Space Engineers

Space Engineers

145 ratings
Holo Projector (BROKEN for now, will try to fix when I have time)
Type: Mod
Mod category: Block, Script
File Size
219.065 KB
May 29, 2016 @ 11:27am
Oct 16, 2018 @ 6:23am
35 Change Notes ( view )

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Holo Projector (BROKEN for now, will try to fix when I have time)

Read here for better formatted and up to date information:

new version added 26-10-2017 and again on 27-10-2017


- Many multiplayer fixes. I am not promising everything will work, but it should be better now. Please let me know if there are issues. Multiplayer is the hardest thing to test. Please remember that gridview does not work for grids that are unknown to the client (which means over 3.5 km away in most cases). You will instead get icons. Asteroids are known from much farther away, so those models will be seen more easily.


-Asteroid models in gridview! I managed to use a marching cubes algorithm similar to what Keen uses, to make asteroid models that consist of wireframed polygons. I use two levels of detail. The second detail level only activates when you're zoomed in on the asteroid and the original model doesn't have too many lines already.

-Small models are now possible as requested. I found a way around the linelength limitation so lines can now go below 10 cm.

-Gridview block models and asteroid models are calculated on a parallel thread to make sure it does not impact sim-speed noticably and also to make better use of resources. I am guessing they will calculate super fast now.

Future improvements

-The speed of visually switching targets and changing projection properties could be tweaked a bit I think

-I want to have some kind of system where server admins can tweak parts of the mod.

-I would like a unique 3D model for the block. This is not a priority for me, but it would be nice if I could get that done.
shiva chirr Oct 13, 2020 @ 3:13pm 
i know its been awhile but wondering if there is any plans to update this. i can see this mod going well with the modual encounters and stuff to look for hidden enemies
Alphonse Bruet Feb 26, 2019 @ 3:25am 
Hi Innoble , can you contact me when you have the time please ? thank's
troubled_offspring Feb 17, 2019 @ 11:18am 
When i go into grid view or voxel view it does not show planets, even if if crash right into them. just a few yellow dots? am i using this wrong?
Martin Astos Nov 24, 2018 @ 7:11am 

Mine is also crashing upon placing the projector (SP open to friends), crashlog says about nulreferences, can produce one if needed.
Noxy Oct 22, 2018 @ 2:38am 
On a dedicated server when placing the holo projector on a planet (as its own new grid) the game crashes with the following error in the logs:
dRuPpI Oct 18, 2018 @ 4:14pm 
cool it's back :steamhappy:

one question, is there a way to change the max range? With a XML / config file etc. somehow?

@Atomic Dash
C:\Users\...{your username}\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers
Atomic Dash Oct 17, 2018 @ 1:10am 
I'm sorry to say that when the projector was attached to a block, the game crashed. Since I do not know where the crash logs are stored, I can not show you.
Innoble  [author] Oct 16, 2018 @ 6:30am 
Sorry it took so long guys, but I think I fixed it. It seems to work in single player. I had to change some things to do with voxels.

I am mildly optimistic, but there may be some issues in multiplayer or in the functioning of voxelview. Let me know if you find any.

Hopefully there will be no big changes from Keen that break my mod again. It's hard to find the time to keep fixing things. It's a pretty big mod so a lot can be broken. Also, every time this happens I have been away from SE just long enough to have to reacquaint myself with the mod, trying to understand how everything works and such. That's pretty time-consuming.
Atomic Dash Aug 31, 2018 @ 11:58pm 
Wird hier dran noch an einem Fix gearbeitet, oder ist dieser Mod tot?
Ich finde den Mod besser als den anderen Holoprojektor.
Naya_Channel Jun 1, 2018 @ 9:32am 
Plz fix it