Dota 2
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.^Vintager- Exort Invoker guide 7.04 patch- Item/Skill Build
.^Vint ve 2 yapıt ortağı tarafından hazırlandı
My name in game is .^Vintager. My peak mmr was 7000+ and I have played 1600+ games of invoker on my main, and 4000+ games of Invoker across multiple accounts. I mainly play solo ranked games on Australian Sever.

My dotabuff is:
My current invoker ranking is ~ 70th on the learderboard (pro players included):

Invoker is the most interesting hero in Dota, but there are no easy ways to master this hero, only through practice will you reach a mastery of this hero.
Here are my ideas about invoker's laning and invoker's item build in solo ranked games 7.04 patch, which may help you to win your games. Thanks this guide contributors, Dreamer and JamieC for grammar and spelling check :D

大家好,我叫.^ Vintager, 天梯积分 7000+,大小号加起来玩过4000多把卡尔,我一般就是单排,单排一般就是选卡尔,我是澳大利亚服务器的玩家。
我的 Dotabuff:
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Admittedly in recent patches we can all agree that Invoker has received some nerfs. This guide contains my ideas on Invoker's laning stage, item builds throughout the game for patch 7.04. Information regarding farming creeps and spell combinations will not be addressed in this guide. Please leave any comments you have below, subscribe to my youtube channel linked on my steam profile, if you're interested in more of my ideas about Invoker and his gameplay in future, or you can also search for "Vintager Invoker" on Youtube for my Compilation clips.

CN: 我们不得不承认卡尔最近几个版本被削弱了很多。这个指南主要是7.04版本我的一些关于卡尔前期对线还有中期后期出装的想法。节约篇幅,我在这个指南不会讨论卡尔的连招和卡尔的打钱技巧.(有什么问题这里留言,关注我的Youtube频道,频道链接在我的steam个人主页,更多的我会在那跟大家讨论).
Starting items- Exort Invoker
There are three ways to build starting items on Invoker apart from asking for two shared tangoes form supports.
  • When you are mid laning against primarily magic damage dealing heroes, for example, Qop, Ember, Storm, OD..

  • When you are mid laning against primarily physical damage dealing heroes, for exmaple, TA, PA...

  • When you are mid laning against against heroes that can spam harass with short cooldown abilities, for example, Zues, PA, Sky...

  • 中路对线对的是法术核心,例如痛苦女王,火猫,蓝猫,黑鸟等,出门装是树枝,仙草和挂件
  • 中路对线是物理核心,例如圣堂,幻影刺客等,出门装是吃树,仙草和系带
  • 中路对线英雄是那种短CD小技能英雄,例如宙斯,天怒,幻影刺客,出门装带个大魔杖还有仙草
Early game items- Exort Invoker
Based on your starting build, your items should transition into the follow:
  • When you are laning against magic damage core heroes
    You will need the following items in this order: Magic Wand, Infused Raindrops, Boots of Speed, Hand of Midas (imperative to get this item last)

  • When you are laning against physical damage core heroes
    You will need the following items in this order: Magic Wand, Ring of Basiluis (will need it to build Ring of Aquila), Boots of Speed, Hand of Midas (imperative to get this item last)

  • When you are mid laning against against heroes that can spam harass with short cooldown abilities
    You will need tthe following items in this order after starting items (Magic Wand, Faerie Fire): Boots of Speed, Hand of Midas (imperative to get this item last)

Recommended Ability Build

Talent: +125 Health

根据游戏开始时选择的装备, 同样有不同的选择:
  • 对线法术伤害核心,挂件 出门,然后买 魔杖 魂泪 草鞋, 然后点金手
  • 对线物理核心 , 系带出门,后买 魔杖 圣殿合成天鹰之戒,草鞋,然后点金手
  • 如果魔杖出门 直接草鞋再点金
推荐加点, 1火, 2冰,3 火, 4冰,5火,6冰,7火,8雷,9火,10天赋 加125生命
Mid game items- Exort Invoker
Mid game is usually around 15min - 35min
  • Core items should be bought in this order: Aghanim's scepter, Boots of Travel, Blink Dagger, Linken (The last two items order can be switched situationally)

  • Situational items are Eul's and Force staff

    The reason to get Eul's is for enemy silence abilities, for example: Death Prophet, Silencer...
    The reason to get Force Staff is for enemy heroes: Clockwerk, Riki...

Recommeded ability build (lvl 11- lvl 15)

Lvl 15 talent get +1 Forged Spirit Summoned:
  • If there is an enemy Juggernaut, get +1 Forged Spirit Summoned to tank his Omnislash
  • If there is an enemy TA, get +1 Forged Spirit Summoned to remove refraction instances
  • If there are heroes with Blink Dagger as a core item, get +1 Forged Spirit Summoned to cancel blink
  • If there is an enemy Clockwerk, get +1 Forged Spirit Summoned to tank the damage from his first skill
  • If your team is at an extreme advantage, get +1 Forged Spirit Summoned for pushing lanes
Lvl 15 talent get +30% Exp:
  • When the above situations are not met, get +30% Exp
  • When you are at an extreme disadvantage and even if the above situations are met, get +30% Exp to catch up

游戏中期 15 min-35min, 核心装备:蓝杖,飞鞋 ,跳刀,林肯 (跳刀还有林肯的初装顺序可以根据局势定)
可选装备 吹风 推推 吹风
吹风 一般是对面有比较多的沉默,例如DP SIL
推推 一般有对付发条地精和隐刺的

推荐加点11火12 雷13 火14雷 15天赋选择如下
天赋 +双火人
  • 如果对面有剑圣,小火人用来分担剑圣大招伤害
  • 如果对面有圣堂刺客,小火人用来破折光层数
  • 如果对面有发条地精,小火人用来承担发条一技能伤害
  • 如果对面有核心装备是跳刀的英雄,小火人用来破跳
  • 如果比赛局势是大优,也是双火人,推进比较厉害
  • 没有满足+双火人天赋的情况
  • 如果比赛局势非常劣势,即使满足了+双火人天赋的情况也要经验加成来速度提升等级
Late game Items- Exort Invoker
In the late game, in my opinion, Octarine Core is a must get item for Invoker, because of its cooldown reduction.

My recommended situational items are: Scythe Of Vyse, Shiva's Guard, Black King Bar, Bloodthorn and Refresher Orb.

  • Hex: for heroes with an escape ability such as Storm, Puck, QOP, Antimage etc...
  • Shiva: for heroes such as mid lane TA or PA, offlane Sladar, carry Weaver or Vengeful Spirit
  • BKB:
    • if there many instant crowd stun abilities that hard to be evaded such as Earthshaker's Fissure, Earth Spirit's abilities...
    • or an overwhelmingly magically based hero like Outworld Devourer (Arcane Orb)
  • Bloodthorn: for enemy core heroes with evasion in the late game
  • Refresher: it's difficult to refresh abilities to cast combos this patch since Deafening Blast was nerfed therefore refresher is used to refresh items instead which is more important than refreshing abilities

Recommended ability build (Lvl 16- Lvl 25):

When Exort is maxed and Agh is purchased, there is no significant difference between getting Quas or Wex.
Get talent +7 All Stats when Invoker is Lvl 23 (my habbit, skip leveling talent until level 23)
Get talent + Aoe Defeaning Blast
  • when there are only two core heroes on your team (Invoker included) and there are three or more core heroes on the opposing team whom require strong non-spell attacks for maximum damage (for example, physical damage core heroes and heroes based on auto attacks like OD, Silencer, Windrunner...).
    If you get +Aoe Defeaning Blast, the priority level of refresher is increased

Get talent + -18s Tornado Cooldown
  • when the above situations are not met
  • when there is an enemy Ember Spirit

后期装备选择。 核心装备玲珑心必出,主要原因就是它减技能冷却时间
可选装备 ,羊刀,冰甲,BKB,血棘,刷新球。
  • 羊刀一般针对 逃生厉害的英雄, 比如 蓝猫 puck qop 敌法
  • 兵甲 针对 中单TA PA,劣单大鱼人,大哥蚂蚁和大哥VS
  • BKB在对面无法躲避的硬控多的时候出,比如旱地神牛的扳, 土猫的控制,如果对面中单OD的话BKB一般必出
  • 血棘一般是偏物理输出的装备。大后期对面有带闪避的核心必出
  • 刷新主要是刷新物品,刷新技能是次要的,如今版本连招已经很难了。

16 级以后加点区别不是很大,因为火已经满了 ,这时候应该有A杖了。
20级天赋 +7点全属性 我个人习惯卡尔25级点这个天赋
25级天赋 +全屏推波:
  • 队伍里只有双核 (卡尔加一个carry)打3或3个以上靠平a输出的核心的时候才加全屏推波
    如果加了aoe推波 刷新球的优先度会提高
25级天赋 + 减吹风CD:
  • 没有满足以上条件
  • 对面有火猫
62 Yorum
6 Ağu 2018 @ 8:12 
Your guide is not up to date, you should add in items like Nullfier for enemy bkb
Gunman 8 Şub 2018 @ 23:50 
Nice pro invoker Smart Girl
Luv@Thug 16 Haz 2017 @ 7:38 
RUS: Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же!
ENG: Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same!
GER: Such dir eine Sache aus der Liste aus und schreib es unter mein Profil und ich mache es auch bei dir!
LIT: Pasirink viena iš sąrašo ir parašyk ant mano profilio, Aš parašysiu taip pat!
PL: Wybierz jeden z komentarzy ponizej i zamieść w moim profilu, odwdzięcze się tym samym !
+rep Invoker GOD
+rep Invoker KING
+rep Insane Skill !
+rep Good Player
+rep Nice Player
+rep Best Gamer Invoker
+rep Trusted Invoker Player
+rep Nice Invoker
+rep Pro Invoker +rep
Mr. Brightside 25 Nis 2017 @ 2:46 
Frager 1 Nis 2017 @ 16:12 
RUS: Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же!
ENG: Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same!
-rep Hacker
-rep sloVAC
-rep VAC in Coming
-rep VACation
-rep go to VACation noob
-rep WallHack
-rep AIM
DoTA 2 1 Nis 2017 @ 14:48 
could you go into more detail as to why we get some items?
like more in starting items and early game items
Heoughten 31 Mar 2017 @ 5:51 
Lustmond 31 Mar 2017 @ 5:46 
best of the best
skeleton barrel 31 Mar 2017 @ 3:44 
10/10 for chinese