Arma 3
467 ratings
R3F Armes 3.7.4
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945.180 MB
Jun 6, 2017 @ 8:17am
Mar 8, 2022 @ 2:11pm
10 Change Notes ( view )

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R3F Armes 3.7.4

Le R3F armes est un addon contenant des armes et des accessoires utilisés par les forces militaires Françaises conventionnelles et spéciales.
Le pack contient des modèles haute définition sans baisse de performances en jeu. Créé sur ArmA 2, cet addon est sorti en version ArmA 3 quelques semaines après la première version stable du jeu et continue a évoluer avec les nouvelles fonctionnalités du jeu.

Cet addon contient des armes emblématiques telles que les FAMAS, PAMAS, FRF2 et leurs lunettes J4, J8 etc... Mais aussi des armes de dernières générations telles que le Glock 17 Gen5, et bien entendu le HK416 et la MAG 58. Des armes plus spécifiques telles que le Lance Grenade Individuel, le TAC 50 ou encore le SIG 551 ainsi que différents modèles de SCAR dont le SCAR HPR, font partie du contenu.

Cet ADDON est publié sous régime APL-ND.

Pour tous commentaires, veuillez faire vos retours directement sur le site


3.7.4 (06/03/2022)
- Modif SCAR H-PPR / L /H
- Ajout MINIMI, HK416A5, HK416F
- Ajout MP7A2, M320, PGM ULTIMA
- Modif AT4 pour tir unique et Portée ERYX allongée


The R3F Weapons is an addon containing weapons and accessories to be used by conventional and special French military forces.
The pack contains high definition models with no drop in game performance. Created on ArmA 2, this addon was released in ArmA 3 version a few weeks after the first stable version of the game and continues to evolve with new game features.

This addon contains emblematic weapons such as FAMAS, PAMAS, FRF2 and their J4, J8 glasses etc ... But also latest generation weapons such as the Glock 17 Gen5, and of course the HK416 and the MAG 58. More specific weapons such as the Individual Grenade Launcher, the TAC 50 or the SIG 551 as well as various models of SCAR including the SCAR HPR, are part of the content.

This addon is under APL-ND rules.

If you have any comments, please contact us on our website


3.7.4 (06/03/2022)
- Update of SCAR H-PPR / L /H
- Add MINIMI, HK416A5, HK416F
- Add MP7A2, M320, PGM ULTIMA
- Update AT4 for one unique shot and increase range of Eryx


Greg Dec 15, 2024 @ 11:10am 
@MelonMafia with the wheel on the mouse. The basic action in all arma thats let you access the menu.
MelonMafia Dec 11, 2024 @ 7:11am 
Could you explain what keybind specifically lets you access the weapon mouse menu? I have a custom preset and I really don't want to have to change the whole thing again.
Greg Oct 7, 2024 @ 10:21am 
@brq1122 hi you need to use the preset "arma 3" in your keybinding and then when you have it equipped select "LGI" in your mouse menu. APAV and AC58 can be attached like a suppressor on FAMAS and HK416-F
Yamada Yoji Sep 28, 2024 @ 3:17am 
how to reload the AC58 Grenad?And how to use the LGI?
chrisfarmakis Jun 25, 2024 @ 5:07am 
put down red forces and then link the blue ones to the red (with ctrl and hold click)
Darz Jun 12, 2024 @ 10:58am 
how to make bluefor france into opfor france?
Josethx Jun 17, 2023 @ 5:19pm 
Greg May 15, 2023 @ 1:43am 
The APAV was configured this way because it is not supposed to be a grenade launcher. Team will give more details on is configuration.

For the real ERYX 4.3 seconds of life time so around 600m, in game its arround 800m if i remember properly
CplCandyBar May 14, 2023 @ 7:35pm 
Greg, I believe you may be mistaken; the alidade sight for direct fire has aim points for 75 and 100m, which is how you'd deploy the rifle grenades in direct fire. Beyond that, APAVs can be fired out to ~320m by firing from up to 45 degrees.
To add to this, the way it is currently configured, the lifetime of the projectile is what's limiting the range. APAVs and AC58s in real life don't have a magical safety fuse that causes them to pop out of existance once they pass 100m.

I would recommend looking at the lifetime; it could be you're missing a digit.

I'd hate to be a bother, but is the Eryx supposed to be able to hit stuff out around 800m?
Greg May 2, 2023 @ 9:45am 
The max use distance is 100m