Quake Live

Quake Live

Quake urChampions TDM
1.459 KB
2017 年 3 月 22 日 下午 4:03
2017 年 3 月 22 日 下午 5:32
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Quake urChampions TDM

A factory for Quake Champions style team deathmatch games.
3 条留言
bbjjiimmm  [作者] 2017 年 3 月 26 日 下午 9:36 
So it'll be doubly important getting that frag asap rather than draining your enemies and playing the war of attrition. Because you just won't be able to escape a fight when you are low. Not with all the mg fire bound to be flying around in a 5v5 game, and without the possibility of a rocket jump for a quick retreat. And it'll be doubly important positioning yourself for every health item in the immediate vicinity. Not that these aren't important skills atm. But in QC I think they'll be crucial skills. Really looking forward to this game. Oh, did I forget to factor in the abilities....shit.
bbjjiimmm  [作者] 2017 年 3 月 26 日 下午 9:36 
I did some thinking more about the seemingly op'd weapons and especially the mg. QC and anything we can mimic in QL is going to be an apples to oranges type of comparison of course, because we can't mimic nearly any of the juicy stuff. But the strong damage should be mitigated greatly in QC by the dropped armor shards and small health items everywhere that apparently auto-fill health to 50hp then +25 after that. A pretty nice boost if you're in the red.
bbjjiimmm  [作者] 2017 年 3 月 24 日 上午 2:41 
This factory chiefly mimics the weapon balances in the Quake Champions team deathmatch games seen from available game play footage, so far as is the general consensus.

Some things I'm still in the dark about:

rate of fire of the machine gun (I tried it with the same rof as the hmg (every 75ms), but that seemed greatly overpowered. On the other hand, it seems like the regular mg, sg, and ng are only slightly nerfed versions of the super varieties. So I dunno. But a 100 dps weapon at spawn is pretty ridiculous, and a 100 dps machinegun makes running away when low on health very difficult.)

projectile velocities of rockets and plasma (= nails, since the chaingun in QL is a different critter)

splash radius of plasma

weapon knockbacks

respawn times for ammo and cooldown items (I'm pretty sure weapons have a 10 second respawn)

If anyone has any solid info on any of these, please let me know.