Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

51 ratings
Civilization Achievements
By Superoomer
How to get all those difficult civilization achievements (e.g. "You have led the Britons 100 times to victory") in a matter of a few dozen minutes?
You know those civilization achievements that almost no one has (because they would require days of work!)? Well, actually, there's a pretty easy way to get them with Map Editing and here's how if you are not familiar with the Map Editor.
Step 1 - Go Into the Map Editor
Go into the 'Map Editor' and select 'Create Scenario.' Choose whatever expansion you want to include.

Step 2 - Choose Your (and the Enemy) Civilization
Choose the civilization you want to get the achivement for by going into the 'Players' section on top of the screen. I recommend putting the same civilization for the opponent as the achievements are linked together (win 10, 50, 100; defeat 1, 20, 100 times). Don't touch 'Gaia' as this player is irrelevant. Its purpose is for the environment.

I will, for instance, take the Portuguese.
Step 3 - Choose Units
Now you need to put units in the map. I highly recommend putting a unit on your team and then putting a farm animal on the enemy team. This makes the quickest possible way to get the achievement.

Look out at the bottom where you can choose the player the units is for.
Final Step - Play the Map
Now you need to click 'Menu' and then click 'Test'. After you win the match, press 'Menu' again and click 'Restart'. This way your winning/defeating will be piling up for both types of the achievements of the civilization.

So, in short:
Map Editor -> Create Scenario -> Players -> Same Civilization for Player 1 and 2 -> Units -> Unit (Player 1) and Farm animal (Player 2) -> Menu -> Test Map -> Restart.

Here is a video if you didn't entirely understand.
Actually, if you put in all 8 players, you will gain the achievements much faster.

Also, if you are interested in a glitch related to this in which you can easily get campaign achievements, visit my other guide:

The main menu is a subscribed mod from the workshop:
Superoomer  [author] Nov 16, 2019 @ 4:19pm 
barnzie8 Nov 10, 2019 @ 3:26pm 
Does choosing random civ, count as a win against the civ picked and random?
Imperator Storm Sep 30, 2017 @ 4:04pm 
@Lauuuuuuu no
Knollie Jun 30, 2017 @ 3:36am 
"Scenarios" achievements incliuded :bigups:
Lauuuuuuu Jun 29, 2017 @ 7:25pm 
can i get achievements after using cheat codes ?
Spooksies Jun 26, 2017 @ 4:26pm 
making it 7 players allows u to do it faster btw
set all of them to the civs u need
P'TrickZ Mar 11, 2017 @ 2:28pm 
that explains a lot :) thx, i was very very confused, after getting so much free content and suddenly they have 2 new dlc's xD
Superoomer  [author] Mar 11, 2017 @ 2:04pm 
Or all the expansions for that matter.
Superoomer  [author] Mar 11, 2017 @ 2:04pm 
When you click the Map Editor, you have the ability to choose what expansions you will include in the Scenario. If you have bought all the expansions, you can choose any of the three.
Superoomer  [author] Mar 11, 2017 @ 2:02pm 
You can, I just didn't buy the expansion