Dota 2
Frozen Warpath

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Hey guys. This is my first set for Dota 2 , i learned a lot about the process and i hope you guys will like it. ^_^
Items (6)
Frozen Warpath [Loading Screen]
Created by MozyGFX
Hey guys, this is my first set released for Dota 2 , i hope you like it. ^_^...
Helmet of the Frozen Warpath
Created by MozyGFX
Made to protect against the most bitter of colds and sharpest of blades, not much can pierce it....
Shoulder of the Frozen Warpath
Created by MozyGFX
Despite seeming comfortable and pleasant, the cold froze over the crimson fur into a jagged defense....
Bracers of the Frozen Warpath
Created by MozyGFX
Combining flexible leather from the mightiest of culls and steel imbued with the cold of an unwilling Eldwurm, these bracers provide all the protection and freedom you need in the fiercest of battles. ...
Spear of the Frozen Warpath
Created by MozyGFX
"With the tip made to pierce even the mightiest glaciers, mere armor is furbolg pelt."...
Dagger of the Frozen Warpath
Created by MozyGFX
Even if the fight draws close, Huskar will not falter to compare blade sizes with his enemies....