Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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The Dolphin and The Wolf: Aegean Duel
1.718 MB
2016 年 8 月 9 日 下午 2:16
2017 年 8 月 21 日 上午 11:11
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The Dolphin and The Wolf: Aegean Duel

The Dolphin and the Wolf: Aegean Duel (1.4.2 Oak Compatible) - NO FURTHER UPDATES

This is for those who would like custom made national focus trees for both Turkey and Greece in the same game.

It is a combination of Star and Crescent Mod here and some content of the General Greek Improvement Project by ThaniX here; basicly the flag, some events and localisation, and some map concept. The Dolphin and the Wolf has a new focus tree for Greece and only has some borrowed parts of the original GGIP mod so the gamplay won't be similar.

First Things First:

- Greece and Turkey are minors and should be played like minors. It is only normal that Greece is not getting the same national focus boni as Germany, which has 65,5 million population and 32 civilian factories at game start, with its close to 7 million population and 8 civilian factories.
- This mod is balanced having vanilla in mind, so if you are running a generic focus boost mod, beware that AI minors are using that one and you are handicapped.
- This mode emphasises flavor over boosting selected nations, so hopefully they are still challenging to play, although world conquest with Albania seems possible at the moment because of the poor AI.

Additions and Changes:

- Combines Star and Crescent: A Turkish Flavor Mod with additional map changes and a new Greek national focus tree based on the Polish tree. I like using the Polish tree as a benchmark, because Poland is a minor too and it reflects the idea of developers how much support a minor should get, so you stop before implementing some crazy stuff. Several tweaks here and there with flavor text gives you the necessary authentic feel.
- Greece population increased to 6,840,000 from 6,270,000 according to 1935 figures from http://www.populstat.info/Europe/greecec.htm.
- Greece uses France tank and plane icons on the tech tree so they are actually used by someone now.
- Greece has nice defensive foci against Turkey and Bulgaria. Build 21 forts in 210 days following the Metaxas Line and make it nigh on impossible to be conquered from land through Thrace.
- Some foci are condensed for Greece and they get cores on Bursa, Izmir, Toskeria, Rumelia and Cyprus through national focus. Follow your Megali Idea and revive the Third Hellenic Empire.
- Thessaly is divided into Sterea Hellas and Thessaly which gives Greece an additional state. Albania also now has two states; Gegheria and Toskeria in which Greece has claims on the latter. I also added a Kosovo state to Yugoslavia and revamped its eastern states, because why not? Since the added Hatay state by the Star and Crescent mod, it is not possible for this mod to be compatible with another mod that makes map changes too. East Yugoslavia had annoying internal borders.
- Greece can revive the Balkan Entente and create a faction together with Yugoslavia which is pretty solid. Historically Balkan Entente was signed between Greece, Turkey, Yugoslavia and Romania in Athens in 1934 against Albanian and Bulgarian aggression, but it was folded in 1938 when Bulgaria also signed the treaty. This is not the same Balkan Entente but the revival of it. I am hesitant to mess with Romania because there is too much going on there. As for Turkey, it has its own national focus creating another faction.
- Historical AI won't do any of the crazy stuff.

Please let me now if you find any errors or glitches so I can fix it.
I am not Greek and don't know very much about Greece, so all suggestions that could add additional flavor to the mod are very much appreciated.
Any nationalistic ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ will immediately be deleted.

63 則留言
pompelmo  [作者] 2017 年 8 月 21 日 上午 11:14 
Hello. I am sorry I couldn't help with the requests. I am barely keeping the mod up to date for those who want to keep using it. There is a current more ambitious Greece mod project out there.
Huey Long 2017 年 7 月 22 日 上午 9:41 
Greece should be a monarchy during the 1936 start, is there some way to make George II the head of state?
Nick 2017 年 7 月 20 日 上午 1:24 
Can you make Constantinople became the greek Capital when Greece take it???
fight fow 2017 年 7 月 8 日 上午 1:44 
This is Chinese Version Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=960092492
Thank you!:steamhappy:
Technophile Max 2017 年 6 月 30 日 上午 6:12 
Oh, the connection wasn't really the point, it was just the whole territory thing. Y'know, it's like our Trianon. Sure, WW2 "supposedly" settled it all, but damned I'll be if I ever accept it.
pompelmo  [作者] 2017 年 6 月 30 日 上午 6:07 
@Technophile Max, Turkey and Greece settled their issue in 1923 and there was a population exchange. Opening that box again, mobilizing your population through it and venture your country into a new war would require some degree of fanaticism I think. All the Second World War was about rejecting the status quo and the revisionist demands by the Axis. It only makes sense for Greece to accept the status quo and not make further claims if they chose to side with the democratic world.

What I would consider to do instead, is to remove the straits to the Aeagean Islands and Dodecanese. It is not really possible to invade those islands without a navy, just by marching your ground troops. So controling the coast should not matter.
fight fow 2017 年 6 月 30 日 上午 5:04 
No, he has a bad reputation in China, machine translation, I will not cooperate with him. I will respect your mod.I will try my best to do it:D
Technophile Max 2017 年 6 月 30 日 上午 5:02 
You seem like a reasonable enough person, so may I ask why the Megali idea is in under fanaticism? I moved it to just under militarism, because the Hungarian flavour mod gives Hungary the option to invite Greece to its faction, and take over Turkey, giving claims on every coastal state that connects Thrake with the Dodecanese, but can't core it, because I play with historical focuses on, and Greece chooses liberalism.
pompelmo  [作者] 2017 年 6 月 30 日 上午 4:58 
Hi @fight fow, of course, be my guest. @RegularRabbit is translating the Star and Crescent mod, so you may consider cooperating. Half of this mod is Star and Crescent.