up to the truth behi- no, it's still another chamber.
Special thanks to Vordwann for more than I can list here, and ThinkingWithPortals for the amazing mapping community. Also, thanks to Mr. Johno for the walkthrough video.
*Removed an exploit that allowed you to jump from the Hard Light Bridge to the ending platform
*Added cricket chirping and music
*Fixed slime lighting oddness
*Fixed glass reflection oddness
*Additional detailing
41 comentarii
quat 2 iun. 2014 la 15:17 
Heh, I guess I wasn't supposed to catch myself with the light bridge at the end of part 2 :P Thanks for the chambers - these were really fun to play :D
ken.roberts 18 apr. 2014 la 18:28 
Not good. In Map 2 the Blue Plates would activate as cube passes over them or sites on them (the one in the side room). Here in Map 3 the blue plate is a PORTABLE Surface. I would never have guessed that in amillion years - so after a watsed hour . .. watched the video.
BTW - Map 2 was buggy as hell and after several hours of watching the cube vanich and reappear . . . have both cube and sphere go right through the grate . . . and having the sphere dropper suddenly refuse to drop any more spheres . . I closed it down and played this one.
Brave 14 sept. 2013 la 17:29 
Easy but fun map to solved! I've never use the faith plate, and I didn't know the purpose for the portable surface behind the fizzler.
Check out my workshop sometime.
I don't have the custom visuals like you, but i think you'll find the puzzles to be real good.
auto 11 mart. 2013 la 17:01 
Part 1 and 2 were good. I enjoyed them.
Cassie‽  [autor] 11 mart. 2013 la 7:25 
auto: 2 is a good point. I made a custom graphic to show it more clearly but I couldn't get it to pack properly so I just made a loud noise in the hopes of making the player look over to see the panel switching. Maybe I'll update it to include that later on.
1 is another good point - however, I figured since I'd used the portalable switches in previous parts it'd be a little more intuitive. In retrospect, I should've included a light panel up by the switch to brighten it a bit.

Thanks for the feedback! If you haven't played parts 1 and 2 yet, I urge you to do so, as they are the much stronger parts of the series.
auto 10 mart. 2013 la 23:21 
It was a good puzzle, but I think there are some flaws.

1. When I played this map for the first time, I didn't know that the special switch on the ceiling is a portable surface. You should make it more obvious. Maybe you can make the switch's background color white instead of gray.

2. There should be signs (or an antline) that show the relationship between the button pedestal and the panel in the middle of the room (where the player spawns).
Cassie‽  [autor] 13 ian. 2013 la 11:56 
OpTiCz_CodFather - Ah, yeah, forgot to name that set of dots. The puzzles still work though so I'll keep it in.
(BTW, can you direct any other part 2 comments over to the part 2 page? That would help a LOT to reduce confusion :P)
Brenden 13 ian. 2013 la 11:14 
oh and on the wall to the lassers in part two the dots for power stay blue and dont turn orange when powered sorry for the dubble post
Brenden 13 ian. 2013 la 11:10 
yes now it opens the workshop the first time i played it didnt open for any way and i was talking about part 2
Cassie‽  [autor] 13 ian. 2013 la 10:52 
OpTiCz_CodFather: Are you talking about part 2 or 3? The answer is "yes" in both cases - but in part 2 it drops you so the ending is the same.