Homeworld Remastered Collection

Homeworld Remastered Collection

108 ratings
[BETA][EN]FX:Galaxy v1.3.9 - Last Stand
HomeworldRM: HomeworldRM, HWRM
File Size
1.264 GB
Apr 23, 2015 @ 1:53am
Dec 25, 2021 @ 12:44am
40 Change Notes ( view )

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[BETA][EN]FX:Galaxy v1.3.9 - Last Stand

FX:Galaxy MOD now supports HW:RM v2.0/2.1/2.205!

This is the BETA version of FXG MOD ( http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=423694988)
Attention: This is a BETA version, which means there're many things which haven't been fully tested. If you find any bugs, please report it at our workshop page. And if it is a severe bug such as game crash, please also report the game log file (...\Steam\steamapps\common\Homeworld\HomeworldRM\Bin\Release\HwRM.log) to us.
And to avoid some potential problems, we recommend you create a new game profile to play FX:Galaxy.
You must switch the game language to English(right-click Homeworld Remastered Collection in steam, select properties->language)in order to play this mod, otherwise the game will crash when you begin a match.
Popular Discussions View All (13)
May 8, 2017 @ 10:19pm
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CcT Oct 3, 2022 @ 7:14am 
现状PVE平衡性真的太差了……很多时候根本没法玩。Kadeshi的Strike Craft过于强大,有一把遭遇战我单刷Swarmer竟然可以直接把敌方HGR一个航母舰队灭掉。Multi-Beam的碾压程度跟原版差不多。加上黑白星云母舰大范围隐身+高伤+小船高机动+Support Pod的雷,其他阵营根本没法破。若为玩家使用,可以一人轻松打败两三个非Kadeshi的Hard AI。反过来,哪怕是玩家单挑一个Standard的Kadeshi也十分吃力。另外Taiidan和Turanics玩起来真心累,原因是RU供给与进攻导向的定位不匹配,不知道modder为何不多在经济上下点心思,例如可以让Turanics的矿机默认隐身、Taiidan的矿机加大载荷或增加机动性(目前就连这点好处都被Kadeshi占了),这样这两个文明的”人海“或”偷袭“才有意义。
epic eddie Feb 3, 2022 @ 11:56am 
Why not, I put the most expensive one. Thanks and good luck with further updates!
WildHeart|GENESIS| Feb 3, 2022 @ 6:59am 
I don't know about fortune, but you can always drop a Steam award on our main page . It'll give us points, and help to get the mod out there )
epic eddie Feb 2, 2022 @ 5:19pm 
Thank you for your speedy reply. I will try the challenge mode and see if I can get better! And thank you for all the work. I hope the others involved receive their deserved thanks as well in the form of good fortune.
WildHeart|GENESIS| Feb 2, 2022 @ 4:27pm 
@indian bruce willis: The vanilla factions are being rebalanced to make each play a bit different from each other. Balance work for the Kushan has not been completed yet.

And yes, we have rebuild & reworked the AI to be more challenging. One example is that it will start doing more human-like things at higher difficulty - such as hiding their research ships, protecting a RU operation with mines, or docking damaged units. Other such traits are tied to the factions, such as Hiigaran AIs being more prone to using their hyperspace advantage to hyperspace their fleets around. As with a real player match, you'd need to think about deploying Hyperspace Inhibitors when up against them.

Playing the Shimmering Path (Challenge Mode - SinglePlayer) is a good way to get used to the mod and hone your skills. You can also press [F9] to get live advice on what to build next, your relative fleet strength, etc.
epic eddie Feb 2, 2022 @ 3:02pm 
I had some questions about this. How come it says that Kushan are WIP?

And has the AI been made more powerful/intelligent? Because I played against easy, and... lost. I know I'm still a rookie but I was able to beat normal AI before. It's a good thing either way.
WildHeart|GENESIS| Dec 25, 2021 @ 11:35am 
+alessandro.turci15: Glad to hear it was fixed, sometimes it is a simple solution that may work the best. Hope you will enjoy the new version!
alessandro.turci15 Dec 24, 2021 @ 1:21am 
Thanks a lot for the mod! I've been playing with FX since the days of Homeworld 2 classic.
alessandro.turci15 Dec 24, 2021 @ 1:20am 
Hang on, now it's fixed! :D

I simply deleted the mod via Steam Workshop and downloaded it again.
alessandro.turci15 Dec 24, 2021 @ 1:05am 
I also tried to readjust the filepath of FXGtest.big in the command line to match the actual one from my PC(out of curiosity). No results.
