Dota 2
116,764 人が評価
7.35d (Offlane) Standard Build Pos 3/Physical | Team BetBoom
作者: Torte de Lini

Dota 2内でこのガイドを使用するためにサブスクライブする

36 件のコメント
radik manta oktarin 2018年12月15日 13時55分 
Guide is goodl, but you don't need boots on lycan, cause you want to buy dominator+ 3 Necronomicon as fast as possible. Also you can add alternative build with mom+armlet basher.
naah 2018年12月2日 2時48分 
check my guide guys , please , thx <3
Supreme 2016年11月10日 6時28分 
Damn, I've been using this build and it has not been looking too bright for me. Everytime I play Lycan, I'm always looking to push. Whenever I push, the other team just shuts me down. I bought a BKB and activated it and TPed out. However, it did not go like that. A Wraith King on the enemy team just COMPLETELY destroyed me in 2 hits. I push every game but lose. My pushing is even 10/10 for the Lycan games! Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Yak'All 2014年11月27日 15時53分 
nice guide, when i follow these steps my team almost always wins! :facepunch:
a 2014年10月16日 19時14分 
should get 1 level in feral for last hits at level 2
Dedpol 2014年10月16日 17時59分 
"Black King Bar is Lycan's only true core item as it prevents him from being disabled under any circumstances."

Not true. There are many ways you can be disabled with BKB active....
amo ng mga bisaya 2014年10月16日 17時21分 
76561198100227542 2014年10月16日 17時12分 
what speed of ultimate lycan 650? or same?
amo ng mga bisaya 2014年10月16日 17時12分 
There no need lifesteal in last if u play lycan u should have a friend with u so he will buy a vlademir
amo ng mga bisaya 2014年10月16日 17時04分 