Dota 2
Blossoms of Spring

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A set of 4 spring-themed hairstyles for New Bloom 2015 by Snowstorm and Foxclover
Items (4)
Flor de Flamenca (New Bloom Resubmit)
Created by Snowstorm
Blood red petals line the floor, the only signs that here a Queen once danced her deadly dance. ------ Resubmitting our top rated Queen of Pain hairstyle for New Bloom 2015! This is 1 of a set of 4 hairstyles for New Bloom 2015...
Spring Sanctuary Style
Created by Snowstorm
Deep in the forest there grows a grove. A sanctuary where foxes dance amongst clover leaves, where even a lone ranger may indulge in a bit of style to celebrate the first days of spring. ------ This is 1 of a set of 4 hairstyles for New Bloom 2015...
Bittersweet Regalia
Created by Snowstorm
Rarely leaving their thorny home amongst the clouds, Skywrath have always found flowers most peculiar. However in more recent times flowers have begun to catch on with the youth, a notable example being this particular regalia. Indeed Shendelzare's last Sk...
Spring's Ambush
Created by Snowstorm
And so she lies in wait, patiently, for her next victim....