Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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AI Research and Division Tweaks
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AI Research and Division Tweaks

If you are having issues getting the mod to download, try this, On Steam go to Steam->Settings->Account and opt out of the beta if you are in it. It prevents the workshop for working in Steam atm.

This is a COMPLETE AI OVERHAUL MOD. It didn't start off as one, but it has become one.

This mod is designed for 1936, historical start. It will work with non-historical, but some features will not work properly. I cannot guarantee mod quality for the non-historic national focuses.



The AI will min/max research. It will research ahead of time in critical areas and delay research in non-critical areas. For example, it will research armor, computers, production efficiency and its industry ahead of time, while delaying excavation. This has country specific priorities.
All countries other than Germany and Japan no longer start with landing craft technology, and they will not start researching it until much later. This is designed to stop the AI from doing suicidal naval landings during the German/French war.


All majors, and minors use custom production scripts which scale the number of divisions to the number of military factories. These are country specific for the major nations, and the minors mostly all use a single generic script. These scripts introduce a bug fix to aircraft production. In vanilla the AI with some countries will sometimes stop fighter production for a year or more. These scripts fix that.
These scripts introduce dock scaling naval production similar to the division production. These scripts do not limit naval production, but small naval powers will focus on screen vessels, and as more dockyards come on line, the scripts will slowly add capital ships into production. With a large enough naval capacity, the AI will even scale up carrier production.
USA has additional custom production scripts and events that fire if the continental lower 48 are invaded by land or by sea.

Division Templates and OOB

This mod introduces dozens (hundreds perhaps?) of historical division templates, or templates that are inspired by the historical doctrine of nation in question, in doing so this mod disables division template modification and creation for the AI.
Germany, USA, USSR, England, France, Italy and Japan all receive historical templates based on real OOB and TO&E. These are not perfect reproductions, but they are about as close as I can make them, without violating a core tenet of this mod, gameplay first.
These templates are AI only, and they are unlocked with appropriate technological discoveries. Germany will for example unlock a Panzer template based on 1939 Panzer divisions when it researches basic medium tanks.
V.6 This is the current version, this version gives majors and many minors access to their 1939 templates from the start date. This is a temporary work around until 1.2 which will fix the AI's ability to give existing divisions newer templates to use.
IMPORTANT - To go with these changes, this mod uses 120 width and 60 support width versus the vanilla 80/40 widths. This means that the AI will use a mix of 30 and 20 width divisions depending on nation, and division type and year.

Equipment Changes

Aircraft are cheaper to produce. All bombers have had their naval attack cut to compensate for more aircraft.
V.7 (not yet released but in testing) Added Motorized Artillery, Motorized AA and Motorized AT units to the game with authentic NATO counters for those who use counters.
To bring TO&E of divisions into more historical lines, all towed (motorized included) artillery, aa and at have had their guns per brigade reduced to 12 from 36. The explanation for this is that the division designer is built in such a way that each cell represents a battalion and each column a regiment. Paradox treated arty, aa and at as brigades, of 3 to 4 battalions. Stats have been modified for support companies, but as of yet not for the battalion versions.

Combat AI

The AI has a much higher priority for area defense missions. This means that the AI will hold more divisions back from the front to defend ports and VPs.
The AI has a higher priority for the primary front, this means it will commit more divisions to the main threat.
The AI has a higher value for being considered weak, and it requires a higher number of divisions that are not considered weak to launch an attack. This means that the AI will not suicide badly damaged divisions or badly organized divisions as heavily.
The AI will abort battle plans more aggressively if the majority of its divisions are considered weak.
The AI will more aggressively cancel attacks which are not going well.
The AI will field larger navies whenever possible.
The AI places a much higher value on naval missions to support naval invasions.
The AI will seek to more aggressively escort bombers, and intercept strategic bombing.
The AI has had the number of wings per port strike drastically reduced.
The AI should be much better at assigning divisions along a front to terrain they perform better in. IE, Mountain Divisions in Mountains.
The AI significantly lowers the priority of very low supply fronts (IE Africa)


Many custom events to force the AI to min-max its PP useage for ideas, government policies, ministers and advisors.
Events to define industrial build ups. AI will typically build civilian factories, followed by military factories, followed by naval dockyards if applicable. Some nations skip the first round of civilian factories because they immediately need military factories. Some nations embark on refineries.
The USA has an event which will build many refineries if Britain loses control of Singapore and presumably much of the SEA rubber.

"AI Research and Division Tweaks No Beach Party Edition"

This is an addon to the main mod. If you want to enjoy the delights of the Sahara, use just the main mod. If you want to avoid the AI murdering tens, nay, hundreds of thousands of pixel trüppen use the "No Beach Party Edition".



Germany and Italy will send enormous numbers of divisions, by sea, to Africa. This can some times derail Germany in western europe. This is not part of the mod, this is a base game issue that hopefully Paradox fixes quickly.


Weserubung is not available until France falls. This is to prevent Germany from getting sidetracked in Denmark.

The Allies transfer parts of Africa to Portugal after France falls, IF Portugal is not in the axis, or a human. (designed to stop spam in africa)
Japan will opt to create its own faction to prevent immediate and automatic entrance of Japan into Ger - Sov war.

Some modifications of the economic and manpower laws have been made to be more sensible.

Netherlands and Belgium if they are AI controlled are automatically invited to the allies if Germany attacks them under any circumstance (Netherlands rubber gambit should be harder).

Since Japan forms its own faction, Germany is scripted to invite certain historical axis minors if they are AI played to the axis before they join Japan.


Dermef - For his trade laws script - No longer used.
TheInspector - For the many hours we've been bouncing ideas and fixes off of each other and sharing knowledge.

Events to create AI variants - Idea inspired by Expert AI mod by Chondrite
Yellowmoonshine and his mod "No Mans Land" inspired the changes I made to make the north african states impassible to prevent AI Germany and Italy from sending hundreds of divisions to africa. I have made my own changes, his work has not been used.

His mod can be found at https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=699397350
Populaire discussies Alles weergeven (2)
2 okt 2017 om 4:47
German dont build Infanterie Division
Black Templar
21 okt 2016 om 7:25
[Bug]Battleships gets huge armor nerf in this mod
809 opmerkingen
NFT Pirate 22 apr 2021 om 6:35 
kiNG 20 sep 2018 om 21:13 
update pls
1847256067 14 aug 2018 om 6:43 
come on man,just update
Sturm Und Drang 5 aug 2018 om 6:32 
update please
trueskills 4 jul 2018 om 10:27 
please update
Nick 31 jan 2018 om 3:31 
update ?
Headless 15 jan 2018 om 13:15 
please make a mod that reduces lag for late game... thanks
JoaoVLA7 25 dec 2017 om 12:06 
I include your mod in my modpack if that's okay. :3
Black Templar 2 okt 2017 om 4:44 
german build no infanterie Divisions and start only building Tank divisions i think the reason is its sruching for Infanterie-Division and you call it 1. Welle. so he can not build the number of troops he need to make Anschluss in time. i think the mod would be great wenn the AI would not be sto terrible stubid thx Paradox. pleas try to fix it.
Shwarzinator 1 sep 2017 om 3:47 
Not sure if the mod is dead...but I think the modder is.