

5,697 ratings
Mad Skills
Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
434.476 KB
Jul 25, 2016 @ 1:40am
Apr 17 @ 8:00am
19 Change Notes ( view )

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Mad Skills

A collection of tweaks (found in Options -> Mod Settings -> Mad Skills) to change or turn off skill degradation and learning saturation.

Does not require a new colony to add, tune, or remove.

Preview image by Shinzy.

Available tweaks:
    Decay multiplier: value to multiply default skill XP decay potency by. 0% for none, 50% for half, 200% for double, etc.
    Tiered: prevents skills from going down a level; XP to next level decays as per multiplier setting.
    Alternative "great memory": changes behavior of "great memory" trait: instead of halving skill decay rate it will now increase learning rate by 25%.
    Daily XP limit: after this amount of XP is earned in a skill, all subsequent learning of it is multiplied by value below, until midnight.
    Over-limit multiplier: multiplies XP gained in a skill which has already advanced the above amount that day. Set to 100% to disable daily XP limit altogether.

Contributing new translations: create a translation mod.

Old versions - scroll down, manual install[github.com]
Forum thread[ludeon.com]
Source code[github.com]
License (GPLv3)[github.com]
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Popular Discussions View All (3)
Apr 11 @ 5:19pm
20lvl cap
Jan 8, 2023 @ 12:45am
Is there a way to stop decay once a pawn hits level 20?
Jul 21, 2021 @ 10:02am
Not Working
Spanks Masterson
Knight Of Acedia May 17 @ 8:29pm 
no idea why or what's actually causing it but i was getting a "Exception ticking pawn System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error that seems to be gone after disabling this mod.
omegakill May 11 @ 4:11pm 
It does appear to be the skill cap as mentioned below, i changed it from 4000 to 100000 and drafted my pawn and undrafted and they carried on like nothing had happened.
Tarbarian May 11 @ 9:49am 
Can confirm that the standing around bug seems to only happen when the pawn hits the daily XP cap. Rather than continuing to work with reduced XP gain the pawn instead just stops working entirely. If you up the limit the issue is postponed until they hit that new higher limit.
气泡 May 7 @ 6:43am 
Anyone with madskills+VSE and is having jobdriver errors | standing around pawns. If they freeze can you try changing madskills daily xp from 4k to like 100000 and get the error to reoccur?
Ratysz  [author] May 5 @ 8:40am 
@capmax0504, @austinrb0614: If you have Vanilla Skills Expanded, this is why. It's got something to do with their compatibility patch for Mad Skills.
capmax0504 May 5 @ 8:31am 
@austinrb0614: the same nonsense. According to my observations, it happens with any job when you reach the daily xp limit
austinrb0614 May 3 @ 10:12pm 
a bug happens where a pawn is in the middle of a task like cooking, building, researching etc they suddenly stop doing any progress in the task and just sit there like they are doing the task even if the progress bar does not fill up. nothing seems to fix it and can sometimes only be temporarly fixed
Ratysz  [author] May 3 @ 8:03am 
@Rye Bread: Thanks, I'll add it to my notes; I did see it in code but didn't have enough time to do anything about it then. No promises when I'll get around to it.
Rye Bread May 3 @ 6:57am 
Thank you for the great mod! Just wanted to throw in a suggestion, not sure if it’s planned or not. Anomaly spoilers: One of the new Creepy Joiners, the perfect human, comes with the Perfect Memory trait. 0% skill decay. Would you consider changing the behavior of this trait like you did with Great Memory? Maybe like 100% global learning factor? Thanks again!
TV May 1 @ 4:54pm 
enabled the mod, glitched my colony and now everyone is just stuck at whatever skill level they currently have :)