Company of Heroes 2

Company of Heroes 2

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(6 - 8) Vielsalm Frost
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Item Type: map
Maps: 4v4
태그: MP
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12.686 MB
2016년 11월 16일 오전 12시 09분
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(6 - 8) Vielsalm Frost

capiqua님의 1 모음집
Glorius Maps
아이템 12개
In the densely wooded Ardennes, the struggle to maintain control of key roads was essential to keep both armies moving. The Americans would employ all-purpose engineers to keep these roads clear of any debris, often calling on tanks to clear large barricades. These engineers would ultimately serve as frontline fighters as well as support troops responsible for clearing minefields, tank traps, and bunkers. \n\nBe cautious of the central minefield and try to make use of the tactical points on the flanks to bolster your assault.
댓글 2
Major Brum 2016년 11월 19일 오후 6시 32분 
capiqua  [작성자] 2016년 11월 16일 오전 12시 12분 
-Relocated bunkers in base for give more space and better movement.
-Moved base northeast because it is too close to map limit and hinders spawn output
-Added a road in the repair station. Now South players have the same chance to conquer the point.
-Add broken to fence MU south, With which the players have amplitude to enter the sector.
-Fuel south. Added three open fences. Which produces a great mobility of the sector to enter or leave.
-Sector of repair. Added two inputs/outputs to improve mobility
-West VP. Added three inputs/outputs to improve mobility
-Removed deep snow.
-Rain and particle bouyancy more soft.

Original map highlighted by the very narrow with deep snow and inf have bad pathing.

All these improvements produce more strategies to vehicles and more agility in infantry.