Quake Live
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More Gametypes
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20 жовт. 2015 о 20:37
18 січ. 2020 о 19:29

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More Gametypes

Provides additional gametypes, going from pro-oriented settings to silly and fun ones. The factories avoid touching server management cvars and limit themselves to gameplay modifications.

Here's the current list of factories provided by this item :

mg_ad_3w - Attack & Defend based on 3Wave's CaptureStrike
mg_ad_pql3w - Attack & Defend based on 3Wave's CaptureStrike with PQL physics

mg_ca_7lg - CA with the old weapons balance (no HMG, 7 lg damage)
mg_ca_nohmg - CA without the HMG
mg_ca_pql - PQL CA
mg_ca_pqlnohmg - PQL CA without the HMG
mg_ca_ra3 - Reconstitution of Clan Arena as it was in Rocket Arena 3
mg_ca_rockets - CA with rockets only. No splash damage
mg_ca_vampnohmg - The popular Clan Arena modification with PQL Physics and Vampiric Damage... without the HMG!
mg_ca_classic - CA with classic physics. The weapon balance remains unchanged (6dmg lg, HMG on)

mg_ctf_classic - Capture The Flag with classic settings
mg_ctf_hook - Capture The Flag with classic settings... and a grappling hook (weapon 10)!
mg_ctf_pql - Capture The Flag with the PQL ruleset
mg_ctf_pqlmines - Capture The Flag with the PQL ruleset and proximity mines
mg_ctf_rockets - CTF with rockets only
mg_ctf_runes - CTF with runes (but no hook)

mg_dom_aw - Domination with every weapon at spawn.

mg_duel_15 - Duel with a 15 minutes duration
mg_duel_pql - Duel with the PQL ruleset
mg_duel_aw - Duel with all weapons on spawn

mg_ffa_aw - FFA with a hint of CA. Spawn with all weapons, lots of ammo, no self damage
mg_ffa_classic - Classic QL FFA settings
mg_ffa_pql - Classic QL FFA settings with the PQL ruleset
mg_ffa_rockets - FFA with only rockets. No self nor splash damage, only directs (and bouncing around)
mg_ffa_ws - Classic QL FFA settings with instant weapon respawn

mg_ft_uft - Ultra Freeze Tag settings.
mg_ft_uift - Ultra insta Freeze Tag settings.
mg_ft_p4f - Clan Play For Fun's unusual iFT settings

mg_har_classic - Harvester with classic settings

mg_oneflag_classic - 1-Flag CTF with classic settings
mg_oneflag_qb - QuakeBall; Gauntlet only One-Flag CTF with fun physics and tackling
mg_oneflag_rockets - 1F-CTF with rockets only

mg_race_classic - Race with classic (Vanilla) physics.

mg_tdm_aw - TDM with a hint of CA. Spawn with all weapons, lots of ammo, no self damage nor friendly fire
mg_tdm_classic - Team Deathmatch with classic settings
mg_tdm_kami - Team Deathmatch madness with the kamikaze item
mg_tdm_pql - Team Deathmatch with the PQL ruleset
mg_tdm_rockets - TDM with rockets only, no splash damage
mg_tdm_kamiaw - Team Deathmatch with the kamikaze item and all weapons on spawn

Please note that 'PQL' stands for 'Pro Quake Live' and is what has been known as 'Turbo' since September 2014.

More factories should be added in the future. Please let me know in this item's forum if you have suggestions!
Популярні обговорення Переглянути всі (3)
15 черв. 2022 о 20:34
ЗАКРІПЛЕНО: Suggestions
18 січ. 2020 о 20:30
Spawn Protection FT
26 трав. 2016 о 23:31
Коментарів: 164
Sean2111 10 жовт. 2024 о 18:55 
Ok good thanks
FlashSoul  [автор] 10 жовт. 2024 о 16:01 
You probably did already, but you can use pmove_WeaponRaiseTime and pmove_WeaponDropTime to manipulate weapon switching delays. This could help you with what you're going for.
Sean2111 9 жовт. 2024 о 19:32 
As a work around.
I bound Shotgun to mouse scroll up,
Grapple to mouse scroll down.
This works well.
Quickly zip around the map and at least quickly bring my shotty to bear in close.
Even mid flight , I drop off the line whilst ready to fire.
Sean2111 9 жовт. 2024 о 19:30 
Thanks for what you have made.
It does add a lot to solo games with Bots.
FlashSoul  [автор] 9 жовт. 2024 о 15:48 
I don't believe off hand grapples were ever implemented in Quake Live unfortunately.
Sean2111 8 жовт. 2024 о 0:37 
Is it possible to have an off hand grapple?
So that way I do not have to equip the weapon.
girl twink 19 серп. 2024 о 14:17 
ignore my last comment, its working fine im just dumb lol :ujel:
FlashSoul  [автор] 15 серп. 2024 о 16:09 
Sure thing, g_splashdamage_rl is set to 0 for this factory but you can set it to other values. The default is 84.
poobus 14 серп. 2024 о 12:18 
Is there a way to turn splash damage back on for the rockets only gamemodes?
FlashSoul  [автор] 2 листоп. 2023 о 18:00 
At some point, I can't tell you what year exactly but it was obviously a while ago, the devs changed some things about the physics. For instance, with the new settings, you can get some speed by bunny hopping without any actually strafe jumping. It wasn't so before. Anything that mentions "classic" reverts to the old movement physics. Looking at the scripts, the exact cvars seem to be those:
"pmove_BunnyHop": "0",
"pmove_CrouchStepJump": "0",
"pmove_JumpTimeDeltaMin": "50",
"pmove_WaterSwimScale": "0.5f",
"pmove_WaterWadeScale": "0.75f"