2,797 평점
Follow Me
즐겨찾기 해제
Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
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2.125 MB
2016년 7월 2일 오전 8시 51분
2022년 11월 2일 오후 12시 47분
변경 사항 50개 ( 보기 )

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Follow Me

Fluffy님의 1 모음집
Fluffy Mods
아이템 19개
Gives the camera tracking capabilities.

Press the 'Home' key (default, can be changed with in-game keybinding settings) while any colonist, enemy, animal or item is selected, and the camera will follow them (including furniture and plants - but they tend to not move much). Alternatively, you can click with the middle mouse button on colonists in the Colonist Bar on top of the screen to toggle following.

Does not require a new save game
Can safely be enabled/disabled in ongoing saves.

Please read this guide before creating a bug report,
and then create a bug report here[github.com]

All current and past versions of this mod can be downloaded from GitHub[github.com].

All original code in this mod is licensed under the MIT license[opensource.org]. Do what you want, but give me credit.
All original content (e.g. text, imagery, sounds) in this mod is licensed under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 license[creativecommons.org].

Parts of the code in this mod, and some of the content may be licensed by their original authors. If this is the case, the original author & license will either be given in the source code, or be in a LICENSE file next to the content. Please do not decompile my mods, but use the original source code available on GitHub[github.com], so license information in the source code is preserved.

Parts of this mod were created by, or derived from works created by;

  • Freepik: preview video camera icon (BY-NC[www.freepik.com])
  • Freepik: preview flat pin icon (BY-NC[freepik.com])

Normally, this is where I ask you to show you appreciation by buying me a coffee.

These are not normal times. Ukraine is being invaded by Russia, at the whim of a ruthless dictator. Innocent people are loosing their lives, and fighting for their continued freedom.

This is not a matter of politics. This is not a debate. Putins' bloody campaign in Ukraine is illegal, and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants, when he wants it, no matter the cost. The Russian army is invading a country without provocation, bombing civilians and murdering innocents.

The prospect of waking up to see my country at war is alien to me, as it must have seemed to most Ukrainians. I can do little to influence the outcome of current affairs, but I will do whatever I can.

I ask you to join me in supporting the people of Ukraine

If you can, donate to the various charities providing humanitarian aid. If you don't know where to donate, Global Citizen maintains a list of charitable organizations active in the region.


Leaders around the world are deciding on how to respond to Putins' aggression. They are balancing their conscience, and their desire to be re-elected. Many are afraid to impose heavy sanctions because the economic repercussions might loose them votes. The Dutch government, my government, has hinted that they are unwilling to accept Ukranian refugees, and has played a part in allowing Russia to have continued access to international finance. I am ashamed of these actions, taken in my name.

Whereever your live, please let your government know you care more about supporting the people of Ukraine than you do about the price of gas. Join a protest, write letters, call your representatives, and show them that you care about justice!
인기 토론 모두 보기(1)
2024년 3월 2일 오후 12시 03분
Custom Cinematic Camera follow modes?
댓글 335
Olfan 2024년 6월 1일 오전 1시 52분 
@raz334 I'm using Shift+F to toggle following a selected pawn instead of middle-clicking their icon, so there should be a hotkey setting somewhere.
raz334 2024년 5월 30일 오후 5시 59분 
So Sadly though i really do love this mod, I frequently find myself jumping across the map or suddenly getting locked into following a character at seemingly random times, though it all stems from using the middle mouse wheel to scroll as it only happens at that time. So because of this frustration and no keybinding to change it (unless i missed it?) i'm going to have to remove this from my collection.
MadTech 2024년 5월 27일 오전 6시 47분 
Fluffy, just to let you know, this was working in 1.5 until today 27 May 2024 and updates to about 20 other mods (according to rimpy) that I use. I will try to track it down but it may take awhile with my 600+ mod list and so many of them dependant on others.
Mlie 2024년 5월 26일 오후 12시 41분 
Since this mod has been reported working in 1.5 I added it to the No Version Warning-mod
Lucky 2024년 5월 24일 오전 8시 30분 
九天十地菩萨摇头怕怕 actually true, all pro ukies supporters somehow still on steam despite ukie government told to fight till the last ukrainian, i guess there is no war if they are chilling in games and making mods :)
Cakes 2024년 5월 24일 오전 3시 30분 
@九天十地菩萨摇头怕怕 stop gooning to little children
WiseArkAngel 2024년 5월 19일 오후 9시 08분 
@九天十地菩萨摇头怕怕 VAC Ban on record, opinion disregarded :)))
Chris_ 2024년 5월 9일 오전 5시 22분 
@Bisquit uhhh can i have a... uhhh....
Bisquit 2024년 5월 7일 오후 8시 09분 
九天十地菩萨摇头怕怕 sir this is a Wendy's
九天十地菩萨摇头怕怕 2024년 5월 5일 오전 5시 44분 
The people of Ukraine are innocent, but Russia did the right thing and Zelensky was wrong