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More Vanilla Turrets
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Jul 24, 2016 @ 4:18am
May 28, 2017 @ 5:03pm
19 Change Notes ( view )

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More Vanilla Turrets

Version: 1.8.5
Made for RimWorld A17

This is the official updated version of More Vanilla Turrets.
A little mod that adds more turret variations with the attempt to keep their vanilla art style along with some careful balancing.

*Its highly recommended to avoid using new mods in your existing saves to avoid issues.
*Seems to be uncompatiple with Combat Realism mod, be advised.

New in 1.8.4/5
*Added research tabs for less cluttered research.
*Fixed turret heads sometimes spawning in pirate camps as loot.

New in 1.8.3
*Compatible with Alpha 17
*Shallow moat changed to mud moats

New in 1.8.2
*Equipment racks can now store Power Cells

New in 1.8.1
*Reduced cell price from 2 components to 1

New in 1.8.0
*Nerfed moats, they now slow down pawns less effectively.
*Reduced Devastator cooldaown from 83 to 60 seconds.
*Removed power requirement from Devastator.
*Added ammo type for Devastator called power cell.
*Added cell fabricator bench for Devastator ammo creation.
*New logo =3

New in 1.7.8
*Fixed an oversight that allowed turrets to be built as soon as the materials are available, without any construction time.

Included turrets

Gun complex

A perimeter mounted gun is designed to work regardless if you have power or not as long as somebody is manning it.
Never explodes.

Tech Level = Industrial
Range = max32
Health = 225
Cost = 180 steel, 100 stuff, 4 components
Damage = Bullet - 13, Burst - Continuous, shot every 0.5 seconds
Size = 3 by 1 cells
Research prerequisites = Electricity
Project cost = 1000
Rocket complex

An older class of weapon that requires manual control and reload. Fortunately, with the help of decent optics and deadly weapon blast radius its presence is still dreaded on the front lines.
Explodes in a radius of 3 when destroyed.
Requires shells to reload.

Tech Level = Industrial
Range = min3 max55
Health = 225
Cost = 180 steel, 100 stuff, 5 components
Damage = RocketDamage - 40, Explosive radius - 2.5
CoolDown = 8.3 seconds
Size = 3 by 1 cells
Research prerequisites = Gun Complex, Mortars
Project cost = 2000
Military grade turret

A more powerful variant of an automated turret. Longer dual barrels provide increased range, and greater burst.
Has higher chance to explode in a radius of 4.

Tech Level = Industrial
Range = 28
Health = 200
Cost = 150 steel, 120 metal stuff, 4 components
Damage = BulletDamage - 11, Burst - 6
CoolDown = 7.3 seconds
Power = 390
Size = 1 by 1 cells
Research prerequisites = Gun Complex, Gun Turrets
Project cost = 2000
Shredder turret

Shredder turret is designed for close range. It doesn't explodes when destroyed thus making it a perfect choice for indoor defense, the only downside is that it takes more space than an ordinary variant.

Tech Level = Industrial
Range = 20
Health = 240
Cost = 225 steel, 180 metal stuff, 5 components
Damage = BulletDamage - 21, Burst - 4
CoolDown = 5.3 seconds
Power = 420
Size = 2 by 2 cells
Research prerequisites = Military Turret
Project cost = 3000
Precision turret

A highly calibrated gun turret. Advanced optics allows it to deliver a single but precise shot at fairly long distances.
Explodes rarely in a radius of 2.5.

Tech Level = Industrial
Range = 50
Health = 120
Cost = 225 steel, 180 metal stuff
Damage = BulletDamage - 42
CoolDown = 3 seconds
Power = 420
Size = 1 by 1 cells
Research prerequisites = Shredder Turret, Charged Shot
Project cost = 4000
Blast turret

Blast turret is designed for close range area damage, and it does so by launching a burst of 3 frag grenades.
Explodes in a radius of 4.5 when destroyed.

Tech Level = Industrial
Range = min5 max20
Health = 200
Cost = 250 steel, 200 stuff, 6 components
Damage = grenade damage - 30, Burst - 3, explosive radius - 2, explosion delay - 50
CoolDown = 5.3 seconds
Size = 2 by 2 cells
Research prerequisites = Precision Turret
Project cost = 5000
Vulcan cannon

Fortified minigun tower that fires continuously, very durable but power hungry. Its tall and has long range, but due to that it can't aim under itself and can't be placed indoors.
Explodes in a radius of 5.1 when destroyed.

Tech Level = Industrial
Range = min6 max36
Health = 500
Cost = 500 steel, 600 stone stuff, 15 component
Damage = BulletDamage - 6, Burst - Continuous, shot every 6 ticks (0.1 seconds)
Power = 1000
Size = 3 by 3 cells
Research prerequisites = Blast Turret, Multibarrel Weapons
Project cost = 6000
Devastator mortar

A magnetic catapult that launches plasma projectiles with greater velocity, accuracy, and much larger blast radius thanks to its burst of five shells.
Needs cell fabricator to create ammunition. Watch out for a huge EMP explosion in a radius of 10 when destroyed.

Tech Level = Spacer
Range = min20 max500
Health = 360
Cost = 750 steel, 400 metal stuff, 20 component
Damage = ShellDamage - 30, Burst - 5, Explosive radius - 3.5
CoolDown = 60 seconds
Size = 2 by 2 cells
Research prerequisites = Mortars, Vulcan Cannon
Project cost = 7000
Ammo = Power cell
Cell fabricator

A very power hungry station designed for assembling devastator power cells.

Health = 180
Cost = 100 plasteel, 100 gold, 10 component
Cell cost = 1 component
Power = 5000
Size =1 by 1 cells
Mud moat
not a turret

A light perimeter defense to slow down your enemy.
Can be dug on diggable terrain, and could be removed with "remove floor" tool.

Cost = none
Size = 1 by 1 cells (can be dragged)
PathCost = 40

You can visit the mod discussion here > https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=9521.0

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Popular Discussions View All (5)
Oct 20, 2017 @ 9:10pm
Combat Realism Bugs
R. Rodrigez
Sep 12, 2017 @ 7:24am
Manned Turret Bug
Jul 2, 2023 @ 9:41am
Can raiders have these turrets in their camps?
Ashley From Wario Ware
Tenchi Dec 7, 2024 @ 6:51am 
"Sorry, image is currently unavailable"
"Protect more of your memories for less"

How ironic.
👁️⃤Singu ꧅🥲⃤⃞⃟ Nov 15, 2024 @ 12:51pm 
Ah yes, the OG of turrets mods. :B1:
XxN1GHTMAR1SHDEM0NxX Mar 5, 2024 @ 6:55pm 
Ghost_Ship_Supreme Jul 27, 2022 @ 4:52pm 
Broken for quite a while. Are you ever going to consider updating it?
FkYoSht Sep 20, 2021 @ 12:32am 
Much appreciated @Rah
Rah Aug 24, 2021 @ 2:48am 
Tanyami ღ Apr 20, 2021 @ 7:46am 
For everyone asking if this is compatible with Combat Extended:

CE has a built-in support for this mod. There are a lot of those in CE and a full list can be seen on their github site under "Supported Third-Party Mods", it's worth checking if you play with a lot of mods
Killermen962 Feb 12, 2021 @ 4:34am 
I'm seeing mentions of combat realism incompatibility but what about combat extended?
E-ON Jan 29, 2021 @ 10:27pm 
CE compatible?
ArmedPenguin Oct 26, 2020 @ 2:41pm 
For those of you asking for an update, this particular version of the mod is dead. It's for A17. It hasn't been updated in 3.5 years, and it more than likely never will. When you see something like this, instead of asking for an update, search the workshop for similar or nearly identically named mods. Frequently, other people will update popular, outdated mods whose modders have stopped working on them. In this, KarSt has linked to a version that updated this mod for 1.1 and 1.2.