Company of Heroes 2

Company of Heroes 2

27 ratings
Duo British vs Duo OKW
By Remi
A guide for those who love to dig in with their duo as the British or what I prefer to call as the Commonwealth. This guide will show players some ideas on how to counter those pesky OKW artillery and breakthroughs.
Okay, you want to know how to beat OKW as the Commonwealth? Simple, you can't. Jokes aside the guide might help you a tad. This may not work for everyone but it's worth a try right?

I would like you to first split roles with your partner. There are two roles in my guide if you wish to revise you may do so.

  • The Garrison Element - These types of blockheads are responsible for digging in close to Victory Points or choke points. These guys handle the emplacements hence the "Garrison".
  • The Forward Element - They're the ones that are, if not obvious enough, in the frontlines. Their usual role is to harrass, cut lines and many more which I would explain later.

Okay now we identified the roles now let's get going shall we?
WARNING: Contains rude language. Reader disgression is advised.
The Garrison Element
The Garrison Elements, as stated in the introduction, are the ones who build emplacements to try to defend points that are essential for victory. There are many commanders suitable for this role they are namely the Royal Artillery Regiment, the Royal Engineer Regiment and the Special Weapons Regiment. I have separated the Stock Commanders and the Advanced Commanders so that people can be flexible when they or don't have the commander(s) given.

Stock Commanders:
This is the most recommended commander for this role. While digging in, it is inevitable that the OKW would produce their field guns to respond to your emplacements. If there's anything you would want to do is to keep them intact. That's where the Engineers kick in. The Stand Fast ability is what you need to keep them from getting destroyed from indirect fire. Bracing is one thing but you know we wouldn't want to brace if there are blobs sent to their deaths right? Well the abilities are suitable for this role and we might want to dig in on the enemy first and if they do removing them from the face of the earth is easy like knife on butter with the AVRE and the Anti-Building Bombardments.

Although it isn't recommended but it is welcome to this guide. Having heard of the annoying sounds of shells dropping on you, it would be a good change of pace if that shell was dropping on them instead. An effective tactic against OKW field guns is Counter-battery. It's kinda difficult because OKW field guns are quicker to deploy than able to get that Bofors in place. However, Artilleries can help assist the forward elements in taking the objectives and push on their advances. The Valentine is also one of the useful assets of this Commander. They help make it easy for Sexton's to drop shells on the unsuspecting enemy. The Valentine is more of a support vehicle which is suitable for the garrison to aquire.

Advanced Commanders:
Tired of those pesky Pumas? Hate those annoying Kubelwagens? Then this regiment is for you. Special Weapons Regiments specialize in Anti-Armor which is effective in early game. Armed with Boys AT rifle, the Tank Hunter Infantry Sections are very strong against Pumas, Halftracks, Kubelwagens and Panzers at the most. Although they look weak but underestimating them means that you've lost the game before you started. Tank hunters may lack anti-infantry if and only if they fight in the open and in short ranges. You all know this but I might as well say it, Infantry Sections pack a strong punch especially at long and in cover. Send in some sturmpioneers, you'll lose half of the squad before you can kill one of 'em even behind light cover. Anyway, back to my point. This is a good support and defensive role. Suitable to those who prefer giving the firepower to their mate rather for themselves. Need some firepower? Here have a Vickers LMG. Oh heard you got some of those Panzers running amok, Here have PIAT Launcher. You don't even need an upgrade to get some arms on the fronts but kinda same cost because you'll get a Halftruck. This regiment can easily switch to defensive, support and offensive depending on the situation. Well now I know why I paid 2-3 bucks for this.
The Forward Element
These shrimps are responsible for harrassing enemies and most especially cutting lines. Cutting lines are one of the simplest tactics you could ever write in a guide but this is the toughest thing to do. They don't really have to connect the territories but hey who cares at least they don't have an intact supply chain. I don't really have to mention this but I'll do it anyway, OKW's weak point is their resources. Cut down their lines, they can't deploy their Supply Trucks and their fronts will be a mess. There are less commanders in this element but if you want to add in some I won't mind.

Stock Commanders:
Capping points have never been this easy with this regiment. Some front making it hard for yah? Then smoke your way through and cut their lines. You don't have to cap 'em as long they'll have to take their time recapping that, you're fine as dandy and proceed to the next point. Assualting enemy sectors is easy with recon flights above their heads, oh by the way, is your ol' chap an artillery regiment? Then no need to explain anymore, I think. Commando's are, as always, a hell of a pain in the arse. These goons can hide in cover and spot for artillery and even wait infiltrate to enemy gun or mortar sites. Well that sums this regiment up, and if something bothers you, you can always flatten the area with bombers right?

Advanced Commanders:
Tell Jerry to prepare for winter because their stockpiles going be gone thanks to this regiment. The front of the fronts and the arsekicker of her majesty, good lord now I know why this game is pay to win. Well just like the commando regiment but only better, they can capture points faster minus the smoke and give it an additional vehicle cap. The Glider can help reinforce units in the disoriented enemy sectors and makes Operation Market Garden look like a shelf of potted plants. Anyway these babies can make you send commandos and make it difficult for OKW to set foot on your sectors. If enemy tech gets to advanced, just send in the planes and they'll blow 'em up sky high. In summary, this regiment is the most suitable for this tactic and can send OKW panicking for their points. They'll try to get rid of the Garrison but you know it's your job to stop them. You don't have to kill them, you just have to let them look somewhere else.
Early Game
Now it's time for some foreplay. We all know these wankers are excited to blow their load on your emplacements knowing that the Commonwealth are at great disadvantage against OKW. God save the Queen and show them wrong lads! They are thinking of deploying artillery right away but before that I'll show some starters before we go to the main event.

As Garrison:
In early game it's obvious to train an MG crew right away. Making a good choke early game, means that the OKW would think twice before sending some men over there. The only bad part are those pansy Kubelwagens wreaking havoc in your line. Make sure the MG is in cover and also it must NOT be in the same place your going to dig in. Hell, If I were OKW I would instantly think: "♥♥♥♥♥♥'s gonna be sticking to the place looks like I have to find another way before I shell the hell out of it." It's also good to have a Universal Carrier around, but since your Garrison it's more useful for supporting gun crews from deadly flank attacks and stuff. Your Infantry Section is better of as Scout and as good Line Infantry to finish of charging blobs of infantry. You'd know better than me on how useful a Sapper is or an Engineer to this element. You might want to rush the 40mm and make sure the fronts are dug deeper than how would a f***boy would do to some cheap woman. You can employ any tactic or start up you want as long an MG crew and rushing some bofors is the main objective. If your Special Weapons, after recieving sufficient command points don't produce Infantry Sections but AT rifles instead.

As Forward:
In early game you might want a Universal Carrier before you start of an MG crew. Since you want to cap points early and harass them quick and right away. Start capping and send the carrier to enemy lines making the enemy stop capping and try to rid your carrier off the map. Once you got the points you need proceed to attack enemy forces, oh by the way at this phase it's better if you settle for a firefight rather than struggle for the territory. Take away their assets of infantry rather than their territory to make things easier. They'll waste some manpower for this situation depending on how well it went. Heck, they might even deploy a racketenwerfer for your disposable carrier. Whether you'd want a 40mm or an AEC is up to your disgression. AEC for mobility or 40mm for stability in a territory. You don't have to take territories at this phase, it's somehow a waste on manpower if your men died trying to get points. Focusing on firefights makes your brain think of improvised plans to rid them of their infantry. Oh by the way, be bloody careful it's a going to be a 2v1 hell in there. You might want to use heavy cover or some buildings since they don't have grenades yet. Your main objective as Forward Element is to prevent enemies from deploying Supply Trucks for them to tech up. That's why we cut of their supply for good.
Here's where the fun starts. You're going to deploy Bofors and these blockheads seems to have artillery at this time. Hoping you're skilled, you can do end this in a pinch. I just hope the previous section is enough to give you an idea.

As Garrison:
Yup, you bet it right. The 40mm is the first thing that should come in mind in the first place. Put it on some place where they won't expect or just some place that can cause trouble. Have Forward Assemblies too to make the 40mm barrage surrounding sectors to support or protect the frontlines. Enemy Artillery will be here as expected so if they do you can't do about it but hope that your pal will be there for you. Having 2 Sappers at this phase is important, it makes building emplacements faster in one area or in split areas. Mortar sites are welcome and this can help support the forward elements from gun crews. You won't have vehicles at this part of the game since you'd be investing fuel on the 40mms. The important emplacements are the 40mm and the Forward Assembly. Just make sure you dug in well and all is going to be just fine. If you're Artillery, try to send flares to enemy areas for your chap. If you're Engineer just hold the area until you think it's safe to advance.

As Forward:
At this time, you already have what you need to cut lines. When using an AEC just breakthrough and make sure to avoid the AT, but since you have Smoke it's going to be fine and easy. When using 40mms, cut their lines first and try to connect or let your pal do it, so you can build the 40mms in the area to change their focus. Usually this tactic makes the OKW want to take the points first than the VP. You better watch out for Kubelwagens since their fast and can cap points too, they can cut lines too you know. If you can send in the glider at this time good, stop producing anything other than commandos and AEC or just commandos and sappers. Sappers can destroy walls to make breakthroughs easier and commandos can sneak up on gun crews and make it easy for the Garrison. The best thing to do as Forward Element is to intercept enemy squads before they spot the Garrison Element and bomb the hell out of them.
Late Game
I don't really know what to say here since Mid-game is more of the main event. Anyway in late game they will be able to deploy tanks before you can make a 17 pounder to give them a bloody nose.

As Garrison:
You know the drill, 17 pounders and other emplacements are all set if everything went as planned that is... The enemy should have a Supply Truck armed with a Flak if you can, send in the AVRE or just flatten the area with barrages from Sextons. If everything went smooth they would go for the emplacements already. Just hold the line and things will just be okay. Make sure you go Anvil Tactics to make repairs faster and redeploying of emplacements easy.

As Forward:
Same tactic, just cut their lines. If you can't anymore don't force yourself, support Garrison and try to push forward with some armor. It's best if you invest for the Firefly and send them all crying but I wouldn't disregard the Cromwell because of it's mobility. In any case the Hammer Tactics should be making stuff easier with the Comet ready to move in to enemy flanks.

There's nothing much to say here, you're all pretty familiar with the Commonwealth so you know what to do and you can just improvise most of the parts you don't seem to find fitting.
Things to take note
Watch out for:
  • Radio Silence - They can send in barrages while hiding their gun crews from the minimap. It's hard to take note without the minimap since you're busy with the emplacements and the firefights.
  • MG34 Squads - They can stop you from cutting their lines and make early game be in their favor resulting a failure in the tactic.
  • Firestorm Doctrine - This guy can't stop burning stuff. Really strong against emplacements and infantry.
  • Nebelwerfers - The walking stuka is as painful as how annoying it can get.
  • Pumas - It's difficult to slug this thing without anti-armor. Not even a Valentine can take it head on so an AEC is a better choice if you want to go slugging.
  • Artillery - Yes, this one is actually the number one in the list. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

Take Advantage of:
  • Tank Hunter Sections - Good against Pumas and Halftracks. Make use of them to respond to vehicles.
  • OKW Income - They may be strong but their income is keeping them from crushing you like bug. Take note of the points that can deny them of their resource and stop them from deploying supply trucks.
  • Commandos - Use guerilla warfare and take advantage of their infiltration.
      -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: Most of you might use the tactic like going split into two and get the points from the opposite sides. If there's anything better it's taking the middle as Forward and taking any side as Garrison which is close to the middle take advantage of the Mortar or 40mm barrages.
Thanks for taking your time reading this guide. This is not the perfect guide but I hope this has helped some of you. This guide isn't difficult to follow but it's not easy either. It depends on how the game worked out. This guide is far from foolproof and if you wish there's a need of improvising you can tell me in the comments and it will help others too. Please be easy on the opinions since this is the first time I've made a guide and this is just based on personal experience. Once again thanks for reading!

Note: I do not own the pictures they belong to their respective owners.
Additional Information [UPDATES]
February 15, 2016
  • Garrison Tactic: "Emplacement Spams" - After various tests and theory checks, I personally believe Emplacement Spams are ineffective. One well placed emplacement is better than Three 40mms placed together. We all know that barrages are effective against emplacements so keeping emplacements to a minimum and saving up manpower makes it easier to replace the destroyed ones.

  • Coordinated Tactic: "The Kangaroo Switcheroo" - Also professionally known as "Passing the Baton". In theory this should work, however various factors greatly affect this method so be vigilant in any situation. During mid-game or late game and things are rather smooth, Special Weapons should have Tank Hunters ready or if using a different commander just normal Infantry Sections will do. When Forward Element is in a pinch, it is best if they fall back to the nearest Forward Assembly or Supply Halftrack of the Garrison . Garrison will then switch roles with Forward Element and continue the pressure on the frontlines. After reinforced Forward Element will continue operations and Garrison will fall back to the Assembly once more to reinforce. This tactic can be done in an endless loop to keep the fronts intact. In theory it may work, not enough tests to make this an effective one. So please be advised that this tactic may or may not be in your favor depending on the situation.

  • Armored Warfare - The best tanks to be used as Garrison is the Firefly and the Churchill. As garrison you are most likely fire support throughout the game. On the other hand as Forward, you can invest on either Cromwell, Firefly or the Comet. Churchill is welcomed too but if you are Vanguard Operations Regiment, might as well get the Comet because of the Crocodile available for aquisition. If you are trying to neutralize a point, use vehicles instead of infantry. You'd prefer if your infantry are in cover and since vehicles last longer in open areas compared to infantry. Cromwells, AECs and Comets have good mobility allowing quick caps and fast retreats when the sector becomes dangerous. Infantry Sections are best when in cover and best when you have Accuracy Intel Bulletins to compensate for the range.

  • Resource Management - As Garrison, you might want to save up a lot of fuel and burn a lot of ammunition and vice versa as Forward. Garrison deploys emplacement which costs fuel to hold the points. Using ammunition for Abilities, Upgrades or even Commander Abilities is useful to get a grip throughout the game. Saving up fuel allows you to tech up and rush the 17pdr. It also helps replacing destroyed emplacements right away with the reserved fuel. As Forward, you might as well burn a lot of fuel to keep Infantries upgraded with grenades and advanced weaponry will be really helpful against combined arms of the opposition. Keeping ammunition on the other hand, is what you really need. Most you would need the ammo for fighter-bombers or abilities on the late stages, especially when heavy units are in place. This is only an opinion of mine. Revisions, opinions and alike are openly welcomed.

February 18, 2016
  • Offensive Tactic: "The Bottleneck Turtle" - Professionally called as the "Advancing Perimeter". This tactic focuses on how to make chokepoints in early game and allow your forces to advance in a short period of time. Good in urban and close quarter combat maps. At the start of the game, provide yourself with 2 MG crews. While a section captures neutral territory let your first MG crew garrison a building close to an strategic location on where you want to make a chokepoint on. I prefer to use buildings close to support units in the VP and far enough to not get swarmed. Now that you have gained solid ground in the fronts, switch from one place to another and continue the advance. This would work well if the opposition won't stop retreating and waste their time. If you ask why this is really effective, then the reason is that MG crews are really soft but hard hitting. This garrisons compensate for their defense and allows them to hit hard and avoid flanks. Not to mention, that gaining at least 1 veterancy will make them lethal in long ranges.

  • Firefly or Comet? - Some people might have some trouble which unit to invest on. If I am Garrison Element, I would choose Firefly since I'd benefit from Anvil Tactics. Fireflies are NOT decent sluggers. They can never go toe to toe with a Panther unsupported. That's why Garrison benefits from the Firefly because they support the fronts and emplacements rather than become spearheads of the advance. On the other hand, using a Comet for the Forward Element is rather effective. Mobile yet hard hitting, these bloody jests can flank enemy vehicles quick and can pop your cherry faster than an uphill gardener ready to shove his skank on your arse. Not to mention he'll be right behind you and get away with 2 direct hits before you can say "Bismarck".
BDSM Apr 26, 2019 @ 7:12am 
as tournaments shows and big streamers Brits are not only OP but crying for nerf and no wonder
why community , redit , youtube and streamers call them best counter on Ober. It was not bad guide but you don't need anything special to beat OKW just play your game place some mines think more and you will get 80 % win rate +
Bush Wookie May 4, 2017 @ 11:40pm 
Nice guide
Tuna Fan Aug 8, 2016 @ 4:25am 
This guide is so perfect .... are u God?
Lasse Bluten Mar 10, 2016 @ 3:04am 
cool guide :cupcakeelf:
swoop Mar 2, 2016 @ 12:12pm 
Just a great guide
CFPX Feb 26, 2016 @ 6:57am 
This post absolutely says it all. Just adding from my viewpoint. As I play as Defensive Player, I find placing the first emplacement in early game a CRUCIAL POINT. I think this due to the low resources you have in early stages, so finding the right spot to do so determines your success in the battle. You'll have to choose between: Mortar and Bofors, and I personally choose the 40mm. It's plain simple, it is more reliable and versatile. However, it has a price: 150 p + 15 fuel upgrade and 280 p + 30 fuel each cannon, while mortars cost 400 p and no fuel.I find it's worth waiting for the Swedish built cannon to come. You can also garrison inf in it for bombardment mode. So, placing a Bofors must consider these 2 location factors in my opinion: maximize its radius of flat attack so you protect vital CP's and be able to back off further inf attacks. Of course, arty from OKW is hell for everyone (*Stuka), so choosing how to protect it is the second step here.
TW_Corporal Feb 25, 2016 @ 2:56am 
Smiggglol Feb 15, 2016 @ 11:10am 
Good guide! It will be helpful,thanks ;)
Musket Feb 14, 2016 @ 9:01pm
This video might be relevant...
BusinessPenguin Feb 14, 2016 @ 2:39am 